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Gig 'em , all students in Math 696

Joshua 1:9

Welcome to my web site.  I have two pages:  this one and a directory of related links.

I am one of the remote students in Dr. Boas, Math 696.  I am in group one.  I graduated from TAMU in 1975, about the time some of you were born. 

This is a very challenging adventure for me.  My background in computers is not very extensive.  My students in high school are amazed that I am actually a functioning human being without this knowledge.  So I am out to enter the twenty-first century more in line with the expectations of the time.  I am thankful to have all of you along for the ride!

CLAUDIA DEMPSEY | Directory of Related Links

To contact me

119 Manor St.
Sonora, TX  76950
Phone (915) 387-2048
Cell (979) 324-2165

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