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Pointless rip off to all gamers!

Ahhh, a new rant for all of my three fans. Today's subject is the ultra annoying arcade classic gamepacks that first burst on the scene a few years ago.Those of you that have been devoid of gaming news for the last few years may not now what they are. They are basically 4 old arcade games in their original form with no updates or improvements at all.

That is the first problem right there.No graphical improvements or additions at all. What you payed a quarter for twenty years ago to play is what you get here. Except for 1 major diffrence. The price. New collections can cost in the upwards of $30. To me that is totally ridiculous. Who is stupid enough to pay $30 for games that used to cost a quarter to play, and in most cases can be purchased for the NES for the same price.There are no variety in the packs at all.I have seen at least 2 game collections with joust. Yet gamers continue to buy them. Maybe they are hoping to get the new high score or something. Hell for $30 you can just buy the actual arcade itself. In most cases they are not even fun anymore. Gamers looking for a nostaligia fix often wonder why they spent so many quarters in the first place playing it. You give me a choice between a old endless game that uses a couple of lines and dots but is deemed a classic, or a new game with limitless replay value and an engrossing story or gameplay like Metal Gear Solid, and I will take MGS anyday over Frogger.

Maybe if they had additions or something they would be fun.But they don't. The industry is taking advantage by taking a awful game and calling it a clsaaicand finally packaging it with 3 others to form the multiple games we see today.If they had put ten or fifteen then it would be worth it but only three or four? That is inexcuseable.

To end this rant I will say this. If you get a kick out of old games that you play on your next generation system then by all means get it. I like some old games but am smart enough to not pay $30 for a couple of games that can fit on a floppy disk.

