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Kasper's Homepage!!!

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Last Updated : September 2nd, 2008
Changed the background image & color of tex (so you could read on the new background image). Also added a seperate link for the several pages for video game stuff, to make it a little more orginized.

Hey, what's up everybody?!?! If you wanna e-mail me, or just say, sup, my e-mail is somewhere down at the bottom. Also, you should sign the guestbook too, it'll only take a couple minutes tops. Anyway, maybe I'll talk to some of ya later on. Later all!!! Oh, and all files are in ".rar" format. If you do not have WinRAR, here is where you can download WinRAR.

Xbox & Xbox 360
Jokes & Poems
Page for various RM2K stuff, including my demo.
ISO's & CDI's