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Whoa, man! This game really SUCKS!!!



Well, well, well. I happened to dirty my hands with this POS while I had a SNES. Spiderman/Xmen:Arcade's Revenge on all systems was terrible. Where should I start?

Well, the gameplay was a pain in the ass to say the least. Jump detection was poor, often resulting in Cyclops falling on the electric rail on his stage and dying. Controls were okay otherwise, but the game was plain out too hard. You had to take a role as spidey or an Xman and go through 2or3 hard ass stages depending on which character you chose. The game was too hard because all people shared the same stock of lives. The life rationing was poor, as a couple of hits could send you near death. Bosses were even worse. Couple that with IMPOSSIBLE to beat stages (Spidey and wolverine 2)and you will not want to play anymore.

Sounds and muzak:Bleech!!>:(

Sounds and GFX were horrible in this game. The music sounded like some muffled out 1970's movie soundtrack. Sounds were horrible from the sperm web shot of spidey to the whale scream of dying storm. Mute button anyone?

No fun here if you can't even beat the game. Wait a minute-you can always microwave this sorry excuse for shit and see it jump. Damn, this game really sucks.

There is no replay to be found here. Replay the moment you broke the game with your old friend, the sledgehammer. You had better not lay hands on this ever again or I will hang you by the neck.-Joel-

Score:1.75 (Just for the cool muzak)