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What am I doing?

For this project, you will put together a trip to the beautiful country of Guatemala.  In this project, you will include:

  • background information on Guatemala
  • where you are going
  • how you will get there
  • how long you will stay
  • where you will stay
  • what you plan on doing
  • how you will get around in the city you stay
  • what you will eat
  • where you will eat
  • fun stuff to do in that city
  • what souvenirs am I going to bring back
  • what information do I need to know before I go
  • the cost of the trip
  • itinerary for each day



    You will be working in groups planning this entire project.

    When you have done all your research, you are ready to begin on the part you must turn in.  Included in this part is the following:

    *    Map of Guatemala that you have drawn and colored.
            (It can not be photocopied or off the internet.)

    *    Flag of Guatemala that you have drawn and colored as a group.

    *     Art Project of the Guatemalan culture (one per group)

    *    Journal of your trip.
        (An entry for everyday with what you did and what you ate.)

    *    Important information that you need to know before you go.

    *    Worksheets that have been given to you.

    It must all be turned in with everyone's full name and class period.
    It will be presented orally as a group.  It may be turned in as a booklet, pamphlet, or on a poster board.


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