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Things that suck

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here are several things that suck really bad when they happen, if you skim through you'll find some really funny things, i didn't really care to count.

#1 accidentily going to a gay club
#2 country music
#3 when there is nothing on TV
#4 losing one of your socks
#7 having a broken channel changer
#8 stupid teachers
#11 brushing your teeth with your grandmas tooth brush then washing it down with her denture water
#12 putting a quarter in a vending machine and getting the dumbest thing you could have possibly gotten
#19 when ugly people ask you out
#20 getting kicked in the nads
#23 getting suntan lotion and cooking oil mixed up
#24 finding out that Santa claus isn't real
#25 having a really good dream and waking up in the middle of it
#26 being gay
#27 losing to someone that is really stupid
#29 sitting on a cactus
#33 being attacked by a flying squirrel
#35 falling off the edge of the world
#40 when your dog is smarter than you
#41 stop lights
#42 people that spit when they talk
#43 men in Speedo's
#45 finding out that your dads not really a man!
#47 when someone is better than you at every thing
#48 when someone sneezes and your thirst is quenched
#49 hitting a parked car on your bike
#50 being a parked bike and getting hit by a car
#53 getting attacked by a baboon (trust me, that hurts!)
#56 ugly super models
#57 homework
#58 golf
#61 spilling bacon grease all over your self
#64 forgetting to use an oven mit
#68 getting x-lax mixed up with candy
#69 picking up a cat while their pooping
#71 dieing
#72 running out of toilet paper
#73 brain freezes
#74 being a dork
#75 getting hurt
#76 fire works gone bad
#77 school
#77.5 school sucks so bad I decided to list it twice
#78 getting dumped
#79 drowning
#80 not having shoe laces
#94 accidentally trick-or-treating on the wrong day
#98 the wizard of OZ (accept for the part when the munchkins are singing and dancing that part is funny)
#99 being mistaken for a crash dummy
#100 closing a door on your hand
#101 trying to unscrew a broken light bulb with a wet potato while the switch is on
#102 poking your eye
#103 getting visean mixed up with white out
#106 being stalked by a monkey
#107 getting an F
#108 when the tag on clothes is poking you
#109 getting abducted by aliens
#105 fallinng asleep in the shower
#111 having to do a speech in class
#112 when there is a roomer that you are going out with the uglyest chick in school
#113 when you're in the back seat of a car & the driver slams on the brakes and you go flying into the dash bored
#114 losing the lottery by one number
#116 hitting your head
#119 being stupid
#120 when your're in an airport & there's a Japanese family pointing and laughing at you & and saying a bunch of stuff and you don't know what there saying
#124 hanson (the band)
#126 pony tails on guys
#127 any products that come from a cracker jack's box
#128 poetry
#129 having a broken tooth
#130 losing your wallet
#132 ugly people that think they're hot
#133 curly hair
#134 rainbows
#135 clowns
#136 the color pink
#137 heart attacks
#138 topless tribes in Africa
#139 reading Japanese
#140 misteriosly waking up in Antarctica
#141 Barney
#142 flowers that stink
#143 the show "full house"
#144 the show "family matters"
#145 non-electric can openers
#150 hail as big as basketballs
#151 when you have tons of shampoo but no conditioner
#154 casset tapes
#156 getting struck by lightning
#159 herpes
#160 college
#161 danger signs
#162 school work
#167 sitting on a wet bench
#168 losing your pet hamster in the middle of the night. Then the next day at school you cough it out in front of a really hot chick
#171 Barbara Striesand
#174 Leonardo Dacrapio
#176 rug rats
#179 school cookies
#180 school cooks
#181 school pictures
#182 sesame street
#183 power rangers
#190 backstreet fags
#191 n'stink
#192 98 degrees
#193 head aches
#194 prince
#195 tight pants on fat people
#196 falling on a helicopter
#197 missing your finger nail clippers for 3 weeks
#198 lawers
#208 the fact the school wastes about 4/10 of the average persons life
#209 staplers that are out of staples
#213 getting your ear ring ripped out
#214 when birds crap on you
#215 when gay people hit on you
#216 when someone wakes you up to ask you if you are sleeping
#217 trying to fall asleep on Christmas eve
#218 stepping on a nail
#219 getting shot in the throat & losing your voice then three years later realizing that your last words were "were out of cheese!?"
#222 dropping a bowling ball on your foot
#223 losing your toothpaste and accidentily using hemroid cream
#224 falling with a sucker in your mouth
#226 catching yourself on fire
#227 my health
#233 the fact that most small animals I buy are all genetically mutated for some reason
#234 being broke
#235 standing in a line
#236 bad hair days
#237 turning in work to a teacher then they lose it and make you do it over again
#238 people that think they are funny but they're just complete idiots - that would be me
#240 being 1 level away from beating a game & then the power to your house goes out
#241 getting rabies
#243 getting bird poop in your eye
#244 listening to really boring speeches
#245 being compared to zuquinne bread
#246 happy days (the show)
#259 working for a week & then going to get your paycheck and the job turned out to be voluntary
#260 Mr. Rogers
#261 leaving your cell phone on all night & having a $500.00 phone bill
#268 getting murdered by a koosh ball
#269 the name "Latisha"
#270 have to count to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000
#283 getting a $2,500 surgery done on your dog, and he dies the next day
#285 running out of air when your scuba diving
#287 fat girls in bikinis
#288 biting your tongue
#289 biting your lip
#290 biting your cheek
#293 backing your car into a tree
#294 getting up early for work and realizing it's your day off
#295 falling asleep in your car during lunch hour then waking up 2 hours later
#296 speeding tickets
#299 having a booger hanging out of your nose
#300 drinking milk out of the jug then realizing it went out of date 4 weeks ago
#301 biting into aluminum foil when you have fillings in your teeth
#301 bums asking for money
#302 people that don't bathe
#304 finding out your dogs really a cat
#305 getting you butt kicked by someone smaller than you
#310 downloads that take a long time then they turn out to suck really bad
#313 The Pillsbury doughboy-he's way too happy.
#314 People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the TV remote because they refuse to walk to the TV and change the channel manually.
#315 When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too."
#316 When people say "It's always in the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the heck would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they?
#317 When people say, while watching a movie "Did you see that?" No, I paid $7.50 to come to the theatre and stare at the friggin ceiling up there.
#318 People who ask "Can I ask you a question?"..... Didn't really give me a choice, did ya there buddy?
#319 When something is "new and improved", which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then it must not be the first one!
#320 When a cop pulls you over and then asks if you know how fast you were going? You should know you pulled me over!
#325 typing things that suck and finding out you can’t count past anything Well, i'm tired of typeing so I think i'll stop now if you have any more things that suck you think that I should add to the list or if you just want to e-mail me about the page

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