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Linda Elliott who lives in California contacted this web site and wrote this Email below. We received the the photos below from her on 4 Feb 2002. Thank you Linda for taking the time to send this in.

Hello John,

I thank you so very much for your kind letter and photocopies on your adoption through Rev. Nicholas.

I do not know what article you saw in the Abilene Reporter. It must have been a letter to their editor, though I think I wrote that a year and a half ago. At lot has happened since then and I may have some things to send you.

I have a couple of articles on Rev. Nicholas which are many years old, but they give more info on him and his orphanage. The building which he used for the orphanage is still standing, by the way. It is a big old house at the corner of First St. and Orange in Abilene. It has been divided up into different apartments. It is actually not right on the corner, but on Orange, very close to First. My Mother and I were in Abilene in March of 2000 and found the building then.

My Mom was 3-1/2 when Rev. Nicholas got ahold of her. She knew him personally because her adoptive parents were friends of his, though she knows very little about him.

I will try to get some of the information on this agency and Rev. Nicholas that I have on file together and email or send it to you in the next day or so.

I just wanted to thank you as it was so nice of you to contact me.

We found my Mother's sister in Feb of 2000 and they were reunited in March of that year for the first time in 69 years, as they were adopted by separate families. Both knew they had a sister, but could never get any information on their birth family.

Yours is a very interesting history and I appreciate the copy of the article on you. I read it to my Mother over the phone and she was very glad to hear about it. I will try to email you those articles as soon as I can.

Thank you again,
Linda Elliott
Anaheim Hills, CA

Click on any photo to enlarge

Rev. W. A. Nicholas home
Sent in by Linda Elliott -- I took this photo of the building that was the WEST TEXAS CHILDREN'S AID AND WELFARE SOCIETY'S orphanage ... at least about 1930. My Mother remembered this was the building and we verified it using the Abilene City Directory for that time frame. This photo was taken in March 2000. The building is at 118 Orange in Abilene, near the intersection at First Street.

Nicholas office in Abilene
Sent in by Linda Elliott -- My Mother went to see Rev. Nicholas about 1943 to find out about her birth family and adoption. Mom grew up in Abilene. Her adoptive parents, Dr. and Mrs. O.E. Baker, lived at 18th St. and Hickory (house now gone).

Mom went to the Grace Hotel which was where Rev. Nicholas had his office at that time. He met with her and told her she had a sister, but would give no further information. I took this photo in March 2000.

Rev. W. A. Nicholas Grave
Sent in by Linda Elliott -- I believe Carole Paulk of Abilene is the one who sent me this photo in late 1999.

Rev. W. A. Nicholas foot stone
Sent in by Linda Elliott -- I believe Carole Paulk of Abilene is the one who sent me this photo in late 1999.

W. A. Nicholas family photo
Sent in by Carole and Mike Ziegenhagen -- This is a rare family photo of Bro. Nicholas' biological children it was printed on a post card, the children's names are: Vida 22, Fern,18, George 16, Alice 13, and Aida 10. This photograph was taken in 1914. Click This Link to view what is written on back of the post card. Thanks Carole for sending the card in.

Carole Paulk's Mother
Photo sent in by Carole Paulk Ziegenhagen -- Carole Paulk Ziegenhagen's Mother, now deceased, was an adoptee from the W. A. Nicholas home in Abilene, Tx.

Mary Ernst with daughter Eloise -- C.F. and Mary Ernst with daughter Eloise.
Photo sent in by Carole Paulk Ziegenhagen of Abilene, Texas. Carole Paulk's Mother, Eloise Ernst was adopted from the W. A. Nicholas child placement home that was located in Abilene, Texas from 1921 through the late 1940's.


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