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- chris: we got the domain name... now we need a host and since we're cheap it might take awhile. but don't worry cause the new video is gonna be bad ass. it might be in a few months though because we are trying to be original and that is hard as shit with videos like cky.




- chris: we got some good slams/bails at langham today, none of that gay land then lightly hit your shoulder on the cement crap... real hard ones


- chris: we've started filming stuff for the new video and it's gonna be some pretty sick shit... we aren't going to be putting any of the clips on the site because it will be a lot funnier if you don't expect some of this stuff. look for it on kazaa, morpheus, etc by the end of the summer

6-8 - tcell: ya we havent updated in a while..crazy kids kinda split up but were "merging" again and pretty soon were going to have a SHOPPING section so you can buy our Mothers Against The World T-shirt line, videos and other stuff like that..were making a video this summer that will be up there, i dunno what the title should be called though so i made a poll. Click Here to VoteWe should also be going to park 10 and to vans sometime soon so well get some more skating stuff put up

5-12 - tcell: Put up 2 prank calls...lots more on the way, click here to listen to them

5-5 - chris: we haven't updated the site in so damn long, but we haven't stopped filming anything... we've been filming a lot more actually. we're just all too damn lazy to do anything to the site, but soon we're gonna get a domain and start working on it a lot more... SO DON'T STOP COMING HERE, cause i love you

4-6 - chris: new skate pictures up

3-30 - Krish: PUT MORE JAVA UP, Chris is gonna close the poll that was suppose to be closed on 3-19 soon we hope.

3-29 - tcell: FINALLY PUT UP SPONGEBOB NO PANTS! Click Here to watch

3-29 - tcell: i put up the glowing text and we went to dex i put up lots of new skating pics and blading pics..BladingorSkating

3-24 - krish: i added alot of stuff like the text box automatic writer, the clock, and the blue scroller bars. hope you enjoy them thoroughly.

3-23 - chris: i put up 1 new pic in the stupid picture section and 1 new pic in the skate section.

3-23 -t-cell: i put up 2 new videos, go now.

3-18 - t-cell: put up like 15 new pics on the blading section click here for rollerblading pics, and 2 more up on the skating section... click here for skating pics. look for alex dropping in within the next day or so... were also filming more stuff today...

3-17 - chris: the blading section won (38 to 22)... skating stuff won 23 to 18.

3-16 - chris: added 3 new skate pictures.

3-15 - chris: i made a new polls section on the site, since we're probably going to be having a lot. go to polls.

3-15 - t-cell: i put up a new portion of the site for more videos... i'm too lazy to put the link in so you can click on videos if you want to see them. also here is a new poll to see what we should put up next on the site. click here to vote.

3-14 - krish: i got rid of most of the ads on this site. if some of them still have adds tell me. it took me alot of thinking, so dont whine if some still have ads.

3-13 - chris: we got a new poll since we got a bunch of people that don't want the blading section, and some people that do. so take this poll now or you're not cool. you can only vote once a day. click here to vote.

3-13 - chris: yes the videos go slow the first time, but don't whine about it, because after it's downloaded the first time, every time after that it downloads fast. anyway, we are making a new skate clips video because the current one sucks. so look for that soon.

3-12 - t-cell: PUT UP A LOT OF VIDEOS... we have 7 new videos added today. click here to watch them. you have to click on the video once it has loaded to play.. we're working on more.. look for different videos every week cause they take up a lot of room and we're gonna switch them out every week.

3-12 - t-cell: VIDEO FINALLY ADDED... ya we finally put up a video... took us long enough.. look for a lot more soon since we know how to do it here to see the first one
chris: yeah this video isn't that good, but we're working on more

3-11 - blading section added in pictures... *cough*queers*cough*... yeah it's pretty gay, I MEAN COOL. anyway, if you wanna see it, click the following link: people who suck click here

3-10 - put up A LOT of new skate pics and stupid pics (click here to go now). look for more on the site in a few days since it's spring break.

3-4 - filmed new stupid videos and skate videos/pictures, look for them on the site in a few days.

3-1 - can't film today because of the rain. we'll probably update again with videos and pictures sometime next week or maybe this weekend.

2-27 - we will be filming new bmx videos, skating videos, and stupid videos this friday... pictures also. remember that you can send me pictures or vidoes of yourself skating, doing stupid stuff, bmx, blading, etc. in the contact section.