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Welcome to Time Frames.

This is the place where memories come flooding back.

Contact us by the email address below and we will send you a questionnare file that you need to fill in the details and send back to us.

These are memory prompt type questions, and essential birth, death and marriage details of your ancestors.

This information is confidential, and is needed to complete a family group sheet and pedigree file on you.

No information will be sold or divulged to any other person without your consent.

Once you have sent your questionnaire back to us we then ask you to write down the story of your life and your memories of your parents, your childhood, your first love, your first job etc., and then send it to us.

We will then edit the information together in a booklet form for you, including the family information and pedigree files and then print a copy of it for you.

We charge $25.00 for this service, and you get a free copy of the booklet. Should your family or friends want a copy they can order a copy through this site, at the cost of $10.00 per book, plus $2.30 for postage.

We guarantee our work and your book will be mailed to you within 14 days of the finished manuscript being read and given the ok by you.

The only addendum to this agreement is that we want to keep a copy of your booklet for our reference and the the future publication of books by us.

You can pay us by check, money order mailed to the stated address. You can pay by cash if you are within living distance of our store in Porterville.

You can contact us and we will give you details of how to pay by credit card, paypal or direct deposit.

This is a fabulous way to preserve unforgettable family memories for your children and grandchildren, and for generations to come.

Don't let all those memories fade with the coming of time. Don't let your memories of your parents or grandparents, elderly aunts and uncles, disappear with the ravages of time, so all that is left of them is a name and a date on a headstone.

Everybody has a story to tell, and we want to hear it and preserve it.

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We proudly support these

Mollie's Books Wanted List
Whitecottage Research
Elms Family
Indigo's Child Gifts
