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Welcome to Jasmine Reign

Now is a perfect place to Be

updated 02.28.02 :

Jasmine Reign at Graffiti's, March 15th

mark your calendars, get the night off work - Jasmine Reign are on the list of 20 artists participating in the GoGirls Acoustic Showcase coming to SXSW in Austin, TX on Friday, March 15 at Graffiti’s Bar & Grille, 2401 W. Howard Lane (512-255-8003).

"...Because of the overwhelming interest in our event we have to keep it “open mic” style which means you basically get up and play two songs and that’s it. There is no set up time. It’s plug in and play. Thanks for your understanding!" you can expect congas with electric cello and vox, and you can expect us to rock. at present, they plan to start showcasing at 7pm and it will most likely run until midnight or later. in the interest of fairness, names will be drawn for slot times, so keep checking back to see if we have more info.

"...Thank you so much for your interest. We promise this will be a fun night. We’ll have fabulous door prizes from, Disc Makers, PowerGig, Musicians Atlas,, Vreeland Graphics and more! There will be lots of women musicians from around the country so you can expect to make some great contacts. Bring business cards and swap CDs!" come check it out, meet the band(s), have a drink, listen to some women rock the house. questions? hit us up at our e-mail, and we'll hit you back.

wanna know a little more? check the source at "cuz chicks rock!" Invasion of the GoGirls coming to SXSW March 14-15, 2002 more info at

congratulations to Lynn, Richard and little Ryan, born February 6th, 2002 at 10:21 pm. welcome to this world, Ryan!!!

we'll be posting the pictures, or at least one commemorative one, as soon as we can - big love to all three of you!!!

updated 01.25.02 :

so much has happened since we had time to post here...there were the 3 shows we played in December, a string of Tuesday happy hours at the Room 710 in downtown Austin. we started passing around our e-mailing list, got a few sign-ups so that next time we play, we can let you know in advance. in case you missed out, you can simply drop a line and let us know you wanna get added to the list.

and speaking of shows, it will be a little while before we have another scheduled. Lynn is due to have her baby Feb 4th, and we don't expect her to be rushing from the delivery room to the drum set...not immediately anyways. so we are taking some time to write new music, flesh out a few covers (a new thing for us - those of you who know us from way back know how new a thing it is for us to cover someone else's song...) and plot our next moves. we will be poking around to get some bookings (book now, play much later) and the fabled demo will likely be making the rounds as we take it to clubs and such.

so after a long and busy fall full of guests from out of town, holidays and pregnancy, we are looking at a spring of fewer guests, newborn baby action and some good old fashioned live music out on the town. look for us again at Room 710, and also at the Flamingo Cantina (with fellow local band the Proles who've offered us a booking with them) and possibly at Elysium, where they are planning to start having live music. you can count on us popping up other places - benefits, coffee shops, weddings, you never know. this year, we'll do a better job of keeping this site updated and user-friendly. and you do a better job of letting us know how we're doing, how you're doing, or whatever you need to let us know. deal? deal.

updated 09.06.01 :

soon now, there will be a demo out there. we're recording 6 songs - just drums and cello, vocals are waiting on the arrival of a bit more equipment for sound quality - and it will be a treat to have to finished product to play and enjoy. i mentioned this demo before in passing, but it's come quite a bit since then. with many many thanks to Dan the Man, for being the brains behind the techincal prcess at work, we toil steadily towards an actual product. it will never compare to hearing and seeing us play live, but it's just about the next best thing. little else to tell at the moment. photos? we'll get 'em someday. in the scheme of priorities, that's one that gets pushed further and further back, but it is also inevitable. so hang in there. expect to see some format changes here soon, that is, as soon as i can figure out how to make them. take care of yourselves and stay tuned.

updated 08.17.01 :

so, we played a wedding and it was beautiful - it was the marriage of a man named Jaco (who took all the badass Austin amariz photos) and his fair lady companion, Cheryl. the pics that are linked to are the older photos, not photos of the wedding, though those may someday soon be available here. it was really a nice event - we played as part of the ceremony. obviously it was not strictly traditional...but it was lovely and very sacred without being pompous in any way shape or form. it was actually quite moving, if my opinion were to be asked. oh, and there was free food. (ha ha)

since then, we have ben carrying on with life, and all that goes with that. we have spent much of our spare time pooled together recording a demo for upcoming use to get us booked at clubs and such. perhaps it might even be available to others, if the interest was there. you could e-mail me and let me know if you were interested in having such a thing to call your own. it's really quite amazing that it's been produced out of the living room, and it sounds so remarkably clean and crisp and warm. we'll see how it all develops. it's a bit of so far so good...

