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The Two Stories

The First Man:This is a story about two well known men living in a big city. The first deals with a man, born a Catholic but for political prestige joined a forbidden secret society which is at variance with the teaching of the Church. Well, this man passed his life with scarcely ever receiving Holy Communion. His boyhood and youth had slipped away, and only at his First Communion and Marriage had he confessed. During his manhood he received political reward and amassed a lot of wealth. But the spectre of death haunted him and so he gave orders that on his deathbed, a priest should be called to give him the Last Sacrament. He would live for self and die in peace with God. But, death came as a thief, without warning, without advance notice. the priest was called but it was too late. The body was cold and the man had gone before the judgement seat of God with mortal sin in his soul.
The Other Man: The other person was also a born Catholic. As a young man however, he had made the nine Consecutive First Friday devotion and was a good Catholic. But, he became lax in the practice of his faith and for business purposes also joined a secret society, forbidden by the Church. Time went on and his gold haunted him, his success darkened his days because he lived in fear of losing his coveted goods. So he also left orders to call the priest when the angel of death is close by. The day came when he was suddenly stricken and was rushed to the hospital. His wealth, honor and success where of no avail. The doctors went into consultation and shook their heads and gave notice that nothing can be done. After the last attempt had been made to save the poor man,then, when in the brink of hell as his soul is besmeared with mortal sin, a priest was called. With just a few moments to live he made a Good Confession and received the Holy Viaticum.( Holy Communion given to a dying person)

Both death happened in the Philippines quite sometime ago.... The first one died in despair, without the sacramental assistance of God's minister; the other passed on into eternity with his soul washed of its sin. The first spurned and passed the First Fridays Devotion to the Sacred Heart; the second accepted the promise of the Sacred Heart and died at least a Catholic death.

The all powerful love of My Heart will grant to to all those who shall do the Novena and receive Holy Communion on the First Friday of nine consecutive months (can also be for nine consecutive Fridays or Nine successive days)the grace of final repentance; they shall not DIE under My displeasure, nor without receiving the SACRAMENTS. I will be their assured refuge at the last hour.

Reprinted from the" Novena of the Sacred Heart" pulished by the Catholic Trade Inc., Manila.
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