_________________________ -=/ Please Enter '1' Credit \=- ************************************************************* *** Vagrant Story Walkthrough, Secrets, Hints and Tips *** ************************************************************* *** Date Created:- Sometime in the year 2000 *** *** Version:- 2.2 *** *** Created By:- PhoenixFire *** *** Edited By:- Richard Carruthers *** *** e-mail:- phoenixfire@gamingdome.zzn.com *** *** f300@ntlworld.com *** ************************************************************* *** Copyright (c) PhoenixFire / Gaming Dome Y2K *** ************************************************************* *** www.gamingdome.co.uk *** *** http://gamingdome.zzn.com *** *** http://www.forumco.com/gamingdome *** ************************************************************* *** DISCLAIMER *** Unpublished work (c) PhoenixFire and Gaming Dome, 2000. This file is for personal/private use only. It can be reproduced electronically as long as the file isn't changed, this disclaimer, the copyright notice and my e-mail address appears along with whatever you have used from this file. This file can not be used to make money and that also means that I, PhoenixFire, can't make money from it either. This means that it cannot be used in any magazines in any way or form, printed out and then sold, or used as a prize etc. This file was created and is owned by PhoenixFire (phoenixfire@gamingdome.zzn.com). If I find out that anyone has used this file inappropriately you will be dealt with in my own special way - you have been warned! This file is owned by Phoenix Fire and Gaming Dome. Vagrant Story is (c) Squaresoft *** INTRODUCTION *** Future versions of this file can be found at:- www.gamingdome.co.uk www.gamefaqs.com www.gameadvice.com www.psxcodez.com www.game-revolution.com www.rpgclassic.com www.fbgames.com www.neoseeker.com This file was created using the European PAL version of the game. Therefore there might be a few things that are slightly different to the NA versions (but I doubt it). If you need a question about VS answered and you cannot find the answer here (PLEASE, check for your answer in the FAQ first), e-mail me with the problem as the subject heading. I will then reply as soon as I can and add that piece of info into the newer version of the FAQ (Yes. There WILL be one, as long as my GCSE work doesn't get in the way!). Another way of getting me to help you within about 24 hours of asking is by posting on the Gaming Dome forum. If you add a post on either the consoles board or cheats board I will answer your question straight away. The address for the board is shown below. http://www.forumco.com/gamingdome VS is a complicated game and this FAQ might be also, but remember this:- "Real programmers don't document. If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand." *** Version History *** Version 1.0 Available ONLY at www.gamefaqs.com (in other words it wasn't even available at Gaming Dome) and contained a few errors. Version 1.1 Added Lilac Man's e-mail address, and the address for Gaming Dome e-mail and the Gaming Dome forums, as well as the address for some other sites the FAQ is available at. While I was at it I corrected some of my mistakes on the Snowfly Forest map. Version 2.0 Added stuff about the Hand Of Light in the Ultimate Weapons section. Added the Sigil item list. Added in my review of Vagrant Story. Added more stuff to the credits section. Added the Author's Note and Editor's note sections. I began to write the walkthrough. Version 2.1 Replaced the GD forum addresses with the newer version Added something to the Author's section at the end of the FAQ. Version 2.2 Not much...just erm...added a few more addresses for sites where you can get the FAQ...apart from that I can't remember... -= Gaming Dome Message =- Gaming Dome - More Than Just Games www.gamingdome.co.uk Gaming Dome is a site made by gamers for gamers. At GD you will find pages on music about bands from Semisonic to Iron Maiden. You will find coverage of some Motor Sport events, among pages upon pages of games. Do you want to help on GD? Do you have a DC, N64, PSX, PS2, PC, GameBoy etc. ? If you do want to contribute please contact us! Go to http://gamingdome.zzn.com to get your very own Gaming Dome e-mail address absolutely free! Go to http://www.forumco.com/gamingdome and post a message on the Gaming Dome board about anything you want. *** ABOUT THE AUTHOR - PhoenixFire *** All I am gonna say is that I am in the GCSE year of school, and I live in sunny England. While writing this FAQ I am listening to Semisonic and Iron Maiden (Pleasure e.p., "Fine" and Brave New World respectively). As I am in the GCSE year I am about to have some VERY big tests (As in fail these and your life is over type tests), this means that this FAQ might get out of date quite quickly, but I will see what I can do. I mean, two versions in less than a week? That's a miracle.... *** CONTENTS *** 01.0 The Game System - My Review - Background Info - Info needed to play - Menu Controls - Ingame Controls - The Battle System and Controls 02.0 The Maps 03.0 The Walkthrough - First Play - The Iron Maiden - Re-Play 04.0 Magic - Warlock - Shaman - Sorcery - Enchanter - Teleportation 05.0 Break Arts 06.0 Battle Abilities 07.0 Risk 08.0 Traps 09.0 Weapons 10.0 The Workshop 11.0 The Creative Process - Combining Weapons - Ultimate Weapon Combos - Creating Weapons - Finalising The Weapons - Combining Armour - Combining Shields 12.0 Items - Blades - Grips - Gems - Armour (Including Shields) - Accessories - Misc. - Sigils 13.0 The "Score" Option - The Titles / Ranks - Riskbreaker Rank - Encyclopaedia (The Monster List) 14.0 Other Areas Of The Game (i.e. secrets, extras, etc.) - Evolve OR Die - The Wines - Training Dummies - Game Bugs 15.0 Frequently Asked Questions AA.A That Bit At The End - Credits - Thankyous - Author's Note - Editor's Note *** 01.0 The Game System *** Vagrant Story is a complex game. That is why there is this FAQ. And this section. This section tells you all the controls, background info etc. that you need to know to play VS. -= 01.1. My Review =- I though that as this review is on Gaming Dome it might as well be here in my Vagrant Story FAQ also. -= MY REVIEW =- As you may have gathered we here at GD don't spend any money on the site, don't gain money and most importantly of all have to buy our own games so we can make this site. This is why I was slightly annoyed when I walked into my locals games shop (Who will remain un-named) to find that I couldn't get a copy of Vagrant Story. I was told, "Come back in a few days". Fine, I thought. A few days is good. The next day I was getting bored and decided to go and see if I could get VS. They had a copy all right. As soon as I had handed over the dummy case for the game they had to remove the only copy of VS in the store from the Top 10 chart so I could by it. I got home, sat down watched the intro and thought, "How do you fight?", as I was getting attacked, "Better read the manual" What IS Vagrant Story? The simple explanation would be that it is the brand new game from the creators of the Final Fantasy series. At this point you think of the other games that have been made by Square - Ehrgeiz and Chocobo Racing for example. Does this mean that as it isn't Final Fantasy it is gonna be bad? Well, for a change it doesn't. Anyway, back to the point. Vagrant Story is a cross between and RPG and an action game. This new breed has created this wonderful game. Fans who just like RPG's might not like this as it involves lots of combat and bosses before you get a bit more of the story, but those who like action games might find that there is too much story in it for their liking. The intro to this game is, to put it simply, amazing AND different. No other game I have played has an intro like this. This has the best intro of any game I own. You turn on your PlayStation and after the Square logo is some FMV. FMV you think, very nice. There is, however, no more FMV after this point in the game. Instead the games graphics engine provides all the cut-scenes (like Metal Gear Solid). Another reason why the intro stands out is that when you select New Game from the main screen you are taken to the cut-scene and then you are taken into two battles before the game even starts. Vagrant Story is set in an imaginary world in the town of Lea Monde. You control a Riskbreaker called Ashley Riot. Riskbreakers work alone and the chances of one coming out of a mission alive are slim. So off Ashley goes into Lea Monde, on his own, after a mad man with magical powers. Not to forget Ashley's own mysterious past, which brings him help and hindrance throughout the game. The battle system. Get used to it, you're gonna need it a lot when your playing this game. Unlike the Final Fantasy games it isn't turned based. Instead you choose a weapon, whether it be sword, axe, dagger etc. and the type of that weapon, whether it be Blunt, Piercing or Edge. Having giving yourself a weapon you can open up the targeting sphere after entering the battle mode. Once in the targeting sphere you can attack anything within the green sphere. You can attack things like the enemies and crates to help you solve some of the puzzles that are in your way. When you have access to Chain Abilities you can have "chains" of attacks going on, in theory, forever. To chain an attack you press one of the attack buttons at the point the weapon hits the enemy. You also have available to you Defence Abilities that you can use when you are being attacked. Apart from this you get the standard (ish) set of magic spells (Or should that be Magick?). The individual weapons have their own special moves called Break Arts (Limit Breaks of sorts). Inside the city of Lea Monde are workshops. In the workshops you can create your own weapons and pieces of armour. You do this by piecing together blades and grips (for weapons) and combining pieces or armour to create new armour. You can also create new blades by combining two blades. When you do this, the characteristics of the two blades are combined creating one "Ultimate" blade. When you have finished making your weapons you can give them names (or more to the point you have to). This means you could create weapons called...Masamune, Braver or Fire Saber (If you wanted). After every boss there is an "End of level screen". This screen displays your current score, how much of the map you have seen and your Riskbreaker rank. Apart from this you can improve your stats by pressing circle to be given a special bonus. Oh, yeah. Did I mention that when you finish the game you can start again with the same weapons and armour you finished with? Yup, that's right. One of Chrono Trigger's best features has been brought into Square's new masterpiece. So, is this game any good? Well, actually, yes it is. The story is brilliant; the graphics are perfect and run really smoothly, the music adds to the atmosphere of the game and makes it complete. The only down side is, if you don't like both RPGs and action games your probably not going to like this too much. Graphics: - 10 out of 10 I don't believe this. These graphics are amazing and better than FF8. The PlayStation cannot get better graphics. I await to be proved wrong.... Gameplay: - 8 out of 10 A good game but the RPG/Action game could be improved here and there. Lifespan: - 9 out of 10, Be careful. Rush it and you will lose all the depth and could get bored easily. Take it step by step. Then again, I'm addicted to it. Overall: - 9 out of 10 A brilliant game, with some very minor problems here and there. Go and get this today if you don't live in Canada. If you do live in Canada complain to the government about the French/English thing and then buy the game. -= 01.2. Background Info =- The manor of Duke Bardorba of Valendia Kingdom was captured by a religious cult known as Mullenkamp. A few innocent people were murdered, but the news of the incident was kept quiet. Sydney Losstarot, the leader of Mullenkamp, has not been seen since the event, although there were several sightings of a Dragon as the manor went up in flames. Luckily the Duke was away during the seizure of the manor, but one-week later an unknown person took the Dukes life. Suspected of this murder is Riskbreaker Ashley Riot of the Valendia Knights of Peace (VKP). He disappeared shortly after the Duke was murdered. During the week between the capture of the manor and the murder of the Duke, Ashley Riot made a peculiar visit to the town of Lea Monde. What happened during his week in the mysterious city? Did he kill the Duke? You play as Ashley Riot...You play the crucial week and see for yourself what happened. -= 01.3. Info Needed To Play (And Understand the FAQ =- -= Key =- X = X Button DP = Damage Points EXP = Experience T = Triangle Button PP = Phantom Points ORD = Original Stats of item O = Circle Button L1 = L1 Button EQP = Current Stats of item S = Square Button L2 = L2 Button STR = Strength L = Left R1 = R1 Button AGL = Agility R = Right R2 = R2 Button INT = Intelligence U = Up HP = Hit Points D = Down MP = Magic Points -= Screen Displays =- On the game screen you will see various different things. These tell you everything you need to know - where you are, what doors can be opened, and how healthy you are. In the top left corner of the screen you will see something like this:- +---------------------------------- | | HP 250·250 MP 92·92 HP - Shows how many HP you can have and what | ------------- ------------- your health is currently like. | ------------- MP - Shows how many MP you can have and what | RISK 100 your MP is currently like. | RISK - What your concentration is like. Bar is in percentages. In the bottom right corner of the screen is the map of the room you are currently in. Red dots show where you have come from, blue dots show doors leading to new areas, white dots show doors and a padlock shows locked doors. In the bottom left of the screen in the limb gauge. The shows how healthy different parts of Ashley are. -= Menu Options =- Battle Abilities When you have selected his option from the menu you will be shown a number with PT following it. That is the amount of kills you have to get before you can attain the next ability. Status From this screen you can see how healthy Ashley is, how much MP he has and what his RISK is. You can also see this about the enemies and their affinities if you cast analyze on them. If you don't you will just see the enemy with ??? where the stats would normally go. Options Timing Display - Turns the "!" visible when doing chains On or Off. Weapon Status - Displays any change to weapon status in the bottom left corner of the screen when turned on. Armour Status - As above but for armour. -= 1.4. Menu Controls =- O = Execute commands X = Cancel S = Not Used T = Exit Menu screen L1 = Switch menu Switch characters L2 = Not Used R1 = Switch menu Switch characters R2 = Not Used -= 1.5. InGame Controls =- U = Move and grip Climb D = Change view in the Free-Look Mode R = Go Right L = Go Left SELECT = Zoom In, Zoom Out. START = Enter Free-Look, Skip video or cut scene. O = Execute command Enter battle mode X = Cancel Open doors and chests Move cubes End free look S = Jump T = Enter Menu L1 = Rotate map anticlockwise L2 = Shortcut Menu R1 = Rotate map clockwise R2 = Walk, when using D-Pad or Analogue sticks -= 01.6. The Battle System and Controls =- U = Move L = Select Target R = Select Target D = Change view in Free-Look O = Execute command Open and close targeting sphere X = Cancel Open doors and treasure chests Close targeting Sphere Switch to Normal Mode End Free-Look S = Jump T = Display main menu L1 = Rotate anticlockwise L2 = Shortcut Menu R1 = Rotate map clockwise R2 = Walk when using D-Pad or analogue stick. *** 02.0 Maps *** Below is a rough (and I do mean rough) map of the different areas in Vagrant Story. It is not yet finished as I have yet to go through a second time. If you feel you are able to add to these maps please send me a scanned picture of the areas you are wanting to add or send them to me in a zipped text file like the maps below. I have also missed off quite a few doors locked with Sigils, latches, one way mechanisms and keys etc.. I am hoping