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Game Camera Pics

Round 4


I had many false triggers on the camera in the first location due to a cool front blowing in. Like motion sensor lights, it tends to go off when it sees a lot of moving air currents that vary greatly in temperature. Also, you may notice that some of the pictures show the time of day stamp at the lower right hand corner, and some don't. That's because, depending upon how I scan them, that part of the image gets cut off.

These next round of pictures contained some really bizzare images. Without further delay, let's get on with the show!


10:08am - My neighbor, Mike, trying to show me how he can sneak up on the camera without getting his picture taken.


12:48pm - Well, hello there!


11:03pm - This is too cool! This coyote has spotted the camera on the tree and is stalking it. More proof that an object doesn't have to "move" before an animal notices that it is out of place. I bet he got a heck of a surprise when the flash went off.


02:52am - This coyote looks like he has caught the scent of something.


04:25am - And now for the bizzarre. What the heck is that big grey "thing" behind the tree to the left? It isn't in the other pictures above that were taken at this location.


09:05pm - Hello, Mr. Armadillo.


09:35pm - And now more bizzare stuff. What the heck is that in the upper left-hand of the picture?


09:36pm - Whatever it was, it hung around to get its picture taken twice!


04:05am - Oh, I get it. It's Halloween season and this must be Casper the friendly ghost! The original print also shows that Casper here is translucent. In other words, you can see through him. I'm telling you, folks. These East Texas piney woods are getting stranger by the minute.


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