CALDWELL VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS and Chriesman residents gather with Milano Water Supply Corp., members at the Chriesman Community Center. Pictured are, from left, Andy Sandoval, Don Cook of Chriesman, Burleson County Judge Mike Sutherland, Joel Cowan of Chriesman, Pct. 3 commissioner David Hildebrand, Eldon Ball and Karl Westbrook of Milano Water Supply Corp., and David Bagley and Kenny Sefcik (kneeling).

Volunteer firefighters faced with a major blaze are always concerned about having to trek long miles to refill their tanks while the fire is still roaring.

Though most fire departments, including Caldwell's are good at shuttling water and firefighters while adequately battling the fire, all agree it is best not to leave the fire. If a fire connection is available in a rural area, it saves time and improves their chances of controlling the fire, they say.

So Caldwell firefighters were pleased when the Milano Water Supply Corp., donated a water connection at the Chriesman Citizens Center to help them refill in Chriesman area fires--saving them about an 18-mile round trip back to Caldwell to refill.

Milano Water Supply Corp., officials donated a 1 1/2-inch tap off a 3-inch main line running by F.M. 1363. The connection was recently installed by Milano Water Supply's general manager Carl Westbrook.

Milano Water Supply Corp., serves many customers in the Milano-Chriesman area in Milam and Burleson counties. Some Chriesman area residents are served by Southwest Milam Water Supply Corp.

Chriesman Citizens Center Treasurer Don Cook said he was pleased with Milano's donation.

"I think this will be a great asset to the Chriesman community because of our grass fires and the potential for house fires,"Cook said. "Our firefighters will not have to return to Caldwell. A lot of other communities might want to consider if this is something viable for them to do."

Cook said firefighters sometimes got lucky if they found a stock pond nearby. However, that was not always possible, and sometimes ponds were not full. This should solve the problem.

Eldon Ball, Milano Water Supply Corp.,president, said his organization was glad to contribute.

"We put it in without cost to the community because we are community oriented," Ball said. "And we appreciate any help from our community members when we have a need."

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