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Frankie's Fallen Space Hero Memorial

"Three valiant young men have given their lives in the nation's service. We mourn this great loss and our hearts go out to their families."---President Lyndon B. Johnson

Apollo 1


"We will never forget them this morning as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God."-----President Ronald Reagan

Space Shuttle Challenger


"The final days of their own lives were spent looking down upon this Earth. And now, on every continent, in every land they could see, the names of these astronauts are known and remembered. They will always have an honored place in the memory of this country. And today I offer the respect and gratitude of the people of the United States."-----President George W. Bush

Space Shuttle Columbia

<bgsound src="Conlost.mp3" loop="infinite">

Background Music is "Contact Lost" by Deep Purple

Found in the debris of Columbia were 3 CDs by Deep Purple. The CDs belonged to Kalpana Chawla. Deep Purple was one of her favorite bands and very popular in her native country of India.