DamianKain's Domain

Welcome To DamianKain's Domain
Hello my name is Matthew and My friends call me DamianKain. I am 20. This is my site. I humbley thank you for visiting my site. So now I will tell a little about myself. I love the outdoors, and all nature. I like all sports and play most of them. I love video games, movies,and one girl(woman). I also love to skateboard, rollerblade, and bmx. Im rather well at them all too. Always remember chill wit ur hommies and they will have yo back. I should mention alot of my other fellow brethren. Lets see there is Ty, Danny, Kurt, Lee, Aaron, Marshall, and like Nicolle , Tiffany, Tasha K., Maryia, Katie, Catherine, JoAnna, Brianna, MaryBeth, Alicia, Mandy, Josh, Margie, Mikah, Lanna, Jake, Alex, Arax, Shawn, Anna, Charly, Jareth, Tamas, Susan, Julie, Jessica, Brad, Winston and too many otha peeps. Well thats all that I can think of for the current time in our equal time displacement of the current past.As you leave my page please be kind enough to sign my guest book... Well I have updated my page for the 1st time in a long time, all I really did was change the font and add some pix but ohh well .It's better than nothing .Continue to Rock on .

All about me but you think you know but you have no idea

Cool Pics

Mo Kewl Pix

Mo "O" Shiznit Pix

Even Mo O My Pix

DamianKain's Pix # 5

DamianKain's Pix # 6

DamianKain's Pix # 7

DamianKain's Pix # 8

Matthew The Wise & Illustrious Prophet's Wise Words

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