to sort this out ASAP. I would appreciate if someone would be able to tell me where these doors are so I can add them to this file sooner than I would be able to otherwise. -= Key =- * - Save Point Cont - Container W/S - Workshop C OR C. - Chest Latch - Door is on a latch 1 Way - It's a One Way Door ? Sigil - Locked with the specified sigil ? Key - Locked with the Specified key RI - Locked with the Rood Inverse -= The Map List =- Here is a list of the maps in the order that they can be seen both in the game and in the FAQ. - Wine Cellar - Great Cathedral L3 - City Walls West - Catacombs - Great Cathedral L4 - City Walls South - Sanctum - Forgotten Pathway - City Walls East - Abandoned Mines B1 - Escapeway - City Walls North - Abandoned Mines B2 - Iron Maiden B1 - Snowfly Forest - Limestone Quarry - Iron Maiden B2 - Snowfly Forest East - Temple Of Kiltia - Iron Maiden B3 - Town Centre West - Great Cathedral B1 - Undercity West - Town Centre South - Great Cathedral L1 - Undercity East - Town Centre East - Great Cathedral L2 - The Keep -= The Wine Cellar =- _______ | | START Chamomile Sigil __| |__ GAME | _____ | BOSS | _____ __ ________ __ __ ________ | _____ _____ | | |__ CHEST __| | | |* | | | | | | | | | | |_____| | | EXIT |_____| |__| * |__| |__| | |_____| |_____| |_______| | | Cont |__| |________| To Catacombs _______ | | ____ W | | | | | C. | S + N | | | | |____| E ______ | | |________| __ / \ | | ______ __| |__ ______ ______ ______ ___ / BOSS \ | | | | | | | | | | | | |*C | | C. | |_______| |______| |________| |______| |______| |______| |___| | | | \ / Later on locked \______/ with Stock Sigil -= Catacombs =- _______ To Wine Cellar ____ | C | EXIT | C. | _| __| __ |____| | | | \ Cont ______ |______| | * \ ______ ______ | | ____ _____ \ | | | | | | | | |_ _| | \__| |______| |______| | | | _| |_ | |______| |____| |_____| ___ __ W / | | | S + N / / | | E / / |__| / / / / __ / / | | | | ___ | | _______ | C| | | |__| | \ |___| |___| | \ ________ __ ______ | \ _______ | | | \ | | ___ | | | | | | _| \_____ | | |W/S| Cont. | | |_______| | | | | | * | |_*_| "Work Of Art" | / |________| | | |______| | / |___________| EXIT |_______/ To Sanctum Lily Sigil -= Sanctum =- ______ E | | N + S _____________ | BOSS | W | | | | ______ _____ |______| |__|_______|__| | | |CHEST| ___ ________ _____________ |______| |_____| ________ | | ________ | | __| | | | ________ _Latch__ | | |___| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_ EXIT | | BOSS | | | *Cont | | | | | | | | |________| | | |__ | | | |________| |________| | _| To Town |________| |__|_______|__| __ ________ | | Centre West | | | | |________| | |__ |________| |_____| EXIT To Catacombs -= Abandoned Mines B1 =- ___ ____ __ | Fern Sigil | \ | | | \ | _____ To Town Centre West EXIT | | |BOSS| | |||__ | |___/ |____| |__/ \__| __ ___ | | | C | |__| E |___| __ N + S __ _____ | | W ____ |* |__ | | __| | | _| |_ __| |BOSS | |_____| | | \__\ |_____| |__| __ Silver Key___ | | ____ |C. | |__| | C | |___| __ |____| _| | _______ / | To City Wall West | | |_____| | ______ _______ | |Hyacinth Sigil | | ____| | | |_______| | |_| |_______| Latch _ _ | | | \ _/ /_ __ __ ____ _| | EXIT | * | | | | | | | | | | / |_ _| |__| |__| |____| |___| |_/ \_\ BOSS ___ | C | |___| -= Abandoned Mines B2 =- _____ | __| Undercity West N |__| W + E __________ S | | | BOSS | |__________| ___ ___________ | | | | |___| Chest ____ __ | * |Iron Key | __| | C| ____ | | ____ ____ |_| |__| | __| |___________| | _||_ | _ | | 1 Way ___1 Way |__| |__| | |_ ____ |_| / \ Town __ | _||__ | ____ /_____\ Centre | | | | | | |BOSS| Undercity South |__| |_| |_| |____| West ____ _ _ _ |BOSS| | |_ _| |_ _| | ____ | _| |_ _||_ | |_*__| |_| |_| |_| ____ __ _ _ _ | | _| |_ |_|_ __| | \_/ | C. ||______||____||____| _ |____| |_| | | _ | | ____ _| |_ ____ ___| | | C. ||_____||____||_____| |____| -= Limestone Quarry =- _____ ________ ___ Temple Of | | | | | | N Kiltia |_____| |__ __| |___| CHEST W + E Silver Key |__| S __ | | |__| _____ __ Silver Key | | ______ _| |_ _____ ___ |CHEST| |_ _| |______| |_ _| |___| Chest |_____| |__| |_| Gold Key _____ _ | | / \ To Temple |_____| ___ /___\ Of Kiltia __ | | ___ ____ | |_ |___| _| |_ _______ |EXIT| | * _| | __| |_______| |____ | |____| |__| |_|__| _(EX)_ |__| (EX) - EXIT To Undercity West ____ ____ ______ \ / _______ |BOSS| \ / | | \ / | | |____| \__/ | | \_/ | | __ __ |______| _______ |_______| | |___ __| | ____ | | ____ |______| |_____| / \ | BOSS. | / \ /______\ |_______| /______\ __ __ __ _____ | |___ _|* |_ __| |__ | | |______| |______| |________| |Chest| |_____| -= Temple Of Kiltia =- __________________ ______ | | Silver Key | | Town Centre |___________ | | __ ___| |___ East _______ _____ | | |__| |__ | BOSS | _________EXIT EXIT |* Cont.| | | |______| | | | | | | | |_______| |_____| |__ __| | | |_________| | ___ |__| |___ ___| Limestone | | ________ | | Quarry | |__________ | BOSS | |______| | | | CHEST. | |______________| | | W EXIT |________| S + N Limestone Quarry E Silver Key -= Great Cathedral B1 (GCB1) =- _______ | BOSS. | |_______| ___________ __ __ | | | |______| | W | BOSS. | | BOSS | S + N | | | ______ | E |___________| |__| |__| _______ _____________ _______ | | | | | | |_______| | | |_______| EXIT |_____________| EXIT GCL1 EXIT GCL1 GCL1 -= Great Cathedral L1 (GCL1) =- GCL2 _____ EXIT_____ | | W | | |_____| S + N ________ |_____| ____ ____ E | Cont * | _____________ ____ | | | | | | | | __| |__ | | | |____ | | | | | BOSS | | | | \ | | | | |__ __| | | | ____/ | | |_____________| |____| | | | | |________| EXIT _____ |____| |____| GCB1 | | _____EXIT EXIT EXITS TO |_____| | | GCL2__| GCB1, GCL2 EXIT|_____| Town Centre East GCB1 -= Great Cathedral L2 (GCL2) =- _____ _____ EXIT | | ___________ | | W GCL1 | | | | | | S + N |_____| | | |_____| E |___________| ___ ____________________ ___ / | _____ | | | \ / | ________ __| |__ | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | | EXIT| | | | | | | | | | GCL3| |________| |__ __| | | | | \ | |_____| | | | / \___| _____ ____________ |____________________| |___/ EXIT | | | | _____ EXIT GCL1 | | | | | | GCL1 |_____| |____________| | | |_____| EXITS TO :- GCL1, GCL3 -= Great Cathedral L3 (GCL3) =- _________ | | W | | S + N | | E |_________| ____ _______________________________ ____ / | | | |EXIT\ / EXIT| | | |GCL4 \ / GCL2| | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | / \ | | | | / \____| |_______________________________| |____/ _________ | | | | EXIT | | GCL1 |_________| -= Great Cathedral L4 (GCL4) =- GCL3 EXIT _____ / \ W / \ S + N / \ E | | | *. | | | \ / \ / \_____/ EXIT Final Battle -= Forgotten Pathway =- ____ E | C. | N + S |____| W __ _________ | |_ | | _____ Gold Key | _| | BOSS | | | EXIT |__| | | |_____| The Keep ____ |_________| | C. | |____| -= Escapeway =- ______ | | EXIT | __| To Undercity West | | |___| ___ | | | |__ ______ | | | | E |______| |__ | N + S | | W |___| Silver Key ___ _______ ___| |__ | | ______ EXIT | | | | | | To |___ __| | | |__ | Undercity \ \ |_______| | | West \____\ |___| ______ Gold Key ______ | C. | | C. | | | | | |______| |______| -= Iron Maiden B1 =- Right then. My theory (It's probably wrong but I'm gonna tell you it anyway) is that the team who worked on Vagrant Story are fans of Metal Music, and in particular "Iron Maiden". I mean the rooms have names that could only come from Metal bands or songs, and there is a room in Iron Maiden B3 called "The Iron Maiden". Now unless I am very much mistaken (as I usually am) this is the name of a song on Iron Maiden's Debut album "Iron Maiden". Anyway, back to the maps. Oh, you might find the maps a bit confusing but all will become clear when you have left the Iron Maiden. N EXIT W + E _____ To The Keep S | | \ / \_/ _______ | | | | |_______| Mandrake Sigil ________ ______ _____ ________ | | | |- | | ---------| | | ____| |______|- |_____| ---------|____ | | | _______ | | |___| | | |___| | | | | | | __|_|__ |_______| | | | BOSS. | ______ ___ ______ | | | | | C. | ___| |___ | C. | | | |_______| | | | | | | | | ___ |______| |___ ___| |______| | | | | |___| | | | | ___ ______ _|_|_ | |_______ ___| |___ | C. | | | | |-----| | | | |_____| |___________|-----|___________| |______| _______ _________ ________ | BOSS. | | | | | | | | _____| |_____ | |_______| | | |__| ___ |___| __ | | Iron Key_______ _____ __| |__ ____| | | | | | | | | | |_____| |CHEST| |________| |________| Steel Key |_____| __|_|__ | | | BOSS. | |_______| EXIT Iron Maiden B2 -= Iron Maiden B2 =- Okay. This is slightly complicated and you wish there was a save point handy. Why? Hard enemies and .... warping. That's right, the same type of warping as found in the Snowfly Forests. That is why I have labelled all the rooms, and the exits. The labels on the exits show which room you will be taken to next. I hope this helps. At the Iron Maiden B2 section in the walkthrough (when it's written) you will find a way of revealing ALL the rooms in the Iron Maiden B2. Anyway, Let the map commence! -= The Room Directory =- 1 - The Eunic's Lot 9 - The Shin Vice H - Strangulation 2 - Ordeal By Fire A - The Spider I - Tablillas 3 - The Oven at Neisse B - Lead Sprinkler J - Ordeal By Water 4 - Pressing C - Squassation K - Tongue Slicer 5 - The Mind Burns D - The Strappado L - Brank 6 - The Rack E - Thumbscrews M - Tormentum Insomniae 7 - The Saw F - Pendulem N - EXIT To Iron Maiden B3 8 - The Cold's Bridle G - Dragging < - Looping Door N START W + E LEVEL S +---+ | | | 1 | | | +-2-+ +-E-+ +-F-+ | | +---1---+ | | +-+ +-+ | | +-+ +-+ L F E | 2 | J G H +-+ +-+ | | +-+ +-+ | | +---3---+ | | +-G-+ +-6-+ +-J-+ +-2-+ +-I-+ | | | | | | +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ D I M < 3 < G H K +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ | | | | | | +-H-+ +-4-+ +-J-+ +---3---+ | | | 4 | | | +---5---+ +-A-+ +-4-+ +-L-+ | | | | | | +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ E D I < 5 < F E D +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ | | | | | | +-K-+ +-6-+ +-F-+ +-D-+ +-5-+ +-N-+ | | | | | | +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ H K J < 6 < I M L +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ | | | | | | +-L-+ +-7-+ +-6-+ +---3---+ | | | 7 | | | +---8---+ +-H-+ +-7-+ +-K-+ | | | | | | +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ K J G < 8 < M L F +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ | | | | | | +-I-+ +-9-+ +-E-+ +---8---+ | | | 9 | | | +---A---+ +-9-+ +-----+ | | +-----+ | + +-+ +-+ + | | C A C A B A B | | + +-+ +-+ + | +-----+ | | +-----+ +-D-+ -= Iron Maiden B3 =- The Keep EXIT ___ | | _______ | |___ | C. | _______ / | | | | C. | / ___| | | | | | /| | |_______| | | |/ | | |_______| |___| _________ | | | | | BOSS. | | | |_________| EXIT Iron Maiden B2 -= Undercity West =- _______ | | EXIT | ___| Town Centre West | | |___| ___ | | N | |__ _______ W + E | |RI| | S | __| |___ | | | | | |___| |___| Iron Key ___ ___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___| |___| ___ Escapeway EXIT | | EXIT ______ ________ ___| | __ Escapeway | | | | | | | | | __| |__ __| |_______| | | |___| |__| | | EXIT ____ |__| Town Centre | | _____________ East |BOSS| | | | C | | | |____| |___| |____| | | __ | * | _____ | | Mines B2|| | |CHEST| ________ __| |__ ________ |EXIT__________| ________ | | | | | *. | | | | | | | EXIT |_____| |__ __| |__ __| |__ __| |_____________| |__ __| Town Centre Iron Key | | | | | | | | East |__| |__| |__| |__| __ EXIT __ Mines B2 __ Gold Key | | Limestone | | EXIT__ | | | | Quarry | |__ ____ | | | | W/S Godhands | | | | | | | | | | All Materials |__| |_____| |_ | | | | | Cont ____ EXIT Silver Key | | | | | | |W/S*| Snowfly |__| |__| |__| |____| Forest __ __ __ ___ _____ | | | | | | | | |CHEST| __| |__ _| |_ _| |__ ___| | | | | *. || || | | | |_____| |__ __||______||_______| |_______| | | Gold Key |__| ____ | | |BOSS| | | |____| EXIT City Walls East -= Undercity East =- ________ _____ | ___ C.| |__ | N |_|Exit__| |__| W + E To Town | | ______ S Centre | | | | East |___| | | _____ |______| | | ____ | | | | |_____| | | _____ | | | | | | | | |____| |_____| EXIT To City Walls North _____ _ __ |CHEST| _| |_ _| | EXIT To City Walls North | | | |||_ | |_____| |_____|| |__| Iron Key_| _____ | | |BOSS.| |_____| ______ ___ |CHEST.| ___| | | | | | |______| |_______| -= The Keep =- ____ _________________ |W/S*| Cont E | | |____| Keane's Crafts N + S | |_______ W | | EXIT * _______| | CHEST | ___ | To Town Centre | | | Left Side - Azala Sigil | South | | | Right Side - Tigertail Sigil |_________________| |___| ___ | | Schirra Sigil | | Marigold Sigil T.T - Damascus Golem |___| Time Trial - Damascus Crab ___ | | Aremone Sigil | | Verbena Sigil T.T - Earth Dragon |___| Time Trial - Snow Dragon ___ | | Kalmia Sigil | | Columbine Sigil Time Trial - Minotaur |___| Time Trial - Dragon ___ | | Gold Key | | EXIT To Iron Maiden B1 Forgotten Pathway |___| EXIT To City Walls South -= City Walls West =- To Town Centre West _______ _______ _______ E | EXIT | | | | | EXIT N + S |_______| |_______| |_______| To Abandoned Mines B2 W -= City Walls South =- To Town Centre To Town Centre West South _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ N | | | | | EXIT | | | | EXIT | EXIT W + E |_______| |_______| |_______| |_______| |_______| To Keep S EXIT To Snowfly Forest -= City Walls East =- To Town Centre To Town Centre W Snowfly South South S + N Forest _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ E East | EXIT | | | | EXIT | | | | | EXIT |_ RI |_______| |_______| |_______| |_______| |_______| To Undercity West -= City Walls North =- W S + N To Town Centre To Town Centre E Iron Key_ East East _______ | _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ EXIT | | | EXIT. | | | | | | EXIT. | | | EXIT To Undercity |_______| |_______| |_______| |_______| |_______| |_______| To East | Undercity East Clematis Sigil -= Snowfly Forest =- Okay. The Snowfly Forest. This is a very easy place to get lost in (Due to the map warping) so you might find this map helpful. Under the Room Directory is a guide on how to get through the forest easily. This guide however DOES NOT include a way to reveal ALL of the map. You have to go and work that on your own at another point in time. The map below has all the different "Rooms" labelled (as with the Iron Maiden B2). The labels in the exits/entrances of the rooms say which rooms they lead into. 1 - The Faerie Circle A - Forest River J- Golden Egg Way 2 - The Hunt Begins B - Lamenting To The Moon K- The Woodcutter's Run 3 - Which Way Home C - Running With The Wolves L- The Wolves' Choice 4 - The Birds And The Bees D - You Are The Prey M-Howl Of The Wolf King 5 - Traces Of The Beast E - The Secret Path N- They Also Feed 6 - Fluttering Hope F - Hewn From Nature O- The Hollow Hills 7 - Return To The Land G - The Wood Gate P- The Spirit Trees 8 - The Yellow Wood H - The Giving Trees Q- The Silent Hedges 9 - Where Soft Rains Fell I - The Wounded Boar +------------------------------------+ | * Cont | | | | A | | | | | +--B-----------------| 1 |--------9--+ +-A-+ +-A-+ | | | | --+ +-- ------- ------+ | | +----P----+ M B L B Q P H P | | 9 | | | --+ +-- ------- --+ | | | | 7 | | | | | | | | BOSS. | +-C-+ +-N-+ +-8-+ +----6----+ +-O-+ +-B-+ +-P-+ +-9-+ +-J-+ +-7-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | --+ +-- --+ +-- ------+ --+ +-- --+ +-- --+ +-- --+ +-- Q D C D C O C O | 4 N 8 N 8 5 8 5 6 5 6 J --+ +-- --------- --+ | --+ +-- --+ +-- --+ +-- --------- | | | | | | | | | | +-E-+ +-M-+ +-H-+ +-J-+ +-4-+ +-D-+ +-O-+ +-N-+ +-8-+ +-5-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | --+ +- --+ +-- --+ +-- --+ +-- | E | Q M B B L K L K 4 H 4 N | | -------- --+ +-- --------- --+ +-- | | | | | | +-F-+ +-J-+ +-3-+ +---E---+ +-8-+ +-4-+ +-N-+ | | S | | | | | | | F | E + W --+ +-- --------- --+ +-- --+ +-- | BOSS. | N 6 J I J I 3 I 3 H 3 H P +---G---+ --+ +-- --------- --+ +-- --------- | | | | +--F--+ +-5-+ +-2-+ | | | G | +-3-+ | * | | | +-----+ | 2 | | | +-1-+ +--2--+ | | | 1 | | * | +START+ To get through the Snowfly forest you need to unblock the path connecting rooms 9 and 8. In order to do this you need to fight the boss at 7 to change the direction of the wind, therefore unblocking the path. You need to go to these rooms in this order to get to the end:- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, G. (Bit obvious really wasn't it.) At the boss in room F you don't need to attack Sydney - he's on your side, so don't attack him as he will cast spells on you to aid you in your battle. Why he does this is something you are gonna have to find out for yourself. -= Snowfly Forest East =- _______________ ________ | | | | _________ | BOSS | EXIT | | | | | CHEST. | | | | |_________| | | | |________| | | | |_______________| | City Walls East The room with the boss and the narrow corridor keep looping with each other if you keep going forward. In order to escape you need to go backwards the way you came. And to confuse you even more the map is unavailable, it will however become accessible once you have left the forest. -= Town Centre West =- To City Walls South (On Latch) | __________________ | ____| EXIT To Undercity West EXIT___________| | | _____ |__| | | EXIT Undercity West __ | __| _ RI | | |__| _| |___ ____ To Sanctum Crimson Key | |________ _| | | | EXIT___________EXIT To City Walls West | | | ___| |__ | ___ | | | _________| |_ | | | | | | * \ |__| |___| | | | _| |___________ \ W | | | | |__| S + N ___ | | | | Magic Hammer E To EXIT_| | | | | | ___ Cont ___ Abandoned |__ | | | | |_ | | |WS| | | Mines B1 ______| * |___ __| | |___| |_ | |* | | | |______________| |____| |_| |__| | | _________| | | / | ________/ | | | | |__| -= Town Centre South =- Abandoned Mines B2 __ EXIT N ______| |____ W + E | | S ___ |______________| ___ | |_ __ __ ______ __________|___| | | | | | | LATCH | | |_____|__|__| |__ | EXIT | |___ ____ | | City Walls _______ __| | | _|| | East | | | | |__| | | | | | _| _________ ___ |___| ______| __| |_____ _____| | | | C | _EXIT | * | | | |_____ | |___| | |___ | |___| | |____Mandrake Sigil City Walls \ / EXIT | | South \____/ The Keep \_______| -= Town Centre East =- _ ___ | | EXIT | \ | | To Undercity | \______| | East | ________| Cont ____ | / Junction Point |*W/S| |___/ Wood, Leather, Bronze, Iron |____| ___ and Harogene __________ | | __ | | | | |WS| * Cont | | Latch | | |__| Metal Works | |__ ___| |___ (Silver and To Undercity West | | | | Damascus) EXIT |___ _______| |___________| _ |_| __/ /____ _ | | ____ | | |____ * |____ | \ | | | | | \ __| | |_________| |______\______|___*| EXIT EXIT To City Walls North Okay, that is all my map notes up and here. (I did warn you that they would be rough didn't I?) (Oh, and those maps are my third attempt at putting them in that style). These notes will get updated EVERY time I finish an area or find anything that I missed off. If it helps I still have the original copies of these maps (hand drawn, on paper, badly), so if you think you might find them easier 2 understand, tell me and I'll scan them and put them online somewhere. Another future plan for this section is that I will provide the names for ALL of the rooms. This means that when I write my guide or refer to rooms you will be able to find them quite easily. *** 03.0. The Walkthrough *** *** 03.1. First Play *** Okay the walkthrough has been started. All other "Version 2" guides will contain more of the walkthrough. Aren't you lucky? Anyway I decided to start the walkthrough at the Limestone Quarry as Lilac Man can't be bothered to get passed that point as he is finding it "too hard", so I though I'd try and speed him up a little bit. I then finished that and though I had better start from the beginning of the game. So I did. I have also listed all the room names so if you get stuck you can just search for the room name and hey presto!..You are able to get through that room! I have also avoided putting a guide on how to beat the bosses in the walkthrough, as I though it would be better if I put those in the encyclopaedia with the enemy descriptions, so this is where you will be able to find the guide on beating bosses. But enough of my rambling, here is the walkthrough. -= The Intro Cut-Scene =- When you load the game (after the FMV) you get a cut-scene as the intro. Within this intro are two battles which YOU can take part in. (Clever eh?) Duke Bardorba's Manor Nothing but cut-scene here. Press O to continue. The Manor's Courtyard A box falls on the floor and you get attacked by two Mullenkamp Soldiers. Kill them and cut-scene takes over. But notice this. The bodies stay where they are, but when you get into Lea Monde they disappear due to the power of the mysterious town.... The Manor's Chapel You get to fight Sydney's Wyvern. Aren't you lucky? Well, you are actually... this one is kinda on the weak side. -= The Wine Cellar =- What you are wanting to do is get to Lea Monde. But it's not that simple. Well nothing is in games like this are they? The Wine Cellar is, in reality, a sort of training course giving you experiece of nearly everything you will meet later on in the game. Entrance To Darkness This is where you start. Nothing here move on out. Worker's Breakroom Magic Circle Chest [Unlocked]:- Tovarisch [B] (Hand Axe, Wooden Grip) Leather Glove [L] Buckler [W] Five Vera Bulbs Five Cure Bulbs Hall Of Struggle Bat Gyag! Your first enemy that is actually in the game! You can now practice carrying crates. Remember - you need to be out of the battle mode. Smokebarrel Stair There is a door in here locked with the Chamomile Sigil. As you can't open it go up the stairs which the Crimson Blades went up. Wine Guild Hall Crimson Blades Magic Circle, Container Once the Blades have been dealt with move over to the container and magic circle then leave the room by using the cloudstone. The floating panels seem normal to the average gamer no? Well to the people in Vagrant Story they are everything BUT normal. Wine Magnate's Chambers Bat, Silver Wolf Once you have killed the enemies follow the wall to avoid the Gust Trap that is just infront of the exit. Fine Vintage Vault 1st Time:- Two Crimson Blades Every other time:- Bats and Wolves This shouldn't be to hard. Chamber Of Fear Bats, Silver Wolf You walk forward, and an earthquake changes the layout - then the enemies start to appear in this room. Jump onto the high ledge to get to a treasure room which is guarded by the Silver Wolf. The Reckoning Room Silver Wolves, Bat Chest [Unlocked]:- Seventh Heaven [B] (Gastraph Bow, Simple Bolt] Reinforced Glove [L] Vera Root Cure Root Labourer's Thirst Silver Wolf, Bat To leave the room you need to go through the door which is high up. To do this get a crate while standing on the central platform and place it directly infront of the jutting ledge. Jump on top and then jump up to the exit. The Rich Drown In Wine Silver Wolf, Bat Once you enter the room you will see some wolves on the floor directly below you, all you need to do is jump down and kill them along with whatever else is in the room. Once you have done this target the pile of crates from within the Battle System so that you are able to pick one up off the top of the pile. Once you have done this carry it over to the other high up platform which leads to the switch. Once you are by the switch, select it and choose to move it. You now have 2 seconds to jump down and leave the room. When time limits are on Ashley will walk out the room on his own as long as he is in the doorway. You'll see what I mean.... Room Of Rotten Grapes Bat, Silver Wolf (How original) Crates. Crates. And even more crates. Guess what you have to do here. That's right you need to place the crates by the platform so that you can reach the exit. Blackmarket of Wines Magic Circle Chest [Unlocked]:- Cure Potion Five Cure Bulbs Once here, save and max out your health and MP - you're about to encounter the first boss of the game. Once you return to this room after the boss battle you will see a training dummy with Human Affinity. All I'm gonna say is it's up to you whether or not you use it, but the workshop is a long way off to restore your weapons lost Damage Points.... The Gallows 1st Time BOSS:- Minotaur Chest [Unlocked]:- Pelta Shield [W] Three Vera Bulbs Fifteen Yggdrasil's Tears Once defeated and you try to leave the room you get access to the Battle Abilities after some "funky" cut-scene action. Now just assign Defence and Chain Abilities and you can move on. 2nd Time (Later on when you have the Stock Sigil) BOSS:- Minotaur Zombie Prize:- Rune Earrings Accessory Three Cure Bulbs Elixir Of Queens Chest [Chest Key]:- Circle Shield [D] with Titan Malachite Gem Three Cure Potions Vera Potion This is later on in the game when you have acquired the Stock Sigil. When you enter you will encounter the Minotaur Zombie (who happens to keep re-spawning after you have killed it) Room Of Cheap Red Wine Mandel After having used the Chamomile Sigil you'll end up here. And you will be attacked by an undead enemy - the first of the game. Room Of Cheap White Wine Zombie, Zombie Fighter, Ghoul Once in here you get attacked by some unhappy members of the undead. Kill them and move on. You will get two cure potions for every enemy killed in this room. The Greedy One's Den Silver Wolves Kill and continue The Hero's Winehall BOSS:- Dullahan Chest [Unlocked]:- Rusty Nail [B] (Spear, Spiculum Pole) Braveheart Gem Cure Bulb When you have finished here move on to the Catacombs. -= Catacombs =- Now you have got out of the Wine Cellar you need to get out of the Catacombs before you can enter Lea Monde. The only problem is that the door you need to leave by is locked with the Lily Sigil..... Hall Of Sworn Revenge Magic Circle, Container You will find a Cure Panel on the left raised step which is opposite the Magic Circle. This cures any status ailments, restores you HP to full and reduces your RISK. Later on you will be able to find a Skeleton Knight Training Dummy in this room. The Last Blessing Hellhound All you need to do here is run through the room. Killing enemies on the way is SOMETIMES a good idea, but you still have another room to go through before you can stop the two second time limit. The Weeping Corridor Skeleton Look out for the Freeze Trap that is two squares infront of the exit. Avoid it by sticking to the wall. Persecution Hall Skeleton, Hellhound Once in the room look to the left and near the ceiling. There is a door. You can't get to it, can you? Well, all you need to do is solve a little cube puzzle...Follow the instructions below - First destroy a crate that is stacked up - Place the crate on the half step - Stand on the half step and pick the crate up - Put the crate on the full step - Place under door - Jump up and exit. Rodent-Ridden Chamber Skeleton Chest [Unlocked]:- Pink Squirrel [I] (Goblin Club, Wooden Grip) Cross Guard Grip Cuirass Long Boots Iocus Gem Three Mana Roots Three Cure Bulbs I'm not going to insult your intelligence by helping you with this. It's simple and involves using steps.... Shrine To The Martyrs Skeleton, Hellhound You will find out shortly that in order to enter this room you need an earthquake. Well, we'll see what we can do about that shall we? For the moment go through the other door The Lamenting Mother Ghost Time Trial (30 seconds) Chest [Unlocked]:- Shandy Gaff [B] (Broad Sword) Knuckles [B] Elixir of Queens Defeat the enemy in 30 seconds and you get a prize, don't defeat you don't get a prize but whatever happens - you CAN'T die. You will find that the other door in here is rusted shut. Leave and an earthquake will hit, the floor of The Lamenting Mother will disappear leaving you to go through the Shrine To The Martyrs. Hall Of Dying Hope Zombie Knight The door you need to go through first is the one above the wall as it leads to a treasure room. To get there push the push crate forward and the left so that it meets the wall. Then get the carry crate place it on top of the push crate and jump up to the exit. Bandit's Hideout Ghost, Bat, Hellhound Chest [Unlocked]:- Soul Kiss [S] (Scramasax, Swept Hilt) Targe [B] Knuckles [B] Bear Mask [L] Haeralis Gem Three Spirit Orisons Three Eye Of Argons To get the platform with the chest on, destroy the push crate and move the rolling cube so that it's against the wall. Then move a push crate under the the chests ledge. Jump onto it and you can open the chest. The Bloody Hallway Cube Puzzle Drop down the otherside of the central platform. Once here move the lower cube so that it is directly underneath the higher one. Push the higher cube towards the door you entered the room. Keep doing this until it drops down. Now using the step you have just created carry the crates over the gap and stack them up under the exit so that you can leave the room. Faith Overcome Fear Skeleton, Zombie Knight Kill. Destroy. Win. Move on. The Withered Spring Ghost, Skeleton, Mummy Magic Circle The double doors ahead are the ones locked with the Lily Sigil. The door on the right is where you go to get that sigil. The door on the left is the first workshop of the game. Go there first. Work Of Art (WORKSHOP) Magic Circle, Container Here you can work with Wood, Leather and Bronze This is where the REAL weapons come from - your imagination and a workshop. Have fun and experiment. Repent O Ye Sinners Bat, Ghoul Move on through this room into the next. The Reaper's Victims Bat, Zombie Knight This is a locking trap room. Defeat the enemies to be able to leave. The Last Stab Of Hope Skeletons The door on the right here leads to The Lamenting Mother so if you didn't get the chest earlier - now is you chance. But remember it doesn't go anywhere as the floor gave way after the earthquake. Hallway of Heroes Zombie Knight OR Skeleton Kill them. KILL 'EM ALL. The Beast's Domain Lizardman (1 and 2) Move forward and you'll get attacked. After defeating the first one you will receive:- Glaive [B] Knuckles [I] Grimoire Antidote Elixir Of Queens After defeating the second one you get:- Spear [I] Lily Sigil Now you have the Lily Sigil you can leave the Catacombs. Return here later and you will encounter a piece of Slime. -= Sanctum =- In order to leave the sanctum you need to use a cloudstone. This cloudstone has to be activated first. In otherwords you have to fight a boss before you can use the cloudstone... Prisoner's Niche Cube Puzzle Follow the instructions folks and everything will be all right:- - Destroy the crate on the right - Slide this so that there is a base of three crates next to each other - Place both of the carry crates on the step you have just created - Stand on the step yourself - Place one carry crate on top of the other - Climb to the top and leave the room after climbing over the wall Corridor Of The Clerics Skeletons When you have finished in here take the door that is infront of you. Priests' Confinement Bats Prize :- Eye of Argon (This is received from one of the bats in the room) There is a heal panel somewhere in this room. If you need to use it use the Eye of Argon that you got from the bat. If you look at the other end of the room (to the right of where you came in) you will see a door high up. That is where you need to go. To get there climb onto the cabinet underneath it which runs along the right hand-side wall. From this cabinet you need to jump slightly to the left in order to reach the door. It is slightly hard but you CAN make it - just keep trying. The Alchemist's Laboratory Skeleton Knights, Poison Slime Chest [Unlocked]:- Bosom Cleaver [B] (Langdebeve, Dragonite Gem,) Grimoire Halte There is a chest on the otherside of the room. You can get there from jumping off the top of the cabinets. To leave the room, use the door that is by the floor. Leaving this way will unlatch the door so you can use this door from the other side later on if you need to. The Academia Corridor Skeletons Once here go straight over Theology Classroom Ghost, Skeleton Locking Trap You might win Cure and Vera items off the occupants of this room if you lucky. Once you have finished in here leave and turn right. Shrine Of The Martyrs Hellhound, Skeleton Knight There is a door on the left - go through it. Hallowed Hope Poison Slime, Bat Once you have defeated the enemies max out your health and MP to prepare for a boss battle. Hall Of Sacrilege BOSS:- Golem Once you have defeated the Golem go back to the Corridor of The Clerics and leave through the exit that you have not yet used. Advent Ground (The South Side) Bat, Lizardman If you jump in the river you will lose 20 HP and restart