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[Cragenmoor]The Dark Tower of Cragenmoor, one of the most frightening sites of Taelgar, houses ancient mysteries, dark enchantments, and one of the most notable villains of all the realm.

Take a step inside the dark tower and gather the knowledge you need to survive on the world of Taelgar.

Inside the high arched gate you can see many paths which lie before you, each dark and mysterious, awaiting your decision.  



Taelgar:  The Enchanted Lands - IRC D&D Gaming The World of Taelgar - All Information necessary to begin playing in the realm
The Tome of Knowledge - File Download Center Art Gallery
Doorways to Elsewhere - List of Related Links  

This site is being reworked from the old Geocities Site.  You can find all of the content there until it is moved to this server.  Check out the old Cragenmoor.

Last Updated: 03/12/2001