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I like this game a lot:8.5

This game is way better than the original playstaion version. Yes it is the sequel and it is on the dreamcast so it is suppossed to be. Anyway this is a great title to add to the already huge DC fighting library. The graphics are gorgeous and many of the same characters have returned. I don't know all of the old ones since it's been a while since I have played the PS version. Team up and Party up techniques have also made their return. If thats not enough then the burning vigor attacks are here as well. Gameplay is like the original, like a virtua fighter except not in full 3d.

The game has several different modes of play. One of them is the story mode which actually has a great story to it as well as above par ending as far as fighting games go. Like the original it has different schools each with different characters that basically fight each other. The whole story intertwines so thats a major plus. Arcade, tournament and league battles are here as well. The versus mode has about 6 locked characters you can find. I still have not figured out how to unlock them. I have even beat the story mode a couple of times. Oh well. The music is great as well so that something else to sink your teeth into.

The only real complaint I have is that it moves a tiny bit slow but it is hardly noticanle. What is however is the way the camera switches angles all of the sudden and sometimes messes you up. Oh well nothing is perfect.

This is a total buy if you find it. I don't know if it is even out in the states yet or if it is an import. I just brought burned so go figure. Anyway a totally cool fighting game with a large amount of replay value.

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