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Buffy Summers

"When he wakes up, tell him...I don't know. Think of something cool; tell him I said it."(after knocking out Giles to save his life in "Prophecy Girl")

Buffy Anne Summers, aka "the chosen one" "the slayer" "girl who kicks much vampire booty" and may other names, was born in 1981. A very popular girl in her original high school, in 1996 a watcher named Merrick informed her of her chosen path, and her life was never the same. In her initial days, however, Merrick was killed and she was kicked out of her school for burning down the gym which was "full of vampires". Buffy and her mother moved to Sunnydale, California, aka the Hellmouth, and Buffy met her new watcher Giles, and her soon-to-be slaying buddies.Then whe met Angel- a vampire with a soul- and it was love at first, um, bite (oh, God, that was corny...) When their rocky relationship (see couples page for more info) ended when Angel left for LA after Buffy's graduation, Buffy went to college and met a new guy- Riley- who turned out to be part of a military demon-hunting force known as the Initiative (can't the girl find a normal boyfriend?). However, he left on a helicopter without a backward glance not long after she happened upon him in some vamp harem... Most recently, a powerful key was sent to her for protection in the form of a sister. Although an evil annoying demon goddess named Glory almost suceeded in using Dawn (the Key) to open the portal between the hell dimensions and ours, thus creating chaos, Buffy sacrificed her life rather than her sisters to stop it. At first, her friends used the Buffy bot Spike had had made for his own personal pleasure (he fell in love with her) as a substitute at first, that wasn't enough. Her friends soon concocted a spell to bring her back to life, thinking they were rescuing her from some evil hell dimension- but, as she recently revealed to Spike, she was actually in what she thinks was a heaven of sorts.

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