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Who's ¥o Daddy Now?

Guide through the emptiness and find nothing you have ever imagined. Imagine a place where everything exists together in perfect chaos. Then watch it destroy itself through the inside of its own harmonic heart. Now feeling complete hell becomes heaven and terrestrial becomes epythereal. Once the transformation is complete, fly from the empty cocoon a full fledged butterfly. Its over. Say goodbye to the unknown; say hello to the certain calamity that is maturity. No more innocent drunken high school parties, now attending all night trips to the bar on monday to get twenty-five cent wings. Say hello to road trips finding oneself immersed in thousands of young adults oozing anphedamines through their drug clogged sweat glands. The sludge rises into an aroma of sweet, magic odors that speak in bestial tongues tantalizing the baser tissues of the brain, spinning souls through a tube of ignorant bliss. Take a break. In the ceramic institution restrained by a straightjacket of urinal stench no one notices the absence. Every single person exists in their own universe, that is until an old friend not seen for at least a century streaks across a neigboring orbital plane. Then the intensity is shattered as both embrace each other as brothers, but wait a minute, "I just met this guy a week ago. What's his name again?" Now alone on an infinite dance plane watching the story of ones life inside two glowsticks flowing in an imperfect unison, a beautiful star glimmers in a distant realm. Quickly boundaries advance as legions conqour the foreign territory of her universe. Oops! The senate steps in, she darts away with her three best star friends. For the first time since being straped into the cockpit, you see your own celestial companion. So it ends once again. The past eight hours are a blur of dancing and strobing flashes of stars you happened upon. On the landing strip of the mire adrenaline lingering in every crevice of your being, only one thing comes to mind; "Whens the next one?" Time to go home yet the trip back to earth is a long one. Just met friends now seem like strangers in a dark alley. Thinking back, "why am I hanging out with these kids? " Eyelids weigh down bodies pulling them through the ground inch by inch until they are six feet under. A zombie slothing through everyday working for some unknown incentive. "Wait a minute its Friday, there's another party tonight!"

What I Love About Living!


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