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General Stuff - 08 12 00 (12:07 AM)

Sorry for this lack of updates for 2 weeks or whatever. I am very proud to be on the news page of a Team Fortress Site made by Sorciax. I'll be getting my first article sometime soon. You can write me something groovy, too! Just eMail me. I might change this page into to a totally new frames layout. Tables are offering quite a bit of madness to my poor brain!

Team Fortress 1.6 News - 07 31 00 (1:40 PM)

I was over at Planet Half-Life looking at all the news and a nifty bit of information crossed my eyes. Apparently, TF 1.6 will be released in early September. With this new version out, there were several changes:

    - Snipers don't have that big red dot
    - Snipers don't need to power up the rifle
    - Snipers must be in a certain position to fire the gun
    - HW Guys don't have as much power on the Auto Cannon
That isn't even the best part. Supposidly, voice communication is also put into the new version. That means that you can talk instead of type. No more blaming your death on typing. We should expect to see TF2 out on June 14, 2001. I can't wait.

Poll Added - 07 29 00 (4:57 PM)

The forum that I got a couple days ago was from the good people at The poll is also from that same web site. By the way, do you like the question I used? I don't really like the current message board because it uses the 'Times New Roman' font and has a couple images that I don't like. I might get a different one. I haven't gotten a reply from Planet Fortress yet but I'm still gonna continue to make this page if they don't accept me.

Cross Your Fingers - 07 27 00 (1:35 AM)

I sent in a request to the nice folk over there at Planet Fortress asking if they would host Total Team Fortress. I also got rid of the previous news topics because they were bugging me for some reason. The links section is %100 complete and I am still accepting your Half-Life related links. I currently have 2 tactics in the 'by Weapons' category submitted by myself just to get things started. I am going to make an article about those dumb-minded gamers we see in some of our favourite servers, but I wanna make sure that all my HTML coding is okay before I do that. I will inform you if my request was accepted. Come back later!

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