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rlm's music, games, & other things (pronounced "realm")

rlm's music, games, & stuff
Home | Music | Video Games | Satire | Links | Misc. Pics

Music worthy enough to mention...

Here you can find reviews, previews, pre-reviews, post-reviews, and all the other views related to music. Check back about every 14 months for the occasional update.

Attention all gaming geeks...

I'm a gaming geek too so I can relate. The occasional views, screenshots, news, and cheats can be found here for the latest games. I will cover PlayStation2, Xbox, PC, Online, and GameCube...In that order

This stuff aint fake...

What is satire? Def.'sa-"tIr 1 : a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn 2 : trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly This is really some funny sh** and makes for some interesting read.

See what you can find...

Whenever I find a pic that looks cool I'll put here. Be it a hot chic or a weird looking chimp, if it looks cool you'll find it here.

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