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James and Nancy Cooper's
Show Bantams


All pictures and contents of this site are owned by James and Nancy Cooper. Copyrighted 2001.


My name is James Cooper. I am a general licensed poultry judge with both The American Poultry Association and The American Bantam Association. I have been showing purebred poultry for over 40 years. My birds have won major awards in many states. I have shown birds at The Old English Game Bantam National three times and have won the National Champion Old English twice -- once for a B.B. red cockerel and once for a black cock. My black male line is considered to be one of the best in the nation. I am currently raising B.B.Red Old English, Black Old English, Silver Duckwing Old English,Black & Blue Cochins, Black Rosecomb, Dark Cornish, and Quail Belgian D'Anvers, . I also have an old, established family of performing Roller Pigeons, Penson, Plona, Smith and Hatcher blood lines. We are master breeders of Black & BB Red OE Game Bantams by both the ABA & APA , as well as Also Master Exhibitors. Sorry -- we don't sell chicks or eggs, but we do sell mature stock.

Enjoy the site and feel free to contact me!


James, Nancy & Jennifer Cooper

1277 Woodbine Drive

Kemp,Texas 75143

903-498-7168 home; 214-724-8073 cell



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