by the door you came with which you entered the room. So just take the door on the right. Passage Of The Refugees Bat, Poison Slime, Lizardman Get rid of the enemies before you start doing anything or you might have trouble when solving the cube puzzle. Find the carry crate that is hidden in the pile and place it against the other wall. Now you can jump onto the top ledge and use the cloudstone. Once on the otherside of the gap you will fight a Lizardman so get ready. Advent Ground (The North Side) Magic Circle, Container Looks like there is a save point. Deposit all the items you want in the container and use that as your save point - or you can just use the save point. Also, get you HP and MP to the fullest capacity.... The Cleansing Chantry BOSS:- Dragon Just kill it, and move on to the Stairway To The Light. Stairway To The Light Exit from here and you'll enter into Lea Monde.... -= Town Centre West (The North Side) =- The Crimson Blades have secured ALL of the Town Centre West. In order to leave you need the Crimson Key - which happens to be owned by the Crimson Blades. At the moment. You will also notice that there is a cloudstone on the otherside of the river. You will only be able to use this later on in the game. For now concentrate on getting the key. Rue Vermillion Magic Circle The door locked with the Crimson Key is here (look at your map and you'll be able to see it). From here take the North-east path. The Rene Coastroad Here you will find the second workshop of Vagrant Story. The Magic Hammer (WORKSHOP) Magic Circle, Container At the Magic Hammer you can work with Bronze and Iron. Repair you weapons and shields while you have your chance as if you don't you'll regret it later on... Rue Mal Fallde Once here you realise you can't go this way, so head back to Rue Vermillion and take the other path. Tircolas Flow BOSS:- Father Duane, Sarjik, Bejart After the battle you will have that key for the door which takes you to the City Walls West. In the BOSS battle here I suggest getting Sarjik and Bejart first then moving on to get Father Duane. If Father Duane casts Poison Mist on it counter it with a Faerie Chortle or Antidote. -= City Walls West =- There is no real objective to this part of Vagrant Story as it just takes you to the Abandoned Mines B1. Students Of Death Go through the door... The Gabled Hall Zombie Knights Locking Trap Room Where The Master Fell Follow the staircase to the Abandoned Mines B1. -= Abandoned Mines B1 =- In order to leave the mines you need to find the Hyacinth and Fern Sigils. So you will have to wander around for a bit to get them. Dreamer's Entrance Stirge Meet your new enemy and move on. The Crossing Hellhound (Sometimes) Magic Circle Save and then head west to find a treasure room. Miner's Resting Hall Goblins, Mimic Chest [Magic]:- Stinger [B] (Guisarme, Sand Face Grip) Quad Shield [B] Ring Mail [B] Ring Leggings [B] White Queen Gem Grimoire Visible Five Cure Bulbs Walk towards the chest on the lower floor and it'll move. It's a mimic. Those who have played the game for a long time will know by now that the layout's for treasure room are usually very similar and that the chests are usually in the same place. So, if anything looks different (as in the chest is in the wrong place and there is more than one of them) there is a mimic around. You now have a choice of roots. You can either turn right after leaving the room or go straight ahead - it's up to you. But they both end up in the same place. The Suicide King (After going right) Goblin, Stirge Locking Trap In here you'll get a couple of Yggdrasil's Tears which will come in very handy later on. The Battle's Beginning BOSS:- Wyvern When you have slain this Wyvern move ahead. What Lies Ahead? Goblin, Goblin Leader Move on after meeting your new "friend". The Fruits Of Friendship Just cross the gap using the cloudstone and leave the room. Conflict And Accord (After going straight ahead) Goblin, Hellhound Move on. The End Of The Line Goblin, Stirge Locking Trap Room What do we have here?..... Yggdrasil's Tears? The Earthquake's Mark (the Junction) Stirge Once here you will notice that there is a door on the latch, a door locked with the Hyacinth Sigil and an unlocked door. You need to use the unlocked door. Coal Mine Storage Goblin, Goblin Leader Chest [Unlocked]:- Ring Sleeve [B] Chain Coif [B] Undine Jasper Fern Sigil It might be a good idea to use Eureka here.... Now use the Hyacinth Sigil... The Passion Of Lovers The Time Trial thingy starts with around 15 seconds... Hall of Hope Goblin, Goblin Leader go, Go, GO! The Dark Tunnel Magic Circle Once here save and head east for a treasure room. Ignore the door locked with the silver key (leading to Everwant Passage) as you will get that later on in the Temple Of Kiltia. Later on this room will contain the Ogre (Beast) Dummy for practising. Everwant Passage Goblin, Mimic I said it was locked didn't I.... Rust In Peace Goblin Leader, Goblin, Mimic Chest [Magic]:- Chain Sleeve [B] Salamander Ring Manabreaker Elixir Of Sages Grimoire Undine The Smeltry BOSS:- Fire Elemental Did you save? Did you? Eh? Did you? Clash Of Hyaenas This shouldn't be too hard. Just use a bit of common sense here and there..... Greed Knows No Prosper Goblin Leader, Goblin No treasure here then... Live Long And Prosper "I'm givin' 'er all she's got captain!" The door you need to leave by is locked with the Fern Sigil, but as you have that already you should be okay. Pray To The Mineral Gods Striges "To Infinity and BEYOND!" Traitor's Parting BOSS:- Ogre Make sure your HP and MP are full before you enter because it's a long way to the last save point. Escapeway Go up the stairs to leave the Abandoned Mines B1 -= Town Centre West (The South Side) =- You have now found your way back to Town Centre West. Before you continue with your quest I would suggest heading back to the workshop by using the now active cloudstone that crosses the river. The main objective of the next part of the game is to find your way into the Undercity West. Rue Bouquet Magic Circle This is where you emerge from the mines. If I were you I would take advantage of that save point. Tircolas Flow (The South Side) Crimson Blades You will find that from this point on your enemies will tend to "hunt" you, cast Herakles and cure themselves. Don't say I didn't warn you. Glacialdra Kirk Ruins In here you will notice a gate. A locked gate. That is locked with.....the Rood Inverse....You are unable to open gates and doors locked with the Rood Inverse on your first play. Sorry. But there IS a good reason to it, although you need to finish the game to find out why. So you can either go back to Rue Bouquet or climb over the rocks and leave through a hidden exit. Villeport Way This is where you end up after the cut-scene. But it leads to a dead end. So head backwards Rue Sant s'Alsa Crimson Blades You will find that a Crimson Blade jumps down from above. Climb up their and go through the door. If you look at your map you will be able to see where it is. Dinas Walk Cross the gap and when outside jump down, kill the Crimson blade and enter the Undercity West. -= Undercity West =- Your new objective is to find your way to the Snowfly Forest. The Bread Pebbler's Way Keep on moving forwards... Way Of The Mother Lode Zombie Knight, Ghast When finished here head forwards and go through the door. Sewer Of Ravenous Rats Skeleton, Zombie Mage You can't go any further as the door is locked with the Silver Key, so head back and leave via the exit which you have not yet used. Underdark Fishmarket BOSS:- Giant Crab When finished here move on to The Sunless Way. The Sunless Way Magic Circle Go forwards to find the Hall of Poverty, left to The Washing-Woman's Way and right to continue with your trek in Remembering Days Of Yore. Hall Of Poverty Zombie Knight, Ghast Not much here... The Washing Woman's Way Zombie Knight, Zombie Mage The door is locked with the Silver Key so head back. Remembering Days Of Yore Zombie Knight, Ghast, Zombie Mage Remember to come back here later when you have the Iron Key in order to gain lots of treasure and the Clematis Sigil, but as you can't do that at the mo, use the other exit. Where The Hunter Climbed At the top of this staircase is the Snowfly Forest. -= The Snowfly Forest =- Grrr. I don't like the Snowfly Forest, it is very confusing (screen warps that take you from one side of the map to the other ya hear!), and the cover of the trees makes it hard to spot any enemies that may be lurking in the undergrowth. If you get lost walk up to a tree and press X. You will then be given the option to face South or not. Very handy, if you ask me - which you won't. "Follow the snowflies" is what Rosencrantz tells you to do. Yeah, right. They are EVERYWHERE. Don't listen to him - just follow my guide instead and you WON'T get lost. What you have to do instead is find a Dragon, beat it to change the direction of the wind to unblock a path that is blocked by the snowflies in order to continue. I have a map of the Snowfly forest in my maps section so I won't bother placing it here as well. If you follow the numbers and letters in their increasing order (you'll get the idea) it will take you straight through the forest missing out the areas that you don't have to visit. The following "room" guide follows the listing of those areas on the map. The Faerie Circle Magic Circle This is where you start head forwards. The Hunt Begins There's nothing here. Move on to the next screen. Which Way Home Basilisk You have found one of the forest's main residents. Once defeated move forward onto the next screen (that's south BTW). The Birds And The Bees Ichthious Once again continue heading south. Traces Of The Beast Once here go right (west). Fluttering Hope From here head south to face the first boss in the Snowfly Forest. Return To The Land BOSS:- Earth Dragon Once you have defeated this creature head back from where you came, go straight forward (east) in order to get to the Yellow Wood. Yellow Wood Once here turn right to head south. Where Soft Rains Fell Fire Elemental Once defeated keep going forward The Forest River Basilisk, Zombie Knights Magic Circle, Container Chest [Unlocked]:- Knuckle Guard Grip Circle Shield [H] Chain Mail [I] Sylphid Ring Nightkiller Gem Three Acolyte's Nostrum Grimoire Agilite The first exit (on your side of the river) leads you back to the Faerie Circle at the start of the forest (don't want to go there then...). What you want to do is cross the river and leave through that exit (north). Lamenting To The Moon Head north. Running With The Wolves Head east. You Are The Prey Head north again. The Secret Path Head north once more. Hewn From Nature BOSS:- Father Grissom, Dark Crusader ALLIE:- Sydney Chest [Unlocked]:- Corpse Reviver [I] (Firangi) Circle Shield [H] Demonia Gem Three Vera Tonics Three Cure Bulbs If you want you can use Sydney as a shield - but don't kill him as he aids you by casting spells that are to your advantage. That said it is possible to kill him and he says something about it not being his time and he suddenly; comes back from the death for the after battle cut-scene. Quite odd. Now leave by the north exit. The Wood Gate Magic Circle You have now left the Snowfly Forest. Go through the new door and enter the City Walls South. -= City Walls South =- These walls will take you to your next port of call - The Keep. The Weeping Boy Lizardman Continue ahead. Swords For The Land Lizardman, Blood Lizard Time Challenge Clear the room within 20 secs or you will have to start all over again from the beginning. In Wait Of The Foe Unlatch the door which leads on to Villeport Way, but don't use it. Instead keep moving onwards in the city walls. Where Waery Riders Rest Lizardman Guess what you have to do here? The Boy's Training Room Head forward and you will enter the Keep. Later on in the game, this room will contain a Dummy which enables you to increase your weapon's Dragon class affinity. -= The Keep =- In the keep are many doors locked with Sigils. These doors are for time trials and you DO NOT need to enter them all to get 100% map completion as the rooms don't appear on the map. From the Keep you are also able to access Iron Maiden B1 and a new workshop. The Soldier's Bedding Max up you health and magic point and enter the south door which leads into the Iron Maiden B1. -= Iron Maiden B1 =- Count this as a....slight detour from your current mission but it saves you from coming back later. What you are going to do here is claim a Sigil then run back to the Keep. I have a separate section dedicated to the WHOLE of the Iron Maiden after the main walkthrough so...read it. The Cage Go down the stairs The Cauldron Wraith, Gargoyle Locking Trap Room Prizes:- Mandrake Sigil Grimoire Exsorcer Three Spirit Orisons Three Vera Bulbs This is the room you get your sigil. Kill the Wraith and leave via the way you came in. -= The Keep =- The Soldier's Bedding So.. your back here. Go east. A Storm Of Arrows Sigil Locked Doors. Urge The Boy On More Sigil locked doors. A Taste Of The Spoils Even more Sigil locked doors Wiping Blood From Blades Guess what? Yup, your right.... The Warrior's Rest Magic Circle Chest [Chest Key]:- Sweet Sorrow [I] (Francisca, Gendarme) Tower Shield [I] (With Death Gueen Gem) Sallet [H] Three Sorcerer's Reagents When you first arrive here you will enter the room during a cut-scene. When it has ended enter the room across the corridor to max up and save THEN try to exit this room as you will enter into a BOSS battle. Keane's Crafts (WORKSHOP) Magic Circle, Container Here you can work with Bronze, Iron and Hagane The Warrior's Rest Mini-BOSS:- Jan Rosencrantz You enter this battle as you are leaving the room. -= Town Centre South =- Once in the Town Centre South you need to get into the Abandoned Mines B2. You can do this by going two different ways. I will take you through both ways but I suggest you follow ROUTE ONE and come back and do ROUTE TWO later, as you don't have to go anywhere near route two to finish the game. But both routes will end up at the same point in Abandoned Mines B2 which is Bandit's Hollow. Forcas Rise Crimson Blades This is where you enter Town Centre South. First go left to find a magic circle and then go right. Valdiman Gate Magic Circle The door here leads on to City Walls South. Rue Aliano Crimson Blades The door here is locked with the Mandrake Sigil. If you have the Mandrake Sigil you can go through the door. This is the start of ROUTE ONE. If you wish to take route two head back to Forcas Rise. Forcas Rise Once you are back here head to the north-eastern corner of the room and leave via that exit. Rue Faltas Here you have a Portcullis which you are unable to move and an archway. Head under the archway. Rue Morgue Crimson Blades After you have dispatched of the Crimson Blades use the Bronze Key on the door and enter the Abandoned Mines B2. This is the start of ROUTE TWO. -= ROUTE ONE =- The House Khazabas Chest [Magic]:- Ten Eye Of Argon's Grimoire Muet After using the Mandrake Sigil you will end up here. Once you have opened the chest continue on to the next room. Zebel Walk Just jump over the gap and leave the room. Rue Volnac You have two doors infront of you. One latched and one un-latched. You can un-latch the locked door later but for now use the unlocked door to enter the City Walls East. -= City Walls East =- Train And Grow Strong One door locked with the Rood Inverse, which means you have to leave through the other door. The Squire's Gathering Zombie Mage, Dark Skeleton Walk on... The Invaders Are Found Before continuing un-latch the door as it leads back on to Rue Volnac. The Dream Weavers (HEY! We use DreamWeaver 3 to make GD...) Zombie Made, Dark Skeleton After you have finished playing with Macromedia products feel welcome to move on. The Cornered Savage Gargoyles Take the staircase down to Undercity West. -= Undercity West =- Fear Of The Fall BOSS:- Dark Elemental When you have finished here head on to Sinner's Corner. Sinner's Corner Magic Circle Dark Skeletons, Dark Eye When finished here head left to find a treasure room. The Children's Hideout Dark Eye, Gargoyle Chest [Unlocked]:- Sweet Death [S] (Shamshir, Knuckle Guard Grip) Footman's Mace [H] Blade Steel Bolt Grip Spiked Shield (with White Queen Gem) Sallet Undine Bracelet Speedster Gem Grimoire Dissiper When finished here leave the room and head left. Nameless Dark Oblivion Dark Eye, Dark Skeleton The Silver Door leads onto The Washing-Woman's way but you can't got here yet. If you want you can come back later when you do have the key. For now, just leave the room and turn left. Corner Of Prayers One door here is locked with the Gold Key so leave through the other door. Hope Obstructed Take the door at the end of the corridor and you will be in the Abandoned Mines B2. -= Abandoned Mines B2 =- -Unknown Room- Unfortunately I don't know the name of this room, but when you go down the stairs you will end up in Bandit's Hollow. -=ROUTE TWO=- Okay, Route Two is mainly ONE massive TIME CHALLENGE. Luckily you can leave at any time using on of the two doors on either side of the Time Challenge. Anyway let's continue. Corridor Of Shade After using the Bronze Key you will end up here. Revelation Shaft Just use the crates to give you a height advantage for jumping onto the Cloudstone. Use Invigorate OR Faerie Wings if you feel it is necessary. Gambler's Passage Orc Move on to the next room. The Miner's End BOSS:- Air Elemental NEXT ROOM! The Treaty Room Magic Circle Slime, Poison Slime Use the magic circle as you are about to enter the Time Challenge. Way Of Lost Children Start Of Time Trial:- TWO MINUTES Orcs, Orc Leader When the 2 minutes are up and you are still in you will get transported back to The Treaty Room. Anyway head right after entering the room. Hidden Resources Mimic, Imp Chest [Chest Key]:- Eviscerator [S] (Kudi) Tower Shield [I] Breastplate [I] Fusskampf [H] Trinity Gem Three Saint's Nostrums Grimoire Mollesse Once you have explored the chest, leave the room and go straight ahead. Desire's Passage Slimes There is a Cure Panel just before the door that leads out of the room. Senses Lost Orc, Orc Leader There are two traps here so cast Eureka or use an Eye Of Argon. Crossing Of Blood Orcs Cast Eureka to find the Diabolos and Death Vapour Traps. BUT what you really want to do is leave by the door opposite you. The Abandoned Catspaw Slimes Leave through the door. Hall Of Contemplation Orcs, Orc Leader Once in here head left. Hall Of The Empty Sconce Proceed ahead to find...a treasure room. Acolyte's Burial Vault Mimic, Imps Chest [Unlocked]:- Affinity [H] (Corcesca, Framea Pole) Circle Shield [H] Gauntlet [H] Hellraiser Gem Grimoire Vie Once you are finished in here leave through the other exit of the Hall Of Contemplation. The Fallen Bricklayer Go straight ahead. Cry Of The Beast Orcs Go down the stairs The Ore Of Legend Orcs, Orc Leader Once here go left. Suicidal Desires Mimic, Imps Chest [Unlocked]:- Dog's Nose [H] (Footman's Mace, Sarissa Grip) Target Bow [I] Blade Barbut Gnome Bracelet Elixir Of Queens Three Vera Bulbs Once finished here leave this room and go straight ahead. Lambs To The Slaughter (Why not "Slimes To The Slaughter"?) Slime, Poison Slime There is a heal panel on the south wall which is a good idea to use, as it reduces your RISK and increases your HP. A Wager Of Noble Gold Orc, Orc Leader ... Kilroy Was Here (What was he doing here?) Orc Leaders After being on TV you may move on... Fool's Gold, Fool's Loss If you arrived here via the south route you have to use the cloudstone to cross and leave through the north door. If you came from the west, you can just fall down and leave through the door. Tomb Of The Reborn BOSS:- Earth Elemental Okay, once defeated you have two more doors to negotiate. You up to it? You better be... The Lunatic Veins Slimes One more door... -=THE TWO ROUTES MEET HERE=- Bandit's Hollow Magic Circle Blood Lizard, Imps It's not that hard to climb up. If there is a crate use that, if not get height, and jump slightly to the side so that you can grab a ledge. BUT when you get to the top - SAVE, FOR SMEG'S SAKE SAVE! I mean, you don't want to loose all your hard work do you? At the top you will find a door locked with the Iron Key. You'll want to come back here later then. For now leave through the only door that can be used. Dining In Darkness BOSS:- Sky Dragon Not that hard was it? MOVE ON! Subtellurin Horrors Use the cloudstone to cross the gap and then leave the room. -= Undercity West =- The Crumbling Market Magic Circle Dullahan Un-latch the door and leave by the other door. Tears From Empty Heaven I have a riddle. One door is locked with the Gold Key. The other isn't. Which one do you use? COME ON! YOU KNOW THE ANSWER! -= Town Centre East =- As you *do* have the Cattleya Sigil I suggest you continue the game based from here. At least until you are able to get to Godhands. Anyway, follow the guide. Rue Lejour Magic Circle This is where you appear, just round the corner is a Magic Circle. You can either go into town via the City Walls North OR by Kesch Bridge. In my opinion going by Kesch Bridge is easier, so that's what I'll tell you to do. -= City Walls North =- From Squire To Knight Blood Lizards You will find one door is locked with the Iron Key - you'll be back here later. For now use the other door. From Squire To Knight Blood Lizards Continue Destruction and Rebirth Dark Elemental Time Challenge (20 seconds) From Boy To Hero Blood Lizards Take the door on the side of the wall to enter Kesch Bridge. The other door is locked with the Clematis Sigil (you'll be back here also) Later on in the game this room will have the Phantom Training Dummy. -= Town Centre East =- Kesch Bridge Magic Circle Crimson Blades Don't cross the river, instead go down the path. Rue Crimnade Crimson Blades Here you will find two doors. One locked with the Cattleya Sigil (go here) and the other is latched. Junction Point (WORKSHOP) Magic Circle, Container Here you can work with Wood, Leather, Bronze, Iron and Hagane. This workshop is locked with the Cattleya Sigil. When finished here go back into Rue Crimnade and leave through the OTHER exit. Rue Fisserano Crimson Blade On the lower level you will find a workshop and on the higher level you will find that the path continues. Metal Works (WORKSHOP) Magic Circle, Container Here you can work with Silver and Damascus. Shasras Hill Park Crimson Blades On the other side of the room is a door. Use it. It is locked with the Bronze Key and leads down to the Undercity East. -= Undercity East =- Your objective is to get the Iron Key, Stock Sigil, Eulalia Sigil and Melissa Sigil Mr. Hunt.... Hall To A New World Quicksilver Move forwards... Place Of Free Words Mini-BOSS:- Harpy Room Prize:- Grimoire Intensite Five Angelic Paeans Cure Tonic Bazaar Of The Bizarre BOSS:- Lich Room Prize:- Summoner Baton [I] Agales' Chain Accessory Eulelia Sigil Mana Tonic Elixir Of Mages Teleport Ability When you have defeated the Lich you get...the Teleportation ability. Lucky You. Noble Gold And Silk You can't go left so go right! Weapons Not Allowed Lich, Quicksilvers Chest [Unlocked]:- Mojito [B] (Falchion, Stone Bullet Grip) Titan's Ring Accessory Grimoire Nuageux Iron Key Once you have finished in here you are able to go to many new areas (explained a little bit later on in more detail). For now leave the room and open the previously locked door. A Knight Sells His Sword Harpy, Quicksilver Once here kill the Quicksilver's, don't let the Harpies see you (they only attack if they see you) and go right. Gemsword Blackmarket BOSS:- Nightstalker Once finished here move on. The Pirate's Son Harpy, Quicksilver Use Eureka to find a Gust Trap. Sale Of The Sword Lich, Quicksilver Chest [Unlocked]:- Ahlspies Grip Pushpaka Accessory Grimoire Tardif Stock Sigil The Stock Sigil... I think I wrote about that along with everything else in the Wine Cellar....yes I did, I'm positive about that..... Now head back to A Knight Sells His Sword and leave through the other exit. -= City Walls North =- Traces Of Invasion Past This staircase leads up to the rest of the City Walls North. Once their head to Kesch Bridge to save and freshen up for the next leg. -= A Guide To The Iron Key =- As you now have the Iron Key, I will tell you where you can use it. 1) Teleport to "The Sunless Way". From there go to "Remembering Days Of Yore". Once their you will find a door that is locked with the Iron Key. Go inside. Larder For A Lean Winter Dark Skeletons, Lich Chest [Unlocked]:- Balin's Revenge [H] (Tabar, Heavy Grip) Vambrace [H] Elixir Of Sages Five Alchemist's Reagents Clematis Sigil 2) Teleport to "Bandit's Hollow" and open the only other door you have not yet used that can be opened. Delusions Of Happiness Blood Lizards Chest [Unlocked]:- Pirate's Mate [H] (Sabre Halberd, Sarissa Grip) Kris [D] Blade Heater Shield [I] (With Orion Gem) Swan Song Three Vera Potions Grimoire Salamandre Once you have done that head back to the City Walls North -= City Walls North =- A Welcome Invasion As you have just got the Clematis Sigil you can go here, follow the room to enter the Undercity East... -= Undercity East =- The Greengrocer's Stair Nothing much, so walk on.... Where Black Waters Run Quicksilvers, Lich Walk on, my good person Catspaw Blackmarket Quicksilver's, Lich There are traps here so use Eureka Chest [Unlocked]:- Round Shield [H] (With Dark Queen Gem) Grimoire Paralysis Aster Sigil When you have finished here head back. The Greengrocer's Stair Ah! Father Grissom.... Where Black Water's Ran BOSS:- Lady Neesa & Sir Tieger When finished head back to the stairs. The Greengrocer's Stair Grissom is...(for want of a better word) ALIVE! Anyway head back to Junction Point until you are ready to move on to the Undercity West. -= Undercity West =- Go to "The Sunless Way" and open the door locked with the Iron Key to enter... The Limestone Quarry. -= Limestone Quarry =- Before you go into the Limestone Quarry you need the following sigils:- - Clematis Sigil - Aster Sigil Dark Abhors Light Head forwards down the staircase. Dream Of The Holy Land BOSS:- Water Elemental (380 HP / 160 MP) Phantom Aqua Blast Special Attack Prize:- Grimoire Avalanche Elixir of Sages Acolytes Nostrum The Ore Road Magic Circle At this point the path will split into two. You have a choice of going east or going west. In my opinion the east route is the better of the two as there is a chest room on the way and it is easier to exit the room where both of the paths meet. I will however guide you through both of the paths. -= West Route =- Atone for Eternity Gremlins (Evil) Kill off the Gremlin and move on into the next room. You might find it useful to cast Eureka or use an Eye of Argon to reveal the trap in this room. Star To Sanctuary Wraith Kill the Wraith and move on down the stairs. The Fallen Hall 1st Time - Ogres 2nd Time - Dullahans Not too hard to beat even with a 20 second locking time trap. Move on to the next room. The Rotten Core Gremlins Kill, and move on into the junction point. At this point I would recommended returning and follow the east root. If you don't want to do that however, skip the next bit. -= East Route =- The Air Stirs Gremlins Kill the gremlins and head into the room opposite (to the east). Bonds of Friendship Air Elemental Chest [Unlocked]:- Matador [H] (Schiavona, Counter Guard) Cranequin Blade [H] Side Ring Grip Brigandine [H] Rondanche [H] Lionhead Accessory Five Snowfly Draughts Grimoire Benir Kill the air elemental raid the chest and move back into The Air Stirs and exit through the un-used door. Bacchus is Cheap Wraith Kill it and head onwards. Screams of the Wounded 1st Time:- Dullahans 2nd Time:- Ogres Just kill and head onwards. The Ore-Bearers Gremlin One Gremlin and a trap. Use Eureka if you don't feel confident of being able to kill the Gremlin and leave the room without hitting the trap or losing any extra HP by being attacked by the Gremlin. The Dreamer's Climb This is where both paths meet up again, and this is why I recommend going by the east route. If you went east you can just jump onto the platform in the middle of the room. If you came from the west move the wooden crate two tiles to the side (so it is still on the edge of the drop), and jump to the centre platform. If you are having trouble try using Faerie Wings and casting Invigorate. Once on the centre get the BLUE magnetic cube that is near the EAST door and place it on the other BLUE magnetic cube which is near the high ledge. Now, climb onto the red cube and jump to the door and leave. Sinner's Sustenance Wraith kill, Kill, KILL and move on. The Timely Dew of Sleep Gremlins Just kill the Gremlins and move on. Forget about the locked door as it is locked with the Gold Key, which you can only get on replays. The Labourer's Bonfire You need the Melissa Sigil to leave this room and continue the game. But then again you should already have it so what's the problem? To get to the centre platform from the side with the CRATES stack them up by the ledge and jump to the centre. Use Invigorate and Faerie Wings if you need to. Once on the centre platform you need to destroy some crates. Great Maces, Axes, Spear and Crossbow's can be handy here. Once you can jump onto the top of the crate pile, jump onto the lower platform to enter another Treasure room (Stone and Sulphurous Fire). Once out of the treasure room destroy one or two crates, jump to the top of the stack, and then jump onto the high ledge to exit the room. Stone and Sulphurous Fire Earth Elemental Chest [Unlocked]:- White Lady [H] (Morning Star, Runkasyle) Balbriggan Blade [H] Power Palm Grip Talos Feldspar Gem Three Acolyte's Nostrums Grimoire Egout Torture Without End BOSS:- Ogre Lord ( 560 HP / 110 MP ) Beast Tornado, Surging Balm Special Attacks Casts Degenerate Prize:- Schiavona [I] Power Palm Braveheart Gem Morlock Jet Gem Agales' Chain Elixir of Queens Mana Tonic x 3 Cure Potion Way Down Magic Circle Go east into a treasure room and then south. Excavated Hollow Water Elemental Chest [Unlocked]:- Angel Face [H] (Balbriggan, Heavy Grip) Elephant Grip Casserole Shield [H] Beaded Anklet Accessory Missaglia [I] Grimoire Flamme Hmmmm....Treasure...... Parting Regrets Wraith What is it with Wraiths and staircases? Corridor of Tales Gremlin, Ogre Guess what you have to do? Yup, you guessed right.... Dust Shall Eat The Days This may look hard. Infact some say it is hard. But if you cast Invigorate and use Faerie Wing it should be a doddle. All you need to do is jump onto the Cloudstone and when the cloudstone is moving forward jump off it. You should then grab onto the ledge on the otherside and be able to leave the room. If anyone finds this hard and wants it explaining in more detail e-mail me, and I'll reply ASAP. Hall of the Wage Paying BOSS:- Snow Dragon 720 HP / 0 MP Dragon Tail Attack, Frost Breath Special Attacks Prize:- Grimoire Barrer Panacea Elixir of Queens Tunnel of the Heartless This is a goodun. All you need to do is stand on the high ledge opposite the door. Use a Faerie Wing and cast Invigorate and jump the gap. You are now able to leave the room. If anyone wants a full explanation of the crate solving way e-mail me or put a message on the Gaming Dome Forums. -= Temple of Kiltia =- The Dark Coast Magic Circle, Container There is a ledge on both sides of the room and there just so happens that there is a hole in the middle of the floor and you have to get to the other side of the room. How convenient. If you cast Eureka you will reveal two traps. A trap clear and a Heal Panel. You want to use the ledge with the Trap Clear to get to the other side of the room. You should be able to jump the gaps without much trouble. Once on the otherside take advantage of the facilities and move on. Hall Of Prayer 1st Time:- Last Crusader Prize:- Agria's Balm Accessory Grimoire Purifier Alchemist's Reagent 2nd Time:- Water Elemental, Nightstalker After you have finished in here for the first time go through the right hand door. Those Who Drink The Dark A bloomin' cube puzzle. First off, jump over the drop to get to the otherside. (Isn't Otherside a song?) You will see two doors. One low down and locked with the Silver Key, and the other high up, hard to get to and unlocked. Your job at the moment is to get to the high up door. To do this you need to solve a cube puzzle. Follow these simple steps and you will get through this room easily. Here we go... - Push