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First off, thank you for downloading my Booker Version 3.0 script. I hope you enjoy using this script. Note, that you need PHP to be able to run this script. On the left is the navigation to different sections of the ReadMe file. The Smilies and Bad Words is to teach you how to add your own Smilies or Bad Words for your guestbook. Thank you and enjoy the script.

1. Unzip the file
2. Open the file called, Config.php and edit the variables given and save
3. Open and FTP program and connect to your server
4. Create a new folder of your choice, or better yet, booker
5. Upload all files (including Smilies folder) to this folder
6. Then Chmod the file, entries.db, to 666
7. Go to to view the guestbook
8. Enjoy!

Edit Style:

To edit the entry style, open the file entries.php. Edit the style to your likings using these simple codes to show the items in the guestbook.

[name] [email] [comment] [website] [date] [ip] [browser]

To edit the Header of the guestbook, open the file header.php and just edit the html to your likings and save it. Note the form that is used is located in the header. You may move the form to the footer if you wish.

To edit the footer of the guestbook, open the file footer.php and also edit the html to your likings and save it.

If you wish to edit the signed pages header for when the guest signs the guestbook, open the file sign_header.php and edit the html and save it.

Smilies & Bad Words:

Dont know what smilies are? Well, smilies are just those little faces that you may see in a sites news or guestbook. they are usually to represent emotions. happy, sad, confused, etc. In Booker Version 3.0, these smilies are included for you. I made a Smilies folder with some smiley faces already in it. Also in this folder is a file called, smilies_data.db. If you wish to add or change smilies, please read the following.

$str = str_replace(":)","<img src=smilies/happy.gif>",$str);

if you open up the smilies_data.db file (located in Smilies folder), you will see the above line. if you want to add or change smilies, do as i say. the first bold text, ":)" is the code the guest types. For example, the guest is typing his comment and then writes :) to add a smiley. you can change this to anything you want, and it will change it to whatever you choose. the second bold part, "<img src=smilies/happy.gif>" is what the ":)" will be replaced with. so, just replace the two bold spots with what you want and save the file.

Now, what i just explained to you above is exactly the same as what you do for the Bad Words List. Open the file, bad_words.db and do what you did with the Smilies and save the file. This will replace the curses with what you want to blank it out. My defualt setting are set to **** for the bad words list. you may change this if wanted.

About Booker:
This script was created and programmed using PHP by Brian Benzinger of
xposure. No MySQL database is needed for the guestbook script. Feel free to view the coding for a learning expierence. Do not abuse it, in other words, dont take a fairly big chunk of coding and claim it as yours. You may use some to help you learn php. Thank you and please, enjoy Booker Version 3.0.