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Pictures for Away from Home


Baby girl or only son, but either
Way I am always here standing right
Beside you. Always through teas and surely
Through beaming smiles and our boisterous giggles.

We've worked on the house, and ran around town,
Driving buddies on long road trips, and seat mates In
the air. It is obvious we are great
Friends. All you have to do is listen for us.

Mom always says my smile is absent
Or never as big as when you are near.
It just goes to show how much I love and
Adore and care for my sweet ol' daddy.

Therefore, I would just like to say thanks, for
All your help and support. And for all the
Little pushes, even though I did not value
Them at the time. I am glad I have you.

I would also like to apologize
For all the gray hair I caused nd for any
Trouble I gave you as a child and teen,
And for the potential scrimmages to come.

I love you and will always be with you.
Just think of me when we are apart and
Most likely I am thinking of you too.
So, either way, we will never be far apart.

Jamie Nikki Girls Misc.