the top cube of the stack west so it drops down and fills the hole. - Now destroy the Northern most cube to open up a hole for you to fit into. - Push the southern cube south over the filled hole by five squares. - Push the same cube east by two squares. - Now destroy the western most cube (it's on the lower level) so you can slide the other one from side to side. - Move the cube on the lower level east one. - Move the cube you haven't yet touched east one and then north eight. You will need to move the slider one cube west so you can continue pushing it north. - Move the slider back (one square east). - Now move the other cube north nine tiles so that it touches the other cube. - Now push the other cube you haven't used yet north so that it falls of the ledge. - Push the cube east. - Push the cube north. - Push the cube west. - Push the cube north until it reaches the wall. - Climb on the cube and jump up and exit through the door. Nice and easy wasn't it? Well, once you have done it you'll be able to do it over and over again and maybe get "Little Green Man" on the Evolve or Die game.. The Chapel of Mesachaunce Minotaur Lord Prize:- Titan's Ring Elixir of Queens Three Alchemist's Reagents Chest [Unlocked]:- Frost Maiden [H] (Mjolnir, Runkasyle) Sonic Bullet grip Ghost Hound Accessory Two Cure Potions Two Mana Potions ** Silver Key ** The Resentful Ones TWO cube puzzles. To get here you go through the other door in the Hall of Prayer. First Cube Puzzle. As before follow the steps and you can solve the puzzle. - Push the rolling cube that is the furthest from the blue cube and push it North two squares - Push the other rolling cube north one square - Then east one square - Then south one square. - Push the friction's cube east - Then north - And then east - Climb over the ledge. Second Cube Puzzle. Be careful here - you mess up and you have to do it ALL again. - Push the rolling cube north one square - Then push it west three squares - Move the first blue cube west so it stops near the push crates - Move the rolling cube north - Move the other blue cube west - Move the northern most blue cube south - Move the push crate north two squares - Jump to the exit. Those Who Fear The Light Air Elemental with Gremlins. Chamber of Reason A bit more of the story.... Kali Exit To The City Centre Just stand (or jump) onto the platform and you will rise up out of the ground infront of the Great Cathedral. This is the ideal point to get ready for the assault on the Great Cathedral. Once you have emerged you can go and have a wander around Lea Monde with your new Silver Key. -= Silver Key First Play Guide =- On the first play you can only use the Silver Key on two doors. The rest will be available on replays. Door 1 Take a magic circle teleportation ride to Dark Tunnel in Abandoned Mines B1 and go north until you get to Everwant Passage. Here you will find a door locked with the Silver Key called Mining Regrets. Mining Regrets There is a Death Vapour in that there room. Chest [Unlocked]:- White Cargo [D] (Voulge, Winged Pole) Three Mana Potions Polaris Gem Door Two Teleport yourself to The Auction Block in the Limestone Quarry. You can then go through the locked door to Ascension. Ascension Wraith. On a staircase. How original. Where The Serpent Hunts Gremlins Go east to a treasure room and west to exit the Limestone Quarry a different way. Drowned In Fleeting Joy Dark Elemental Chest [Unlocked]:- Falarica Bolt Plate Glove [H] Elixir of Mages Five Mana Potions Ants Prepare For Winter (Talking about winter it's get a bit cold outside...) The other end of the corridor leads back to Those Who Drink The Dark which is in the Temple of Kiltia. To be really happy that you have unlocked ALL of the map there are doors which connect to rooms such as those in the Undercity West. These rooms are Nameless Dark Oblivion and The Washing-Womans Way, as well as Sewer of Ravenous Rats and Beggars of the Mouthharp and Corner of the Wretched. -= Town Centre East =- Plateia Lunitar Magic Circle. The double doors ahead lead to the Great Cathedral and the door on the right leads to the rest of the Town Centre. Just jump over the water to get there. Gharmes Walk Gremlin Dummy Chest [Chest Key]:- Klondike [S] (Falchion, Power Palm] Round Shield [S] Angel Pearl Accessory Sorcerer's Reagent The House Gilgitte Chest [Unlocked]:- Ribsplitter [H] Dragonhead Accessory Five Faerie Wings Audentia Wine The lower door here is on a latch, in other words it's the locked door near to Junction Point. Go through the door and your at the top of the ramp. To get back to Plateia Luminar I recommend going via teleportation which is why I am not going to explain the cube puzzle as it really is a waste of time. -= The Great Cathedral =- I'm gonna leave this part of the Walkthrough until last as I want to focus on the rest of the game. Why? It's fun in the Great Cathedral...... *** 03.2. The Iron Maiden *** In order to finish ALL of the Iron Maiden. You need these following items:- - Tearose Sigil - Steel Key - Platinum Key This sections aims to help guide you through ALL of the Iron Maiden. Maps can be found in the map section, all this does is telling you where to go, what to do, and what you can find. Have a nice day! -= Iron Maiden B1 =- The Cage Go down the stairs The Cauldron Wraith, Gargoyle Locking Trap Room Prizes:- Mandrake Sigil Grimoire Exsorcer Three Spirit Orisons Three Vera Bulbs This is the room you get your sigil. Kill the Wraith and leave via the way you came in. The Wooden Horse On your way in drop down a leave through the door. If you choose to leave by this way.... - Push the lowest rolling cube so that it is next to the stuck on - Push the upper rolling cube towards the crate - Stand on the cube - Pick up crate - Place it one ledge higher - Use crate to jump higher Starvation Wraith, Two Mummies Locking Trap Room Prizes:- Kalmia Sigil Grimoire Venin Shamshir [H] Chamkaq [H] Six Vera Bulbs The Breast Ripper Gyag! Your at crossroads. Not to worry first go to the west, east and then go south to continue with the Maiden. The Branks Dark Skeleton, Shadow Chest [Chest Key]:- Balalaika [H] (balbriggan) Bec de Corbin [H] Blade Dao Moonstone Gem Volare Wine The Wheel Dark Skeleton, Shadow Chest [Magic]:- Bull Shot [H] (Griver, Bhuj Type Grip) Baselard [H] Djinn Amber Gem Valens Wine The Pear What you want to do here is go in the room on the left and THEN cross the "Great Divide". SORRY. I HAD TO DO THAT! (have a *punch* - Ed) First I will explain how you get back up. - Push both 1 move rolling cubes ANYWHERE so that they are out of play - Push the 3 move on to the wall and left ONE square. - Jump off the top of the cube and grab the ledge. It is possible - it's just that it is difficult. Now how to cross. - Jump on the cloudstone - Jump off the cloudstone as it is still moving to give you extra momentum to make the jump. Use Faerie Wing or Invigorate if it helps Now how to get back across. - Destroy the 2 crates in the corner - Move the free push crate in front of the doorway - Now push this crate to the very edge - Jump off this crate onto the cloudstone - Jump off the other side. The Judas Cradle Dark Skeleton, Shadow Chest [Magic]:- Sonora [H] (Bastard Sword, Power Palm Grip) Bullova [H] Blade Ifrit Carnelian Gem Prudens Wine The Whirligig Do I need to explain this? Spanish Tickler BOSS:- Wyvern Knight After defeating this..THING..you will get the CHEST KEY. (At long last....) Heretic's Fork Dark Skeleton Use Eureka as there are Freeze and Gust Traps lurking around this room. The Chair Of Spikes Dark Skeleton, Wraith What is it with locking trap rooms? Huh? Blooding Dark Skeleton Cast Eureka to find the Eruption and Death Vapour traps. Bootikens To get down all you need to do is fall. That reminds me of a song.... "And if you're right, and we're nothing at all. Tell me why do you keep thinking that you're falling?" - Falling, Semisonic Anyhoo, to get back up... - IMO you don't get back up. I count this as "The Point Of No Return" (Brill film Back To The Future II...) (Your getting slightly off track... - Ed) Burial BOSS:- Iron Golem This is...easy. Burning Use the Cloudstone to cross. (BTW you DON'T have to use the crates. If you do you only need to use ONE). Cast Eureka to reveal the Terra Thrust trap. Cleansing The Soul Nout! The Ducking Soul Dark Skeleton, Shadow Chest [Unlocked]:- Red Viking [H] (Kora, Power Palm) Pole Axe [H] Blade Marid Aquamarine Virtus Wine The Garotte Nout again! Hanging Dark Skeleton, Wraith You cannot go no further if you don't have the Steel Key. Impalement Go down..... Knotting Mini-BOSS:- Wyvern Queen Congrats! That is the first part of the Maiden finished. -= Iron Maiden B2 =- Once again this guide follows my map (as with the Snowfly Forest) although it takes you to EVERY ROOM in the Iron Maiden B2. I will point out quick escape routes for you... The Eunic's Lot Shrieker Locking Trap Move forward... Ordeal By Fire Dark Dragon Move onwards... The Oven At Neisse Go forwards. Pressing Ravana How many ways can you say "go forward"? Grrrrr.... The Mind Burns Shriekers Onwards. The Rack Ogre Forward. The Saw Dragon Zombie Forwards.... The Cold's Bristle Ogre Three traps, so Eureka and go straight ahead and leave the room. The Shin Vice Ogre Zombie, Death (360 HP?) Remember where you came in, so you can leave by the other exit because the map doesn't work in Irom Maiden B2. Move forwards, when you have finished in here. The Spider Shriekers First go right, then left then straight ahead... Squassation Shriekers, Lich Chest [Unlocked]:- Hoplite Shield [H] Three Cure Potions There are Terra Thrust and Poison traps near the chest. Lead Sprinkler Shriekers, Lich Chest [Unlocked]:- Hoplite Helm [H] Three Mana Potions The Strappado Lich Lord When you have entered the Strappado you came from the north and are facing south. You might find the map handy here.... Go west to Thumbscrews Thumbscrews Lich Lord You've entered from the east. Go west to Pendulum. Pendulum Lich Lord You've entered from the east. Go South to Dragging. Dragging. You've entered from the north. Go East to Strangulation. Strangulation Lich Lord You've entered from the west. Go North to Tablillas. Tablillas You've entered from the south. Go North to Ordeal By Water. Ordeal By Water You've entered from the south. Go West to Tongue Slicer. Tongue Sliver Shriekers You've entered from the east. Go South to Brank Brank You've entered from the north. Go West to Tormentum Insomniae. Tormentum Insomniae Ogre, Ogre Lord You've entered from the east. Go North to Iron Maiden B3. -= Iron Maiden B3 =- The Iron Maiden BOSS:- Asura Nearly there. Go through the door. Judgement First check out the treasure room to the left and right THEN take the opposite door to leave the Iron Maiden. Dunking The Witch Lich Lord Chest [Unlocked]:- Hoplite Armour [H] Hoplite Glove [H] Elixir Of Kings Elixir Of Queens St. Elmo's Belt Lich Lord Chest [Unlocked]:- Hoplite Leggings [H] Hoplite Glove [H] Elixir Of Kings Elixir Of Queens When you leave you will appear JUST outside the entrance to Iron Maiden B1, so go and save NOW! *** 03.3. Re-Play *** I am assuming that you have already got the Iron and Silver Key BTW... -= The Rood Inverse =- After finishing the game do you now understand why you couldn't use the Rood Inverse on first play? Anyway Rood Inverse uses and locations.... 1) The door at Glacialdra Kirk Ruins in Town Centre West leads into the Undercity West -= Undercity West =- Path To The Greengrocer Carry on...(Brilliant films them...) Crossroads Of Rest Lich Lord There is a Gust Trap by the lamp post so use Eureka to find it. The door locked with the Rood Inverse leads to... Corner Of The Wretched Dark Skeletons, Lich Follow this path Beggar's Of The Moutharp Dullahan The other door is locked with the Silver Key which leads onto "Sewer Of Ravenous Rats". Anyway go back to "Crossroads Of Rest" and take the other door to... Path Of The Children Follow this and it will take you to the Escapeway. Remember the door is locked with the Iron Key. -= The Escapeway =- Shelter From The Quake Quicksilvers Two doors need the Silver and Gold keys, one is already open. Take that one (it is opposite the door you enter the room by). Fear & Loathing Marid, Dao Locking Trap Room Prize:- Grimoire Avalanche Grimoire Flamme Blood & The Beast Water Elemental There are traps here so use Eureka Where Body & Soul Part Quicksilvers Chest [Magic]:- Bellini [S] (Double Blade, Runkasyle) Five Vera Bulbs Elixir Of Mages When finished here head back to "Shelter From The Quake" and take the door locked with the Silver Key. Movement Of Fear Air Elemental Proceed Facing Your Illusions Quicksilvers There is a Diabolos Trap so use Eureka. The Darkness Drinks Earth Elemental This room takes you to another part of the Undercity West... -= Undercity West =- Where Flood Waters Run One more door.... The Crumbling Market Chest [Unlocked]:- Agales' Chain Elixir Of Queens Valens Wine Gold Key What you want to do is jump across to the chest and keep you HP high. Once you have raided the chest fall in the river to be regenerated by the door this avoiding all those traps. 2) Go to "Train And Grow Strong" in City Walls East and open the door which takes you to... -= Snowfly Forest East =- Luckily for you this forest only has three rooms as their is still map warping... Steady The Boar-Spears Walk forward. The Boar's Revenge Down the path. Natures Womb BOSS:- Damascus Crab Chest [Unlocked]:- Knight's Shield Djinn Amber Three Acolyte's Nostrums -= The Gold Key =- 1) -= The Escapeway =- Go to the escapeway's "Shelter From The Quake" and enter the un-entered room... Buried Alive Fire Elemental Chest [Unlocked]:- White Rose [D] (Bec de Corbin, Grimoire Grip) Grimoire Radius Grimoire Meteore 2) -= Limestone Quarry =- Teleport to Auction Block and go east until you get to... Companions In Arms Fire Elemental Chest [Unlocked]:- Death Sentence [D] (Executioner, Side Ring) Balvus Gem Beowulf Gem Spiral Pole Grip Casserole Shield [D] (With Orlandu and Ogmius Gems) Close Helm [D] Plate Mail [D] Edgar's Earrings Grimoire Fleau 3) -= Undercity West =- Teleport to "Sinner's Corner" and go east to Corner Of Prayers. Salvation For The Mother Lich, Lich Lord Posion Trap by the lamp-post. From here you can go left to "The Body Fragile Yields" or straight ahead... The Body Fragile Yields Lich Lord Nothing much here so take the other route. Bite The Master's Wounds TWO Deaths Cast Magic Ward and run through here. Godhands (WORKSHOP) Magic Circle, Container Here you can work with Wood, Leather, Bronze, Hagane, Silver and Damascus. 