Boy Meets World Quotes

AMY MATTHEWS: "Ya know how we always worried about Eric's F-U-T-U-R-E?"
ERIC: "Ah, Mom, you don't have to worry about my furniture."

ERIC A.K.A. PLAYS WITH SQUIRRELS: "I married a moose. We don't need counseling."

ERIC: "Lose one friend. Lose all friends. Lose yourself."

ERIC: "You know something, Jack, if I were a woman I'd think you were swell."

JACK: "This is just background information for the nice people at the asylum."
ERIC: "Yeah, they were nice!"

JACK: "I said I'm sorry."
ERIC: "You're not sorry, you're evil!"

CORY: "What, do all women have antennaes hidden somewhere on their body?"
ERIC: "I don't know. None of them will ever let me look."

CORY: "Hey, great, a watergun in December. I'll be the little boy spreading pneumonia."

CORY: "I'm an idiot!"
ALLEN MATTHEWS: "No, you're not an idiot. You're a kid."
CORY: "I'm a kidiot."

CORY: "If I had to dream up the perfect girl, she wouldn't even come close to you."

TOPANGA: "Some people say sex: great anywhere, anytime."
CORY: "Who says that?"
TOPANGA: "Every boy in the world."

TOPANGA: "How do you know if you're in love?"
SHAWN: "Well, love is the most amazing, rare, and precious thing in the whole world."
TOPANGA: "Have you ever fallen in love?"
SHAWN: "Five times a day."

AMY MATTHEWS: "Sex is like voting. (Allen laughs) It's a priviledge that you may choose to exercise when you're old enough."
AMY: "And you don't want to vote for somebody you haven't known for a really long time or have strong feelings for because you may be stuck with that person for quite a while."
ALLEN: "Yes, sex is like voting. You go behind a curtain, you do your thing, and then you get to do it again. In four years."