All you Niner Fans suck balls You guys dont know how to manage a team thats why your still paying Steve Young and Joe Montana and then you complain on why we get players like Charlie Garner, Rice and Stubbefield why? Because you guys cant pay the salaries and thats why Mariucci is coaching Detroit getting paid by them AND YOU! You guys could'nt stand it that your ass's got handed to you in the playoofs that you had to boot out Marriucci just because you did'nt win thats the problem with you Forty Whiners you guys wanna be the best so bad that you'll kick someone off the team even when they still got a contract and thats why your team is so gay and have cap problems because you guys pay someone the world to play with your team just so you can do good and thats why your still paying Steve Young you whiney ass bitches were all like. "Oh steve we'll pay you anything for however long you see fit same with you Joe because we wanna be the best we dont care what problem we may have in the future who cares we just want the ring!" You waste all your money just to try and be the best for a couple years. Well goodjob Niners the early 90's were your years cuz u had the money to pay the big names but now we're in the thousands and those 90's just came and bit you on the ass cuz you dont have shit anymore. You girls gotta start from scratch after this year because you wont have any offense what so ever Barlow is Gay and Heasrt give him 2 more years and hes gone too. Barlow sucks balls the Niners are gonna try and give him The ball more this year but last season was a fluke Barlow sucks get a real running back and move his fat ass outta there. But Now you dont got any money to sign any big names like we do and next year T.O is gone. You guys cant sign him cuz you cant pay the big bucks. face it you guys wont have any recieving game next year Tai Streets sucks balls and Garcia is 33 he dont have very many years left in him anyway the next time we play you guys we'll whoop your fuckin ass's even if all the Raiders retired that are old like Gannon we still got The Young Game you guys are goin nowhere check this out Fargus, Jerry Porter, Charles Woodson, Phil Buchannon, Terrence Shaw, Anthony Dorsett, Charlie Garner, Linebackers like Chris Cooper and John Parabela and Bill Romonaowski he still has 2 or 3 more years. we got a young Defence and once we find a good quarterback you wont stop us. we still got a team after all the big names retire bitches!!! So go and talk all the shit like ooooh how many superbowls have the niners won and how many superbowls have The raiders won? well when are you faggots gonna realize that that was in the early 90's when the niners were good and the raiders were Playing in stupid Los Angeles and they werent a good team cuz they had Jeff Hostetler and fuckin Cole Ford people that did'nt even deserve to play for The Raiders but that was then and this is now who gives a shit what you won the key here is the raiders got a better team and until you guys beat us in a blowout instead of over time shut your god damn mouthes because overtime doesnt mean shit the year before we beat your ass's in over time by a touchdown. So its funny how you guys can go to the past about superbowls but us Raider fans cant go back to the past and say we kicked your ass's in that Football game in overtime. All the Niner fans in the world are gay and come up with hella stupid shit to why their team is better when in reality their not better. Its no wonder The Niners play in San Francisco because the Niners are gay and so is that whole city. The Niners belong there. Come to oakland with that gay shit you Niner pussies could'nt even handle The Raider fans because their more Hardcore than Niner Fans. Hey if we win we riot if we lose we riot at least we still had the pride to keep our heads up and fuck shit up after we lost we did'nt act like Niner fans and get on our fuckin knees and blow each other after we lost to the Bucs. This is a Raider Nation all you niner fans living in a raider Hateration well you guys are just mad because no matter how many good quarterbacks you sign The Raiders will still be the better team. Oh yeah our cheerleaders are hotter than your gay ass Goldrush chicks cuz at least chicks from Oakland actually have ass's.