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Hi there. Welcome to the "new and improved" Swager Family Genealogy Website. My interest in Genealogy was a result of reading much of the genealogy research my parents had completed before my father's death in 1991 and I've been researching my family roots since 1997. Much of the research materials and genealogy information included in this website were compiled by my parents (Robert F. SWAGER and Letitia Jane King-SWAGER-Perkins). After the death of my father, the research was left to my mother. Unfortunately, she was unable to complete it and has turned over the research project to me. Once I've mangaged to complete (and fully document) the genealogy research of the SWAGER Family - hopefully, going as far back as their German origins - I plan to compile all the information and stories into a book to be dedicated to the memory of my father.
In Loving Memory of :

Robert Fred Swager

1932 - 1991

The SWAGER Family Migration:

GER > PA > OH > MO > IL > TX

My Paternal Grandfather, Perry P. SWAGER (b. 5 Nov 1883 / d. Apr 1969), was born on a houseboat on the Ohio River (which the family used to get from Ohio to Texas). According to family "folklore", Perry was so tiny at birth that his mother's wedding band could be slipped, like a bracelet, over his little hand. Either that particular "folktale" is an exaggeration of the facts or he was extremely lucky to have survived being so small at birth - especially in a time when infant mortality rates were so high and there weren't all the "miracle" medications and medical technologies that are available today to help premature/underweight babies.

[Perry SWAGER was the grandson of John SWAGER (who died in IL) and the father of Robert Fred SWAGER (b. 7 Jul 1932 / d. 26 Sep 1991).]

It is also "family folklore" that one of our family's ancestors changed the original spelling of our family's surname from SCHWAGER to SWAGER. Whether or not the story is true, it is interesting to note that there are several different spelling variations of the SWAGER surname - including SWAYGER, SWAGGER, SWOGGER, SWANGER, SWOGER, etc. - and I can't help but wonder if we're all related somewhere down the line. As I gain some experience in genealogy research, as well as gather more information regarding the SWAGER family's roots and migration routes, I will periodicaly update this site with new information. In the meantime, if you are (or are related to) a SWAGER and would like to contribute to this page and/or exchange genealogy information, please contact me by e-mail.

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Created by Debra S. Laubach

Last updated : December 20, 2002


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