updated 06.07.01 :

let's talk SHOWS. well, on May 20th, we played our first show (outside of the house) as Jasmine Reign - it was a benefit for the Bill Hicks Foundation for Wildlife. Yes, that Bill Hicks - Lynn is one of the directors for the above mentioned foundation, and a good cause it is. so, yes we played the benefit to promote this, "non-profit organization of voulnteers dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of orphaned, ill or injured Central Texas wildlife, and public education of related issues." we jammed out and made beautiful music, along with the gale-force blues vox and guitar of Heather Bishop and the harmonies and good vibes of Grass, and it brought a massive storm in with 70-mile per hour winds and blinding rain. we wrapped up our super-short set due to rapidly inclement weather, and got all the equipment indoors before the deluge hit. we consider it a success.

and for those of you who may actually be in a position to come and see us play live, well we've got another show coming up on the 15th of June at Graffiti's, at 2401 W. Howard Lane (512-255-8003). from my present understanding, it's a relatively new club up in north Austin looking to make a go as a live music venue - let's help make that a reality, hmmm? we'll be playing the last slot at 11 p.m., part of a multi-band, multi-performer Girlz' Fest. other performances will include sets by guitar-slinging blues-mama-diva Heather Bishop and smooth, groovy rockers Shade. so come on out and support the rising tide of Women Who Fucking Rock.

updated 04.06.01 :

well it finally happened - no, we didn't win the lottery. we got ourselves a nice little gig on tv. for those who don't know, Austin has an Austin Music Network (AMN) which is like the equivalent of MTV, (except it doesn't suck a corporate cock) but ALL Austin, to support and diversify the local scene. or something. very cool idea, there's some really interesting stuff they've got going.

so a while ago (maybe a few months even?) as I'm checking the band e-mail, (which I ALWAYS forget to check since there's not many folks who know of us I think...) there came a letter soloiciting us to play some live footage for this collaboration between AMN and the Austin Community College (ACC). we scheduled a gig, had to cancel, and it was a bummer. we told the man (Sean Schiavolin, who runs the show) to keep us on his list in case someone else cancelled or something...that we were interested.

then there is a call at 11:30 this last Wednesday night which had awakened me from a little nap (unusual for me to be asleep at that hour, as I'm pretty religiously at rock'n'roll karaoke on Wednesdays, but had passed out for that nap - must've needed one) calling to see what the possibilities were, if we want to do this t.v. gig...he has another open slot. tomorrow, he says.

so I said, hell yeah, we're intersted! let me talk to my ladies and we'll confirm tomorrow morning. so yesterday (Thursday) evening we went and did our gig - 5 songs, and it was good. performance-wise, it was pertty decent - I, myself, was not in top form at all, due mostly to an advanced attitude problem based on living in a construction site for a month+, (this is a long story, cut very short) and a bit of a hangover that got cut into by plumbers coming to do loud messy and inconvenient stuff to my bathroom (another allusion to the "long story").

but it felt good to be playing. I think I can speak for us all that it felt good to jam out, it felt good to be under colored lights, and we just rocked. we all made little mistakes here and there, but hell! it was our


performance - I kept saying someone should've broken a bottle of champagne over us - and it's not like any of those people, or anyone but us really, know the songs. it's easy to forget that if we make a mistake and just improv it out within the band that no one will know the difference anyways.

the final point? there will be vhs copies available, as soon as the footage gets chopped and edited and fixed up. you can e-mail us at for further inquiries...or in other realities, for those three fans of ours I refer to...maybe four or can probably just e-mail me if I haven't already said I would send you a copy. so, that's the news. and it is Good.

the ball is rolling. more as it happens...

updated 03.21.01 :

so in case you hadn't noticed, there are some differences popping up around the page. we changed the name of the band to Jasmine Reign. now that Lynn is a definite part of the creative force at work, we all felt like the name should be representative of all three of our ideas, so we put our heads and hearts together and pieced this one into life. a series of upgrades on the old home computer studio (thank you Thank You THANK YOU Danny - thank you thank you thank you) will enable us to record out of the house sometime in the forseeable future. be prepared to rock.

updated 02.15.01 :

bet you thought I'd forgotten about you, our three fans! well, truth is, it's been busy on the life front, and the Music has been growing at a very rapid pace. we are honored to (belatedly) introduce our new drummer and percussionist, Lynn. there are no pics yet (you know how females can be about that stuff...) but we'll get them to you soon. there are also not yet any sound samples which she is playing on - another dastardly shortcoming, we know...but we're getting there.

point is, we've been tightening up the stuff we've written (like the sample MP3's, which sound quite different now from what we play at rehearsal...) and fleshing out new songs. it's exciting. unofficially, we'd like to be able to get a 3-song demo out this spring at the least. we shall see...

updated 11.26.00 :

pictures from Halloween...see us jam at below to the right...

updated 10.05.00 :

have you been waiting? well, Now there are 2 samples of our rhapsody for you to feast your ears upon...just click down below to hear our sounds...

Hear Our Sounds * * *See Our Images