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Allen Samuels Chevrolet in Houston SUCKS!!!

A very good friend of mine recently relayed this story to me, and now I bring it to you. If you have any problems with it, too damn bad. This is America and I can say what ever the hell I want to, if you don't like it.......leave.

My friend�s mother took her car in to Allen Samuels Chevrolet dealership(henceforth known as 'ASS')on the Southwest Freeway in Houston TX to have some repairs made to the transmission. The repairs were made fine, but a couple of days later, her passenger side mirror fell off. She originally thought it was because someone hit it in the parking lot. Then she realized that it had been glued with a substance that is used in the automotive industry to seal window trim. She immediately took it back to ASS, and spoke with her service man. He agreed with her, stating that "he wouldn't doubt that one of his guys did it, because it comes out of their pay if they break something". He said that he couldn't authorize the repair, but he would speak to the service manager. The service manager (JIM SMITH, henceforth known as B.S.) stated that she "could not prove that they did it, and he would not repair the vehicle", then he turned around and walked off. This was his first act of jackassism.

So my friend (remember this is his mothers car) calls B.S. to see if he could talk him into repairing the vehicle. The conversation starts off relatively peaceful, but then B.S. starts getting more and more belligerent. Stating at one point "how do you know it was broken here (in his shop), it could have been broken anywhere". My friend replied "do you really think that someone in a parking lot is going to break someone else's vehicle and then take the time to glue it back on?". B.S. was nothing but a smart-ass throughout the entire conversation, adamantly refusing to repair the damage that his shop caused. My friend (tired of arguing with this REDNECK, LARDASS, P.O.S.) stated that "if this problem were to go to court, he would testify that the mirror was not in that condition before it was taken to his shop". And the B.S. BLEW HIS LID!!! He became VERY irrate, stating that he was now "taping this conversation", because he couldn't believe my friend threatened him. W.T.F?!?! Does this guy not speak English? I think 'stupid people' should be outlawed. Then B.S. said that he "wanted my friend to repeat what he said about his 'wife'". Once again, W.T.F.?!?! This just shows how far this guy�s head is up his own ass. No one had ever mentioned anything about a �wife�; my friend isn't even married. Anyway, the conversation ended badly to say the least.

My friend�s mother then called GM's 1-800 number and told them this entire story. The lady at GM agreed with her, stating "he should not have treated anyone like that. And if he gives me the same problems, you can have your vehicle fixed under warranty". The GM lady calls back the next day to say that B.S. said he "had every intention of fixing her car until her son called and threatened him". I have to say it again..........W.T.F.?!?!? So now she has to get the car fixed out of her own pocket, just because B.S. says he was 'threatened'. If he wants to see 'threats', I'll GLADLY send him some.......and I'll even give him some good old fashioned 'ASS WHOOPIN' as an added bonus.

Then, as if all of that wasn't enough. B.S. sends a letter to the Houston Police Department, to tell them that he was 'threatened'. Wait, wait.........W.T.F.?!?!? This guy has some SERIOUS issues. Basically he is trying to cover his own ass by making it look like he is the 'victim'. So about the only thing my friend can do, is file complaints with GM (there have been WAY too many to count) about B.S. and the treatment received by ASS.

So, take this however you want. But EVERYONE I know has been informed of their treatment at ASS. I personally planned on buying SEVERAL trucks for my company at ASS, but that will NEVER happen. If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me. If anyone else has had problems like this with ASS, PLEASE let me know.......I would LOVE to start a 'Allen Samuels SUCKS webring'!




On January 20th 2003 I received an email from the head of internet sales at ASS, asking what it would take to remove this 'negative' website. I simply replied that a reimbursement to my friend's mother, and a letter of apology to both of them would get it removed. He ('he' being Patrick Dennard) quickly responded that it would be no problem to do those two simple things. He did send a check to my friends mother (with a statement on the back that if the check is cashed she will take down the site, as if she had anything to do with it), but will not send the letters (as he originally agreed to). He says that he apologized over the phone, and now does not feel that it is necessary to uphold his end of the agreement. And now he will not respond to emails. So, this web page will be a permanent fixture on the internet!!! And below you can find some quotes from people that have sent me emails about the crappy 'service' they also received at ASS.

"Thank you for informing me on the treatment you recieved at allen samuel. I was about to consider getting a car finaced through them but now I'm not."

"All of the work done was outside the parameters of the General Motors service manual for the vehicle. These genius' even changed oil that had been changed THE DAY BEFORE. The moral of the story is, "If you want to get screwed, visit Allen Samuels"!"

"Thanks for the info! Looks like I will be finding some place else to take my car."

"I won't be taking my car in for service there, much less buying a car there. And I will be sure and pass this along to anyone that is in the market for a new car."

"I just read your website on the internet about Allen Samuels. I bought a new truck from them in Waco and got big time screwed. Never will they get any more of my money. I won't go into all that�s wrong with it but I learned my lesson." Looks like it is not just the single dealership that screws people around. It must be common business practice for Allen Samuels.

