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Site last updated (with help from Kasee) on December 17, 2003

"Whether therefore ye eat,
or drink, or whatsoever ye do,
do all to the glory of God."  
I Corinthians 10:31

Welcome to my homepage! My name is Rusty and I am a grateful servant of Christ. In fact, to say I am a child of God is true, but an understatement. I am what most people call a Jesus freak... and I'm PROUD of it!

This site is dedicated to God and the intent of the content is to glorify Jesus Christ who is my Lord and Savior and spread the word of His soon return. My sweet wonderful Jesus saved me, redeemed me, and gave to me the most precious gift of all... Him dwelling within me. My Creator, my Lord, and my Savior, my Redeemer, my Master my awesome Jesus lives within me and He wants to live inside you as well. He wants to imprint Himself on your soul and bring you into righteousness so that when He returns to take us home you will be on the guest list. I know I'm goin!

My goal is to just share the wonderful mercy, grace, love, and salvation that Jesus has given me and to let the world know He offers it to each of us freely. We just have to ask. If you never have, then give me a few minutes to tell you about my best friend and Savior Jesus Christ and how accepting Him into your life brings redemption, peace, joy, rest, and rejuvination that nothing can compare to. These are things that only He can give, but fortunately for us He gives them freely and willingly. All we must do is but ask.

What you will find here is info about Jesus and His wonderful saving grace, health and lifestyle info, and things that I think are neat-o in general. A lot of the information will be in the links section because there are many sites that do a much better and thorough job of teaching about about end time events, about health issues, and about what Seventh Day Adventists believe, so hit the links to find out more. It is my hope simply to impart to you the wonderful love, grace, and mercy that Jesus offers by letting you know what He has done for me and what He can and will do for you if you just let Him.

This site is contantly changing and growing because I just couldn't say all I wanted to about Jesus on the first go round, and I am always coming across new sites to link to and new info to add. (Actually, I won't ever be able to say all I want to about Jesus, how wonderful He is, or how much I love and adore Him!!!) I will also be adding current events to the "What's New" section and throwing up new pictures from time to time as well.

So come on in, look around, let's have some fun and praise Jesus!



Welcome!  Come on in!