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Battalion Commander

As the senior member of the Corps of Cadets, the battalion commander must constantly be aware of his/her every action within the school and community. The image that he/she has a mirroring effect on all JROTC programs, schools, and the US Army. Although not all inclusive, some of his/her duties are a follows:

Battalion Executive Officer

  • Assumes command of the battalion in the absence of the battalion commander.
  • Recommends job assignments and/or relief from job assignments.
  • Recommends promotions, demotions, and awards.
  • Serves as advisor to the battalion commander in formulating policy and plans for the battalion.
  • Serves as Commander of Troops during the Formal Inspection.
  • Directs, coordinates, and supervises the battalion staff.
  • Performs additional duties by the battalion commander.

S-1 (Adjutant)

  • Prepares all correspondence for the battalion.
  • Publishes all orders pertaining to the battalion.
  • Maintains and posts JROTC student record cards.
  • Corrects uniform violations when observed.

S-3 (Public Information Officer)

  • Keeps the battalion informed on current events.
  • Prepares news releases and reports JROTC news to local/school newspapers.
  • Arranges for public information coverage and photographs of JROTC events/activities as appropriate.
  • Keeps the bulletin board(s) neat and current.
  • Maintains a scrap book of all JROTC activities and records the battalion history as it occurs.
  • Assist the S-1 during peak administrative periods.
  • Corrects uniform violations observed.

S-3 (Training and Operations Officer)

  • Prepares, posts on the bulletin boards, and files weekly training schedules.
  • Maintains reference files and reference library.
  • Maintains a record of all extracurricular activities in which the battalion is involved.
  • Plans drill competition between units of the battalion.
  • Responsible for making the parade field and the upkeep of the marching equipment.
  • Corrects uniform violations when observed.
  • Performs additional duties as directed by the battalion commander.

S-4 (Supply Officer)

  • Responsible for maintenance of the JROTC building.
  • Assists the Army Instructor in receiving, issuing, and inventorying uniforms and supplies.
  • Assists the Army Instructor in maintaining individual clothing records.
  • Insures that the supply room is clean, neat, and orderly at all times.
  • Informs the Army Instructor of shortages and of availability of expendable supplies.
  • Corrects uniform violations when observed.

S-5 (Special Projects Officer)

  • Responsible for overseeing all projects provided by the battalion commander, SAI, or AI.
  • Responsible for maintaining a suspense log for all assigned projects.
  • Reports at staff meeting on status of assigned projects.
  • Corrects uniform violations when observed.
  • Performs additional duties as directed by the battalion commander.

ADP (Information/Technology Officer)

  • Responsible for information technologies, i.e. radio, television, and computer.
  • Maintains unit web site.
  • Assists the SAI in software issues.
  • Keeps and up-dates records of cadets into NJUMS.

Sergeant Major

Serves as a model soldier/cadet for the entire Corps of Cadets throughout the school.
  • Supervises the color guard and insures that they are properly trained and that their special equipment is on hand and properly maintained.
  • Corrects uniform violations when observed.
  • Performs other duties as directed by the battalion commander.

    Company Commanders

    • Responsible for the training, discipline, and appearance of his/her company.
    • Recommending promotions and demotions.
    • Reporting disciplinary problems to the battalion commander or xo.
    • Making weekly inspections of cadets in ranks (on uniform days) assisted by the other company officers.
    • Correcting uniform violations when observed.
    • Insuring that all company officers and non-commissioned officers are thoroughly familiar with appropriate drill regulations.
    • Utilizes the chain of command when issuing orders and directives and insuring that others in his/her company do likewise.

    Company First Sergeants

    Platoon Leaders

    Platoon Sergeants

    Squad Leaders


    • To live to the high standards of integrity, conduct, courtesy, loyalty, and personal appearance that is expected of all JROTC Cadets.
    • To conduct themselves in a manner that at all times reflects credit upon the JROTC Battalion, the school and themselves personally.
    • To obey all orders in a willing and cooperative manner.
    • Maintain and wear the entire cadet uniform immaculately on the days told to.
    • To be on time for all official formations.
    • Properly safeguard and care for all equipment and material for which held accountable.