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END U.S. Intervention in Colombia
Committee for a New Colombia

Uribe and Bush 
Hand in Hand
Against The People
August 7th, 2002
Nationally Coordinated - Local Events
Alvaro Uribe Velez was inagurated on Aug.7th 2002 he is expanding the war on the Colombian people by destroying civil rights, increasing the size of army and military spending, and increasing civilian involvement in the war. On August 7th 2002 people throughout the U.S. stood in solidarity with the peoples of Colombia. Demanding an end to U.S. intervention. Events took place in:
San Francisco, Portland, Minneapolis, Chicago, Detroit, New York, Los Angeles, San Diego





Kills Workers

Coke Bottling Plants in Colombia Use Paramilitary Security Forces to Murder, Torture, and Kidnap Trade Union Leaders

Coke Controls All Aspects of Production and Operation of its Bottling Plants and Allows Local Managers to Engage in Systematic Human Rights Abuses


by Hector Mondragon
April 27, 2002

Important Articles
The Geo-Politics of Plan Colombia
James Petras
Fifty Years of Violence
by Garry M. Leech
James Petras
Colombia: The FARC and the Trade Unions
James Petras