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Each flag represents a state or country we have lived in.

Site last updated May 6, 2007

Welcome to The World of Sparks. I've made this site to keep my family and friends updated on "What's Going On" here in Missouri. My husband is active duty Air Force so we are living in Missouri although most of our family lives in Oklahoma. It's just something I've always wanted to do and it's just for fun. Come on in, look around and enjoy. I'm always doing updates so check back from time to time. Sign my guestbook, but please be nice :) I'm still learning.

New or updated page

What's Going On | Contact Us | Kansas City

The Boys | My Flower Garden | Places We've Been

Our Hometown | Birthdays | In Memory Of | Geoff's Page

Old News | Wilderness Safari | 4-H Hayride

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since June 6, 2002