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daedalus2051's Tutorial Homepage

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Ok, I'm working on Version 2.0 of this site, as I've said before and I've got a new host as well. You can get to the new site, and see it in all its crappiness at (but beware! I am still developing it):

And if someone has this urge to just email something to someone, you can send it to

Or if you can still send it to me personal email:


Well, hasn't this place been quite for a while? Well, I am working on a new version of the site for anyone who cares... it includes PHP coding so it should be much better with better functionality and what-not. But who knows when that will get done with school and all. Oh well... I'll see if I can't upload some more pretty pictures at least ;).


Ok, I am still being a lazy s-o-b and not finishing the tutorials section... but with good reason! I found this site (if the link doesn't work its: and it is probably the best site I have seen so far. I mean it has got *VIDEO* tutorials for 3ds max, Maya, Photoshop 7 (which I'm watching right now ;)), and like a dozen other things. As well as a whole listing of tutorials submitted by their member dataBase. So what are you waiting for? Go sign up!

I also have one of the sample pictures from the photoshop tutorial in my new "Pics" section. I thought it was quite funny :).


I've added a new section to the "3d Modelling" area, its called High Poly, and it is specificly for high polygon models. However those aren't for download ;) you'll have to email me, and we can set up some sort of arrangement if you want one.

Also I (yet again) changed the color of the site :D. Lets see, so far its been: Black and green, Dark blue and green, white and green, and now Grey and red. Phew, enough green already, eh? ;)


Ok, I'm using some of my valuable webspace to post a mix a m8 of mine made. Click here to d/l it if you like, it's for a game based on the movie "Evil Dead something" or something ;).


Ok, after a hellava long time, I've finally put up some tutorials, not much, and their mainlt incomplete right now, but there will be more, don't worry!


Wow, there hasn't been an update here in a while... guess I haven't been doing alot of modeling... anyway I uploaded a model of a PSG-1. By the way all of the models will now be in .max format unless specificly said otherwise. Oh, and there was uh.. something I needed to mention... oh yes, the page is now white ;).


Redesigned the navagation for the 3d models page. Still working on those tutorals though (its hard to put them in text you know ;)).

12-31-2002 (12:00 AM):

Happy New year!!!


Ok, new color to the site, really dark blue. Not much else. Still working on the tutorial section.


New model added, the infamas AK-47 :).


Ok, I think its time to add some actual tutorials :).


New pistol added. Colt Command.


Ok 90% of the site is done already... some more models are up in the 3d modeling section... and thats about it. Have a nice day! :)


Ok I've got a new model up in the Modeling section. Its an M16.


Ok, I'm still outlining the Modeling section, but I've got a beef about rushed games in the others section. Later :)


Let us have a moment of silence for those who were lost in the Semptember 11th tragedy.


Alright, I got the Other page down, so now all I have to do is the 3d modeling tut page..... another crusade begins :)


Well, it's my brother's birthday so I'll be busy with his present.... at least I got the others page somewhat done....


The start of another modeling tutorial site. I'm amazed that there aren't more.
Also please keep in mind that this site is still UNDER CONSTRUCTION!

- - - - - - Daedalus2051 - - - - - -