3) -= The Keep =- This door leads to "Forgotten Pathway" -= Forgotten Pathway =- Stair To The Sinners Go down the stairs... Slaughter Of The Innocent BOSS:- Damascus Golem Carry on folks! The Oracle Sins No More Blood Lizards There are two traps so use Eureka. And from here you can access two treasure rooms. The Fallen Knight Blood Lizard, Imps Chest [Unlocked]:- Kadesh Ring Accessory Orlandu Gem Elixir Of Queens Steel Key Awaiting Retribution Blood Lizard, Imps Chest [Unlocked]:- Diadra's Earring Ogmius Gem Elixir Of Queens *** 04.0 Magic *** In Vagrant Story there are four types of magic with one special type of magic known as Teleportation. Magic can be accessed from the main menu or the quick menu of pressing L2. To learn magic you must use a Grimoire. A Grimoire is a book. You read the book and you will cast the spell, at the same time you will master the spell enabling you to use it whenever you want. To use the Grimoires you need to use them from the Item menu. The item menu can be found through the main menu or by pressing L2. (Talking about L2, I killed my middle finger pressing that during the final battle...Ow...It hurts when I type...Ow....) -= 04.1 Warlock =- Warlock magic is magic that damages someone or something. Some of this magic can be focused onto a part of the enemy, other magic has to have it's co-ordinates set before it can be used. Some magic can increase in level. For example you could have a Flame Sphere Lvl.3, to get this you read three Grimoires with the Flame Sphere spell in. Name:- Lightning Bolt Grimoire:- Teslae Location:- Received after killing a Zombie Mage. MP:- 25 Affinity:- Air Target:- Single Notes:- Shoots Lightning at the enemy. Name:- Fireball Grimoire:- Incendie Location:- Received after killing a ghost. Kill phantom in room before the fight with a giant crab. MP:- 25 Affinity:- Fire Target:- Single Notes:- Attacks the enemy with Fire Name:- Vulcan Lance Grimoire:- Terre Location:- Received after killing a ghost. MP:- 25 Affinity:- Earth Target:- Single Notes:- Attacks the enemy with debris from a volcano Name:- Aqua Blast Grimoire:- Glace Location:- Received after killing a Dark Eye. MP:- 25 Affinity:- Water Target:- Single Notes:- Attacks the enemy with a jet of water Name:- Spirit Surge Grimoire:- Lux Location:- Defeat Dullahan. MP:- 28 Affinity:- Light Target:- Single Notes:- A spirit of light attacks the enemies. (Could that spirit be.....) Name:- Dark Chant Grimoire:- Patire Location:- Received after killing a Wraith or Dark Eye. MP:- 28 Affinity:- Dark Target:- Single Notes:- Attacks the enemy with an immense amount of pain. Name:- Exorcism Grimoire:- Exsorcer Location:- Defeat Wraith in Iron Maiden B1. MP:- 22 Affinity:- Light Target:- Multiple Notes:- This enables you to exorcise Undead enemies. When this works it will kill of the enemy instantly. But that takes the fun out of running up 17 hit combos with 100 RISK...... Name:- Banish Grimoire:- Banish Location:- Received after killing a Harpy. MP:- 25 Affinity:- Dark Target:- Multiple Notes:- A spell of instant kill. Nice. Name:- Explosion Grimoire:- Demolir Location:- Defeat Father Duanne. Received after defeating Zombie Knights and a Lich in Monk's Leap. MP:- 36 /44 /52 /60 Affinity:- Physical Target:- Multiple Notes:- Fires a load of shrapnel to the enemy. Name:- Thunderburst (Are Go! I did it again, sorry.) Grimoire:- Foudre Location:- Received after killing Air Elemental. Received after killing Djinn. MP:- 36 /44 /52 /60 Affinity:- Air Target:- Multiple Notes:- Calls down a bolt of lightning from the sky. Name:- Flame Sphere Grimoire:- Flamme Location:- Received after killing Fire Elemental. In a chest in the room Excavated Hollow. Received after killing Ifrit. Received after killing Marid and Dao after using the Rood Inverse on 2nd play. MP:- 36 /44 /52 /60 Affinity:- Fire Target:- Multiple Notes:- Covers the target in flames. Name:- Gaea Strike Grimoire:- Gaea Location:- Received after killing Earth Elemental. Received after defeating Boss Dao. MP:- 36 /44 /52 /60 Affinity:- Earth Target:- Multiple Notes:- Crushes the enemy into oblivion.... Name:- Avalanche Grimoire:- Avalanche Location:- Received after killing Water Elemental. Received after killing Marid. Received after killing Marid and Dao after using the Rood Inverse on 2nd play. MP:- 36 /44 /52 /60 Affinity:- Water Target:- Multiple Notes:- Freezes the air around the target. Name:- Radial Surge Grimoire:- Radius Location:- Found in a chest in the room Buried Alive. MP:- 38 /46 /54 /62 Affinity:- Light Target:- Multiple Notes:- Attacks the enemy with rays of light Name:- Meteor Grimoire:- Meteore Location:- Received after killing Dark Elemental. Received after killing Nightmare. Found in a chest in the room buried alive. MP:- 38 /46 /54 /62 Affinity:- Dark Target:- Multiple Notes:- Throws meteors towards the target. Name:- Drain Heart Grimoire:- Egout Location:- In a chest in Stone and Sulphurous Fire. MP:- 12 Affinity:- Dark Target:- Single Notes:- Takes HP from an enemy, and gives it to you. Does not work on undead enemies. Name:- Drain Mind Grimoire:- Demance Location:- Received after killing the Sky Dragon. MP:- 2 Affinity:- Dark Target:- Single Notes:- Takes MP from an enemy, and gives it to you. -= 04.2 Shaman =- Shaman magic is curative magic. This type of magic increases in success when you have a higher RISK level or have just suffered a powerful attack and are holding a weapon. When using Shaman magic, the magic cast will have to go through ALL of your defences against magic including the gem Manabreaker. Manabreaker gems can even cause this type of magic to fail. So, you have been warned. Name:- Heal Grimoire:- Guerir Location:- Defeat the Boss Minotaur MP:- 5 Affinity:- Light Target:- Single Notes:- Amount of HP restored increases with RISK. As with most games like this cast heal on undead opponents and it will damage them and NOT restore their health. Name:- Restoration Grimoire:- Mollesse Location:- In a chest in the room Hidden Resources. MP:- 3 Affinity:- Light Target:- Single Notes:- Cures Paralysis Name:- Antidote Grimoire:- Antidote Location:- Received after defeating one of the Dragon's in the room where you collect the Lily Sigil. Before entering the Sanctum. MP:- 3 Affinity:- Light Target:- Single Notes:- Cures Poison. Over time Poison slowly takes off HP. Name:- Blessing Grimoire:- Benir Location:- In a chest in the room Bonds Of Friendship. MP:- 17 Affinity:- Light Target:- Single Notes:- Cures Curse Name:- Clearance Grimoire:- Purifier Location:- Received after defeating the sub-boss Last Crusader. MP:- 15 Affinity:- Light Target:- Single Notes:- Removes Numbness, Paralysis and Poison. Name:- Surging Balm Grimoire:- Vie Location:- In a chest in the room Acolyte's Burial Vault. MP:- 20 Affinity:- Light Target:- Single Notes:- Restores HP over a period of time. This is a good idea...but I prefer using heal as it is more effective. -= 04.3 Sorcery =- Sorcery magic lets you increase or decrease the target of the spells attributes. In other words you can make them stronger - or weaker. More intelligent - or dumber, and so forth. In this list of spells you will find spells that both decrease and increase such attributes as well as other spells which come in handy, such as Unlock and Fixate. Name:- Herakles Grimoire:- Intensite Location:- Received after defeating the sub-boss Harpy. MP:- 12 Target:- Single Notes:- Increases target's strength temporarily. This makes a big difference as it lets you hit for more HP. A good time to use this is when you have had Degenerate cast on you. Name:- Degenerate (D-Generation X?) Grimoire:- Debile Location:- Defeat the Boss Minotaur MP:- 7 Target:- Single Notes:- Decreases target's strength temporarily. Be careful and don't use it on yourself. Please. I have noticed that if the enemy has low Strength and you have high strength, you will be able to cause more damage. Name:- Enlighten Grimoire:- Eclairer Location:- Received after defeating the Boss Nightstalker. MP:- 12 Target:- Single Notes:- Increases target's intelligence temporarily. If you use this before casting a Warlock spell, the Warlock spell will have better results and, in theory, means that it is easier to avoid magic spells being cast on you. Name:- Psychodrain Grimoire:- Nuageux Location:- In a chest in the room Weapons Not Allowed. MP:- 7 Target:- Single Notes:- Decreases target's intelligence temporarily. Name:- Invigorate Grimoire:- Agilite Location:- In the chest at the river crossing in the SnowFly Forest. MP:- 12 Target:- Single Notes:- Increases target's agility temporarily. This increases the speed at which you run and the distance you can jump as well as the chances of hitting the target. This means that if there is a long jump you can't make try Invigorate and it might help you get across. Name:- Leadbones Grimoire:- Tardiff Location:- In the chest in the room Sale Of The Sword. MP:- 7 Target:- Single Notes:- Decreases target's agility temporarily. This is similar to Degenerate but is for AGL not STR. Name:- Prostasia Grimoire:- Ameliorer Location:- Received after defeating the Boss Golem. MP:- 15 Target:- Single Notes:- Increases the strength of target's equipment temporarily. This spell increases the attributes of the weapon that Ashley is holding when it is cast and NOT the STR of Ashley. If you change weapons this spell will be cancelled. Name:- Tarnish Grimoire:- Deteriorer Location:- Received after defeating the Boss Dark Crusader. MP:- 7 Target:- Single Notes:- Decreases the strength of the target's equipment temporarily. This is the exact opposite of Prostasia and works in a similar way to Degenerate and Leadbones. Name:- Silence Grimoire:- Muet Location:- Found in a chest in the room The House Khazabas. MP:- 7 Target:- Single Notes:- Prevents target from casting spells for a short period of time. This is good. But make sure you avoid getting it used on you. Once silence is cast the only to remove it is by leaving the room, using an item or have another spell cast on you. Silence can be the downfall of any gamer so be prepared to counter it and then kill off the enemy who cast it in the first place. Name:- Magic Ward Grimoire:- Annuler Location:- Received after defeating Father Grissom in the SnowFly Forest. MP:- 21 Target:- Single Notes:- Nullifies the effect of the next spell cast. This is a good spell but it has its limitations. It will for example, prevent you from casting ANY spell on you until it has been used. It will also stay with you until you are attacked by a magic spell. It's a good idea to use this when going into rooms with enemies who like casting Silence as it nullifies the effects. I do this when I'm getting treasure from a chest which is being guarded by a powerful phantom, and I am proud to say that this strategy has never failed me. Yet. Name:- Stun Cloud Grimoire:- Paralysis Location:- In a chest in the room Catspaw Blackmarket. MP:- 7 Target:- Single Notes:- Casts Paralysis. This can be very annoying when it's cast on you in the heat of a battle, and as a result you should always carry around some form of Antidote whether it be a spell or item. Name:- Poison Mist Grimoire:- Venin Location:- Defeat the Wraith in the room Starvation. MP:- 11 Target:- Single Notes:- Casts Poison. Good idea, but I never use it. IMO it takes just too long to get the best out of this spell, you can experiment with it by all means but my battle style doesn't let me use Poison as I go for the most effective way of defeating the enemy, and using Poison isn't very effective. Name:- Curse Grimoire:- Fleau Location:- Found in a chest in the room Companions in Arms in the Limestone Quarry. MP:- 17 Target:- Single Notes:- Casts Curse. Curse reduces the enemies stats but many of these enemies are immune to it's effects. Name:- Fixate Grimoire:- Halte Location:- In a chest in The Alchemist's Laboratory. MP:- 3 Target:- Multiple (Sort of) Notes:- Freezes all the cloudstones in the room. If your jumping from a cloudstone this can be used to make the jump much easier. Name:- Dispel Grimoire:- Dissiper Location:- In a chest in the room The Children's Hideout. MP:- 10 Target:- Single Notes:- Nullifies any spell on the target. This is a good way to get yourself out of trouble it any of your stats have been decreased by other spells. Name:- Unlock Grimoire:- Clef Location:- Defeat Father Duane MP:- 3 Target:- Single Notes:- Unlocks chests bound by magic. Name:- Eureka Grimoire:- Visible Location:- In a chest in The Miner's Resting Hall. MP:- 6 Target:- Single Notes:- Reveals all the traps that are present in the room. Name:- Analyze Grimoire:- Analyse Location:- Received after defeating the Dragon in The Cleansing Chantry. MP:- 5 Target:- Single Notes:- Analyzes stats of the enemy. This is pain to understand at first so let me explain. If you go into the main menu and the status you will see the status of Ashley. Press L1 or R1 to see the other occupants of the room. You will see how most of there stats are covered with ?? or ???. To fill in these blanks cast Analyze. Once cast it will let you see things like what armour it's wearing, what weapons it's using, it's HP and MP and many other helpful things such as elemental affinity. If you're thinking "That is so obvious, how didn't I find that out?" don't worry I didn't know how to work this spell until I had around 50% of the map revealed on my first play. Stupid me... -= 04.4 Enchanter =- Enchanter spells raise your affinity to and element. Every element is covered apart from Light and Dark elemental. Apart from that small problem these spells can come in handy when fighting Dragons or another boss like Ifrit. Name:- Luft Fusion Grimoire:- Sylphe Location:- Received after defeating the Boss Giant Crab. MP:- 10 Affinity:- Air Target:- Single Notes:- Raises target's air affinity temporarily. Name:- Spark Fusion Grimoire:- Salamandre Location:- In the chest in the room Delusions of Happiness. MP:- 10 Affinity:- Fire Target:- Single Notes:- Raises target's fire affinity temporarily. Name:- Soil Fusion Grimoire:- Gnome Location:- Received after defeating Father Grissom in the SnowFly Forest. MP:- 10 Affinity:- Earth Target:- Single Notes:- Raises target's earth affinity temporarily. Name:- Frost Fusion Grimoire:- Undine Location:- In a chest in the room Rust In Peace. MP:- 10 Affinity:- Water Target:- Single Notes:- Raises target's water affinity. Name:- Aero Guard Grimoire:- Parebrise Location:- Received after defeating the Boss Earth Dragon. MP:- 9 Affinity:- Air Target:- Single Notes:- Raises armour's air affinity temporarily. Name:- Pyro Guard Grimoire:- Ignifuge Location:- Received after defeating the Boss Wyvern. MP:- 9 Affinity:- Fire Target:- Single Notes:- Raises armour's fire affinity temporarily. Name:- Terra Guard Grimoire:- Rempart Location:- Received after defeating the Boss Ogre. MP:- 9 Affinity:- Earth Target:- Single Notes:- Raises armour's earth affinity temporarily. Name:- Aqua Guard Grimoire:- Barrer Location:- Received after killing the Boss Snow Dragon. MP:- 9 Affinity:- Water Target:- Single Notes:- Raises armour's water affinity temporarily. -= 04.5 Teleportation =- At some point during the game you will acquire the teleportation ability. This enables you to travel to any Magic Circle you have been to. This is extremely handy when wanting to use a workshop, chest, or going back to open doors with new keys or sigils. *** 05.0 Break Arts *** Break Arts are a special type of move that is more powerful than a standard attack although it does reduce you HP each time you use it. I like thinking of Break Arts as "Limit Breaks". Powerful moves that you got in FF7 and 8. Unlike these games however you can use Break Arts 100% of the time providing you have enough HP (It's like the effect of Aura in FF8). There are Break Arts for each class of weapon and on top of that there are four arts for each class. To get Break Arts you need to kill enemies - and lots of 'em. Each break art has a special condition attached to it. For example one might place poison on the enemy while another has an earth affinity. As you learn new Break Arts the price of HP increases. This is displayed in the table below. HP Needed Break Level 25 One 40 Two 55 Three 75 Four Break Arts, although different to normal attacks, are affected by RISK in the same way. For example when your RISK bar is empty or near empty you will almost certainly hit, but if the RISK bar is full you will find your chances of hitting are very slim. If you cast Herakles or Prostasia however you will find that these increase your chances of hitting the target even if the RISK bar is full. In other words use them at the beginning of the battle to take the most effect and only use at the end, if your RISK bar is full, if you have enough MP to cast Herakles and Prostasia (If you have those spells). -= 05.1. Cure Root/Bulb/Tonic/Heal =- I have found out (the hard way) that if you use Break Arts you need to restore your health every now and then. So, use Break Arts around twice and follow them up with Curative magic or items. You can also use to your advantage being attacked. When you are attacked and you HP becomes critical (depending on the strength of blows) restore your HP to max (as normal), but the trick to this is that you use Break Arts twice (or there abouts) get attacked and then heal to full health so you aren't wasting those valuable items and MP. You do understand this don't you? Good... -= 05.2. View Break Arts =- Below is the list of Break Arts for all the weapons. -= Dagger =- Whistle Sting, Level One Focuses power at the tip of the blade, dealing massive damage upon striking the enemy. Affinity:- As Weapon Type:- Blunt Shadoweave, Level Two Paralyses for with a damaging strike. Affinity:- Dark Type:- Blunt Double Fang, Level Three Repeatedly strikes the same location. Affinity:- As weapon Type:- Piercing Wyrm Scorn, Level