"I just read your column on Allens Samuels Chev. and man I am so glad im not the only one who got screwed there and feels the same way about their dealership. I got ripped off by $500 by them for something that should have not been anymore than $50 of work! Well when they see someone who is young and doesn't know allot about cars, boy do they jump on it and take advantage of that person. It's sad with all of the business we have given them over the years that they would steal and lie to their most loyal customers. Highway robbery is what they did to me and not only that they fucked up my sports car! Man keep your website up, because what ever happened to freedom of speech?"

"It seems to be a bad place from top to bottom. I got screwed by sales dept in houston as well. Was told a number over the phone, when i got there they said that car was gone but another just $1800 more was only one in town. I checked, it was true there was only one in town, theirs, and feel like I was lied to to get me into there house of deceit. If my wife wasn,t with me I would have left, but she really liked it. To sum up my story, they lied to me to get me in amd then dropped the bomb after the test drive. This company shows all that is wrong with car dealerships."

"I wish I had visited your site sooner. Monday, 4/21/03 I went to ASS to take advantage of their promotion. It wrote that I would pay the difference between what I paid for my 2001 truck and a new 2003 truck. Their no-dickering low price was over $16,000.00 and my truck. I can get a lower price at other dealers. Told them so, though they lowered the price $10,000! Remembering when I bought my previous truck there, the sales manager started to raise the price the salesman gave me. When I threatened to walk out, the manager agreed on the price. I believed this would happen again. Worse, ASS held my keys hostage for almost two hours, and finely returned them when I was about to call the cops. I have never been treated this badly at any car dealer before."

"Just saw your webiste on Allen Samuels' service department. I couldn't agree with you more. They're jackasses. Last time we had to take our truck in (2000 S-10), we got it back more broken than we gave it to them. They told me that my brake failure was warrantied, then backed out of that saying Brake LINES are covered but not brake HOSES. Fine - we paid the $150, and had some small fry warranty stuff done. When we got the truck back, the 3rd door handle was BROKEN, the drivers side speaker was blown and there was a rattle in the door that sounded like a her of gerbils. They tried to tell us that they wouldn't have had to open the third door. Umm, gee, when you're replacing the crappily manufactured seat handles that break off every year, yes you DO have to open the 3rd door. They fixed it, fixed the speaker, and said they didn't hear a rattle. That rattle has made my husband and I want to drive that damn thing off a bridge. Last night, the SAME BRAKE HOSE blew again! Same place, same damage. Luckily I was just backing out of the driveway, and not on the road like last time. We call, and they said well, you're probably not within the 12K mile warranty on that work. I am winding up to boil those bastards alive if they try and charge me again for this. You are right - Allen Samuels Chevy service dept SUCKS, and because of the way they have dealt with us, we will NEVER buy another Chevy as long as we live."

"I don't know how to start my odeal with this company On Thursday 05/08/03 my Daughter who is 18 went to look for a car there and they went ahead and showed her a car which she was interested. I wanted her to be the owner and i was going to be the co owner or whatever name they use there. A guy by the name of Bill called me at work and explained to me what was going to happen so i okayed the deal, but when i got the paperwork since i stay in Dallas they were totally different from what the guy had told me so i called and told them i was not interested with the deal. They insisted that i have to come in so i drove all the way to Houston today and went to there offices. It started all nice until i said i was not interested in the car that is when everything turned ugly. They said that i have to pay for the mileage on the car since my daughter took the car, i didn't have a problem with that so the said manager told me he was going to call enterprise and see how much the charge per hour, okay so he calls the company he comes up with 81 dollars and some change so i went ahead and gave him the cheque and he was like wait a minute there is another charge for 300 some dollars for having stayed with the car for 2 days. Remember i never signed anything to say that i have the car and there is nothing legally binding but the manager had about 5 or 6 men inside the office to make sure i paid the money."

"Hey guy's thanks for the heads up. I was just shopping around for a 2003 Impala and thought about Allen Samuel Chevrolet. As I searched for their website I saw your add. There is no way on God's green earth that I am going to spend my money and be mistreated in the long run. thanks again"

"I too have had problems with Allen Samuels, here in Waco-he is the biggest jackass that ever lived-I would go out of the country to buy a car before I would buy anything from his dealership-keep up your internet site about Allen Samuels-it is great!!!!!"

"i took had my truck taken to allen sammuel chevrolet in Corpus Christi for an estimate on damages after a wreck and while it was there had my stereo cd player stolen out of it and they refuse to be held resonsible for it .I think ALLEN SAMMUEL CHEVROLET everywhere sucks not just 1 of them all of them do."

"I have been in the market for a Tahoe and they keep sending me mail to visit their lot but I am not going through what your friend did with B.S.. Thanks for the info and the warning."

"Was trying to buy a truck from Allen Samuels in Waco and was lied to about costs, payments and financing. I will never do business with them. Had we not done our homework on financing they would have taken advantage of us."


PAGE 2!! The continuing saga of the evil ASS!