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Game Camera Pics

Round 8


This round of pics has been a long time coming. The roll I shot before this one self-destructed, so it never made it to the developers. I hope I didn't lose anything interesting. I have been experimenting with the last two rolls of film trying to settle on the best film for the camera. Since the majority of shots were at night, I decided to try some 800 speed film instead of the 400. Previous photos showed that animals were coming close enough to trigger the camera, but were almost out of range of the flash. To make a good comparison, I had to mount the camera in a previously used location so I could compare photos. If you look at the photos taken in Round 7, you can easily tell that the 800 speed film I used this time gives the camera more visible range at night. Also, the camera went for a long period of time before it ran out of film. I'm guessing that the battery ran down causing it to have many false triggers at the end of the roll.

This round of pictures also reinforces my belief that you have to do more than just put the camera out in the woods. You also have to apply your hunting skills to locate the camera in areas that have current game activity. Although this area has shown deer movement in past rounds, this was not the case this time and I knew it wouldn't be. As a result, no deer were photographed. However, although no spectacular animal shots were taken this round, there was still something new and something unexplained. So, on with the show!


These first three frames are the first photos of raccoons that I have ever captured with this camera.


This next pic is of an opossum. Also a first with this camera.


This next image appears to be eye reflection about 10 or 12 feet up in the right hand of the picture. Hmmmmm...


OK, time for another mystery pic. Just keep in mind, whatever it is, something had to trigger the camera at that exact moment. I have had this happen before, but they don't seem to be reflections. Maybe another one of those East Texas woods ghosts.


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