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Sleepy Dwarf Pictures



U of C Dating


What’s this all about?


U of C Dating is a student film about the anguish of adolescent college psychic love in the post-modern e-driven world of today… no wait, that would be the total crap Fire Escape would make this movie into.  U of C Dating  is really about the hilarity that is dating the University of Chicago.  It’s a thrill ride of despondency.  It’s about the journey of one man through the maze of the U of C dating scene, desperately trying to find sense, reason, the good intentions behind the ineptitude of U of C students’ dating techniques.


The Characters


Through his grand journey the curious TA, Horst Ketmann is confronted with six typical cases of U of C dating ineptitude; three guys, three girls, no clue.  These six characters are all to one extent or another the embodiments of different social klutzes encountered at the grand University of Chicago.  I could go through all the characters and describe each of their quirks, but that would ruin the movie.  Ketmann’s additional notes though will be posted eventually on this site once they are completed.


The Plot



The Meaning

Look just enjoy the freakin’ movie okay!


Notes about working on the film

To come later


Updated Sleepy Dwarf and U of C Dating News


Ketmann’s Additional Notes