
Thru this portal you will enter into a realm of courage, creativity and learning. We have created a Haven for survivors of child physical, emotional and sexual abuse as well as domestic abuse and rape to come together.

Each month we will showcase the work of authors who are attempting to make the difference in the war against all forms of abuse with their poetry, essays and informative articles. Some of the stories are graphic and may trigger negative, anxiety producing emotions and anger while others will leave you breathless in awe at the courage and strength of the survivor.

Survivor Haven also has a monthly newsletter that lets our readers know when changes are made. Please, take a moment to SUBSCRIBE. Your privacy is our concern and we never sell or trade the names or email addresses of our subscribers.

At this time, much of the work of the authors featured is located outside the Haven. Please bookmark our main page so you can return to the Haven and read the offerings of all of our contributors. The various poems and articles listed come from such places as Survivor Wit, Suite 101 and Fitness Heaven.

Thank you for stopping by and feel free to email comments, suggestions or possible submissions to the address listed on the home page. The Haven is in its fledgling stages, constantly changing and growing in our attempt to bring the evils of abuse out of the shadows and into the light of day. Also if you come across an exceptional website, resource or author, please forward the information to us.

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