Four Splits the blade to attack from all directions. Affinity:- As Weapon Type:- Piercing -= Sword =- Rending Gale, Level One (Me like! Me Like!) Launches a sonic wave to shred the enemy to pieces. Affinity:- As weapon Type:- Piercing Vile Scar, Level Two Forms a poisonous cloud to choke the enemy. Affinity:- As weapon Type:- Edged Cherry Ronde, Level Three Encases both blade and foe in an icy sheath. Affinity:- Water Type:- Edged Papillon Reel, Level Four Calls heavenly light down into the blade. Affinity:- Light Type:- Edged -= Great Sword =- Sunder, Level One A surge of energy cleaves the life from the enemy's body. Affinity:- As Weapon Type:- Piercing Thunderwave, Level Two Paralyses foe with a damaging strike. Affinity:- Air Type:- Edged Swallow Slash, Level Three A quick flick of the blade deals double damage. Affinity:- As Weapon Type:- Edged Advent Sign, Level Four Rippling holy energy shreds foe. Affinity:- Light Type:- Edged -= Axe And Mace =- Mistral Edge, Level One A horizontal blade of light slashes into the enemy. Affinity:- As Weapon Type:- Edged Glacial Gale, Level Two Numbs foe with a damaging strike. Affinity:- Air Type:- Edged Killer Mantis, Level Three A blinding rush damages and saps MP from foe. Affinity:- As Weapon Type:- Edged Black Nebula, Level Four Blasts foe with a burst of negative energy. Affinity:- Dark Type:- Blunt -= Great Axe =- Bear Claw, Level One A blazing light emanates from the falling blade of the axe. Affinity:- As Weapon Type:- Blunt Accursed Umbra, Level Two Curses foe with a damaging strike. Affinity:- As Weapon Type:- Blunt Iron Ripper, Level Three Powerful blow that damages both armour and foe. Affinity:- As Weapon Type:- Blunt Emetic Bomb (Why not Nuclear or Atomic or...), Level Four Unleashes a series of slashing blows Affinity:- As Weapon Type:- Edged -= Staff =- Sirocco, Level One Sends up a rising sheet of flame on impact. Affinity:- Fire Type:- Blunt Riskbreak (What happened to the "er"?), Level Two Focused blow that deals damage and reduces RISK. (This is the only Break Art, move, ability (whatever) in the game that reduces RISK. This means that this move is worth having a staff on standby for. The only problem is that the accuracy, as with all Break Arts, is effected by RISK. This means that if RISK is at 100 the chances of this working are minimal. Affinity:- As Weapon Type:- Piercing Gravis Aether, Level Three Solidifies aether to crush foe. Affinity:- Earth Type:- Blunt Trinity Pulse, Level Four Crushes foe with a triad of shockwaves. Affinity:- As Weapon Type:- Blunt -= Heavy Mace =- Bonecrusher, (heh heh, Ulitma 8 - Ed) Level One Releases intense shockwaves to crush bones. Affinity:- As Weapon Type:- Blunt Quickshock, Level Two Numbs foe with a damaging strike. Affinity:- Air Type:- Blunt Ignis Wheel, Level Three A spreading sheet of flame engulfs foe. Affinity:- As Weapon & Fire Type:- Blunt Hex Flux, Level Four Fuses power of Light and Darkness in one. Affinity:- Light & Dark Type:- Blunt -= Polearm =- Runiation, Level One Focuses pure fighting spirit into the spearhead, dealing damage with pinpoint accuracy. Affinity:- As Weapon Type:- Piercing Scythe Wind, Level Two Inflicts damage and tarnishes arms and armour. Affinity:- Air Type:- Piercing Giga Tempest, Level Three Energy storm damages both armour and foe. Affinity:- As Weapon Type:- Piercing Spiral Courage, Level Four Whips air moisture into a penetrating whirlwind. Affinity:- Water Type:- Piercing -= Crossbows =- Crossbow arts reduce in range the more powerful they become. This means that the Brimstone Hail Break has a larger range than the Death Wail. Brimstone Hail, Level One Quarrels filled with hellfire pierce the enemy. Affinity:- Fire & Dark Type:- Piercing Heaven's Scorn, Level Two The haft becomes a conduit for heaven's light Affinity:- Air & Light Type:- Piercing Death Wall, Level Three Fires a bolt of pure demonic energy. Affinity:- Earth & Dark Type:- Piercing Sanctus Flare, Level Four Channels the powers of the dragons of light. Affinity:- Water & Light Type:- Piercing -= Bare Hands =- Lotus Palm, Level One Fighting spirit surrounds the fist, pummelling the enemy. Affinity:- Physical Type:- Blunt Vertigo (Isn't this the fear of heights?), Level Two Numbs foe with a damaging strike. Affinity:- Physical Type:- Blunt Vermilion Aura, Level Three Strikes the Dark using the power of light. Affinity:- Light Type:- Blunt Retribution, Level Four Turns the power of the Dark against itself. Affinity:- Dark Type:- Blunt *** 06.0 Battle Abilities *** After you have defeated the first "true" boss of Vagrant Story - the Minotaur - you will gain Battle Abilities. Battle Abilities consist of Chain Abilities and Defence Abilities, both of which I will go into more detail about later. To use the Battle Abilities you need to give the Triangle, Square and Circle buttons an ability for both Chain and Defence. This is done through the main menu or by holding R2 down and then pressing the down button on the D-Pad. You get new Battle Abilities if you use your current abilities (both Chain and Defence) successfully. When you have gained enough EXP you will be given the choice of learning a new Chain or Defence ability. Choose carefully. Choose depending on your battle style. Do you concentrate on attacking or defending? What do you want to do to your enemies? You should be able to learn all these battle abilities before the end of the game the first time round. At around 49% map completed I only had around 3 more abilities to learn (1 Chain, 2 Defence). *** 06.1 Chain Abilities *** To use the Chain Abilities you need to press one of the Triangle, Square or Circle buttons at the exact time the weapon hits the enemy to continue the chain. It is possible to continue the chains for long periods of time but in doing this the RISK bar will increase rapidly. When using the chains it will steadily increase and then suddenly shoot up. An example of this sequence is this:- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 20, 37, 52, 76, 89, 100 Stupid, I know but it means that you can't continue chains forever (although I have found it is possible to chain an enemy to death even if you start with RISK on 100, but only if the weapon is highly compatible against that class of enemy.) Be careful. Get used to the chains for all the weapons you like using. Why? Each weapon has a different animation for each chain. That said the combo of moves I use has a similar animation for the Sword class weapons and Heavy Mace class of weapons. Another good reason to get used to the chains is that the animations for chain abilities that do something "special" nearly always have a weird timing to it. In otherwords it tries to trick you. So find a Chain combo you like and stick to it is my opinion because then you will be able to chain for a long time. If in the options menu "Timing Display" is turned on a "!" will appear on the screen when you have to press the buttons to continue the chain. IMO the "!" doesn't always help. When I am using Chains I base my judgement on the timing of the animation and the sound effects. A result of this, is that I can hit the target at the exact time the "!" appears on the screen. When you hit a word will appear on the screen. This word is chosen and could be one of the following:- GOOD!, EXCELLENT, RIGHT ON!, PERFECT!, WELL TIMED!, NICE! and GREAT! Apart from this other words appear on the screen if you press the button too soon before you are meant to, or after your meant to. Keep an eye on these words as it might help you to perfect your timing. The Chain Abilities that you can learn are shown below. -= Chain Ability List =- Heavy Shot, RISK:- One Inflicts an amount of additional damage equal to 70% of damage dealt. This is you standard ability. No special moves, just a powerful hit. Gain Life, RISK:- 2 Regenerates an amount of Ashley's HP equal to 30% of damage dealt. This can be very useful if your low on HP. Make sure that this ability is used after a hard hitting ability that has hit to get the most out of it. If it follows a MISS in the Chain you won't gain any HP, and if it follows a low hitting ability you will only recover 1 or 2 HP. Mind Assault, RISK:-1 Reduces foe's MP by an amount equal to 30% of damage dealt. This does nothing for Ashley but destroys the MP that the enemy has. When it ends up bringing up a load of "0" it has run out of MP. But be warned the foe will recover it's MPs in the same way as Ashley can. Gain Magic, RISK:- 2 Regenerates an amount of Ashley's MP equal to 30% of damage dealt. To get the most MP out of the enemy use this ability following a move that has taken a lot of HP of the enemy. Raging Ache, RISK:- 1 Inflicts an amount of additional damage equal to 10% of the damage Ashley has sustained. I like this chain. But then again I can never use it to its full potential 'cause the standard enemy doesn't stand a chance in hitting me. This is a very handy move to learn. Get it ASAP. Say, for example, that you are low on HP by 100 HP using Raging Ache will add 10 points of damage to the attack. I have even found that using this along with Heavy Shot can take out an enemy with the chance to hit like 0 / 0% when you are on RISK 100. This is an example if it's potential ability. Use it, and use it well, my friend. Mind Ache, RISK:- 1 Reduces foe's MP by an amount equal to 20% of the MP Ashley has used. This is the same as above but is for MPs. I have, in all honesty, never used this move in a serious battle. Temper, RISK:- 2 Inflicts an additional 40% of damage on foe and repairs a small amount of weapon DP. This doesn't exactly work. Every move in the chain (apart from this one) will damage your weapon and you can't hope to restore all that DP. In otherwords throw this in occasionally to slow down the damage caused to your weapon. If that is your style. If it isn't remember where the nearest workshop is and how to get there so you can repair ALL your weapons at the same time. Crimson Pain, RISK:- 2 Inflicts an additional 100% of damage on foe and deals 30% of base damage to Ashley. Don't get carried away with this move or you might find yourself in serious trouble. Use it with Raging Ache to get powerful hits or Gain Life to restore exactly the amount of life lost in using this ability. Instil, RISK:- 1 Inflicts additional damage equal to 10% of damage dealt and adds that amount to PP Restores PP that is lost meaning that you are able to pull off more powerful attacks. If you use it with the Phantom Pain ability however you will have a nice combo. Phantom Pain, RISK:- 3 Inflicts additional damage equal to the total accumulated Phantom Points in Ashley's weapon. In other words this swaps PP for more damage. Use this with Instil to keep gaining PP and you will have an effective combo that you can use. Paralysis Pulse, RISK:- 3 Adds "Paralysis" to attack. Adds paralysis to the enemy who will then run away from you until it wears off, in the hope that you won't attack them. (Yeah, right...) Numbing Claw, RISK:- 3 Adds "Numbness" to attack. Use this at the end of the chain or it won't work. If you use it in the middle of a chain the move that follows it will cancel the effects of Numbness. Numbness stops the enemy using Special Attacks, and slows them down by 50%. Dulling Impact, RISK:- 3 Adds "Silence" to attack. Stops the enemies from casting magic for a little while. Snake Venom, RISK:- 3 Adds "Poison" to attack. Slowly poison will sap life out of the enemy until they counter it with an Antidote or spell if they are able to do so. Poison does not work on Undead creatures. -= 06.2 Defence Abilities =- Defence Abilities are used in a similar way to Chain Abilities. They add RISK to the RISK bar when used and have to be used at the exact time the attack hits you. You will know when it hits you by the sound, what you can see and the fact that, if you have it set up to do so, the little orange "!" will appear. It is a good idea to change the defences you have to suit your surroundings. So when you encounter an enemy you have no defence for quickly press L2 and change the defence abilities. For example if you run into an enemy that uses fire add the "Pyro Guard" ability to one of the buttons. As with Chains find a button and defence ability set-up you are comfortable with and get used to it as you are going to be using the Defence Abilities a lot. You may also find that some defences end up with a MISS. This is because they CANNOT defend against the type of attack that is being used against you. The list of defences is shown below:- -= Defence Ability List =- Ward, RISK:- 1 Prevents Paralysis and Numbness This will prevent Paralysis an Numbness being cast on you if it is timed right. Another bonus with this ability is that if you use it and you are already affected by Paralysis you might be able to shake off the Paralysis even if the attack didn't carry Paralysis. Siphon Soul, RISK:- 6 Adds 50% of MP used in foe's magical attack to Ashley's MP. Effective versus magical attacks. I don't like this. The idea of getting 50% of the MP from a spell used on you sounds good but the low costing MP spells don't give you much MP and the high costing ones can nearly half your HP, or even worse, kill you. If you want to get MP out of the enemy use the Gain Magic Chain Ability. Reflect Magic, RISK:- 2 Reflects 40% of damage. Does not reduce damage received. Effective versus magical attacks. This move is good - when it works. Time it right (and with a bit of luck) you can reflect ANY move used on you, from any angle. This means that if someone were to attack you from behind with a water element spell, you would be able to reflect the damage onto them as long as you are able to survive 60% of damage on you. Reflect Damage, RISK:- 2 Reflects 40% of damage. Does not reduce damage received. Effective versus non-magical attacks. This is the same as Reflect Magic but for normal attacks. This might be easier to time as you can actually see when the blade touches you to get the timing perfect. Absorb Magic, RISK:- 4 Reduces damage received by 20%. Effective versus magical attacks. This is good, but if you have a defence ability for the specific element that is attacking you it is better to use that. Absorb Damage, RISK:- 4 Reduces damage received by 20%. Effective versus non-magical attacks. This is basically the same as Absorb Magic but for normal attacks. Impact Guard, RISK:- 4 Reduces physical damage by 50%. I ALWAYS have this defence ability equipped. This is handy. Imagine this. You have 100 HP and a dragon boss takes a swipe at you with it's tail and takes 150 HP off. Time it right and you will regain 75 HP therefore staying alive. Windbreak, RISK:- 4 Reduces Air affinity damage by 50%. Fireproof, RISK:- 4 Reduces Fire affinity damage by 50%. Terra Guard, RISK:- 4 Reduces Earth affinity damage by 50%. Aqua Guard, RISK:- 4 Reduces Water affinity damage by 50%. Shadow Guard, RISK:- 4 Reduces Light affinity damage by 50%. Demonscale, RISK:- 4 Reduces Dark affinity damage by 50%. Phantom Shield, RISK:- 6 Uses the accumulated Phantom Points in Ashley's shield to counter an equal amount of damage. *** 07.0 RISK *** RISK is, to put simply, odd. It means that if you spend lots of time attacking with or without chains, of have defended against attacks well, you will have lost a lot of concentration. Without this concentration you will find it hard to hit the target for damage. This basically means you can't (or more to the point - you aren't supposed to) go on for ever using chains to hit the enemy as it just won't do anything. That said I have been able to kill off an enemy starting on 100 RISK and finishing on 100 RISK without the use of any Vera items or RISK reducing abilities in between. With low RISK you will find it easier to hit the target, easier to take off lots of HP and that it is harder for the enemy to hit you and, even if it does hit you, for lots of damage. High RISK means that it is harder to hit the enemy and take off any HP, and that it is easier for the enemy to hit you and take off a lot of HP. Basically you are meant to break down your lengthy combos into chunks of around 8 so that your RISK doesn't rocket. In my opinion do this for the bosses, but in boss battles you