Hey, I'm too lazy to do an actual design as of yet. So for now here's what I got and you can check it all out on this dinky page. When I get my comic up and running I'll go full-force on the site.

Other Points of Interest: My Crappy Message Board

You could also email me...if you REALLY wanted to: thegreatelbobo@hotmail.com
Whether to tell me I'm great or ask for a commission picture or some piece of crap like that. I doubt you would as I have "crazy" hands and the picture would probably come out crappy. I have no self-esteem. How depressing. How meat-tastic.
One more thing. All "new" stuff is at the top of the lists. You'll obviously know it's new because it will look unfamiliar to you. So there. Content is more important than design...And this isn't supposed to win any beauty pageants. So nyah. And if you're wondering where my "skits" went, Angelfire can't seem to handle the word "downloadable" so unfortunately, it won't be happening. You can always request them though. Then again, they all blew.

ARTWORK: Some of these are Earthbound-related. All others are originals.
Owlie Tribute - A tribute picture I drew for Mike Leffel and Bob Scott.
Robot in Pod - I think the robot came out great. The pod around him I was gonna do in CG but then decided it would only make it look terrible.
Cerberus Mole
Mr. Saturn and Armored Frog - This proves what big jerks Mr. Saturns are.
Basket Fish
Platinum Dog
Dr. Gourde - This was for an old comic idea I had. Thus the Nazi armband thing.
Original monsters
Sketching Faces
Kraken Attacks
Master Belch
Max Irons!
Mushroom Monster
Plague Rat
Mole Rhino

A comic about my family life.
Part 2 of my family life
Part 3 and...all right this is made up. Just because I wanted a Kazaam comic.
A comic about Twinkie the Kid - He's my hero!
Twinkbot Destroy!

Reddy Books - Book 1 of a series of "children's books" I made called "Reddy Books". Note the subtle crayon-like drawings of "My Teacher Whips it out at Naptime".

Thanks go out to the folks of 9cy for hosting me and for actually allowing me to put up MP3s.
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