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Wiz's Wave Graphic Archive

Hi !~ from me Wiz..
There once was a time I created Mpeg music waves (at home) and sent them out. Well, here are some of the graphics I created for that quite large mailer and approximately 800 waves .
All my sites have nothing to do with you joining a membership, and there is no fee of any type. All my music and/or graphics are free for the taking.
The music playing on this site is in Midi format. The ones I created were in Mpeglayer3D
If you would like to learn how to play waves in a chat room or out, the correct way to download them, some about their file structure, go to my other site here Wiz's Wave Info Site. I have more help here Wiz's Wave Help and Dancing Critters
Sorry, I don't have the online name WizsComputerShop any more.
If you can use any of the graphics yourself!! Have fun!.

I rode a many an email ! :) all over the world . Jamin to Wiz Waves !!

This little guy was my sorta email mascot.

Here starts some of the graphics I created for the mailers.

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Want to see more? (LOL)
For you people making music waves, sending them out and making the Internet a fun, joyful place ..God Bless You! takes so much work and time. now your saying.."Where can I get some free Wiz Waves? Right? LOL"
You can get em off my free world web data base at WWW.DRIVEWAY.COM Use my Member Name.:Wizzepoo and Password green123.
Just click on the underlined wave to download. Enjoy.!! Wiz

Other Sites I Have Created - Index-

Psssssssssss..I'm still the King of Music Wave Makers! (LOL)

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