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Hello, and welcome to my webpage. I’m glad you dropped by and I hope you leave here with more than you came with. Whether it be information, a new perspective or, "Gee, this guy is nuts", I promise you will leave here with more than you came with...haha.

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PriceLess.........You ever wondered how much you were worth? I have. I think everyone has at one time or another. A person’s value has been measured in many ways. The chemical, inorganic contents of a 150 pound man in the 1930's was estimated at 98 cents. Given inflation, the value of that same body has risen to about ten dollars. To the person occupying that physical body, it’s invaluable! In terms of education, the Institute of Life Insurance once estimated that a college graduate could earn twice as much in his lifetime as a high school dropout, and thus, education increased the value of a human being. Yet we know a person’s worth is not determined by the degrees behind his or her name. It was once estimated that the atoms in the human body could produce 11,400,000 kilowatts of power per pound if they could only be harnessed. Yet we know that a person’s worth is not the energy represented in his or her cells. The story is told of two families who shared a water pump. When the pump broke down, a quarrel arose between the families about who would pay the repair bill. One thing led to another and the bullets began to fly. Nine people died in each family. The total repair bill for the pump was 55 cents. That’s only 3 cents per person. Surely we know that a person’s life is worth 3 cents!

What is a person worth? What is the unseen value of a person that cannot be weighed, measured, or priced? God says the value of a person is measured according to the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is more precious or valuable to God than a person’s eternal soul. Your value to God is beyond your ability to reason or calculate. What has your mind failed to conceive about your own value? Surely if you are so valuable before him, he will take care of you, not only today, but tomorrow and every tomorrow thereafter.

Jesus said, "Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows." Luke 12:6-7

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