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Western Arkansas


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Since the creation of our web site, we've had the opportunity to meet some fine folks inside and outside the Rocky Mountain Horse Breed.

Meeting these fine folks personally, enjoying the followship, and talking horses of all breeds. We have met some fine folks through the super highway.

We have shared our web site addresses and now we want to share them with you. We hope you will take a few minutes to visit these sites.

The International Rocky Mountain Horse Association, Inc. The "official" site for the International Rocky Mountain Horse Association.

Tradition has it that around the turn of the century a young horse appeared in eastern Kentucky that gave rise to a line of horses that have been prized and treasured in this part of the country ever since.

The basic characteristics are a medium-sized horse of gentle temperament with an easy ambling four-beat gait. This gait made it the horse of choice on the farms and the rugged foothills of the Appalachians.
The Rocky Mountain Horse Association Newsletter The "official" publication for the Rocky Mountain Horse Association.
Lots of good information to be found here.
Web Site Under Construction

Vancouver Police Mounted Squad

British Columbia,
For the past 92 years, police officers on horseback have patrolled Stanley Park and the West End of Vancouver. In addition to helping keep Stanley Park safe for its more than 8 million visitors per year, the Vancouver Police Mounted Squad has escorted Royalty and dignitaries, appeared in movies and on television, ridden in countless parades and horse shows, and visited schools and community events throughout the Lower Mainland.

This site has been created as a tribute to the horses and officers of the Vancouver Police Mounted Squad. Check out the Table of Contents to learn about the history of the Mounted Squad, meet its horses and officers, find out about current activities, and view links to other interesting sites.

Foxtrotters USA
Owners James and Suzanne Sanders have a beautiful Fox Trotter horse farm in Weimer, Texas. Breeding Fox Trotters and Mules, has this couple busy.

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