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Oneida Indian Ancestry - Part 2.

Transcriptions from Draper Manuscript: Notes from Interviews with Wisconsin Oneidas (1877) Concerning Revolutionary War.

Draper, Lyman C.

Draper Manuscripts, Series U (Frontier Wars Papers), Volume 11.(unpublished Manuscript in the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison. Microfilm available from Chadwich - Healy, Alexandria, Va. )

Notes from Oneida Indians - Oct. 30 - Nov. 2nd inclusive, 1877. Visit to Oneida Reservation - L.C.D.

(Conversation with Neddy King) NEDDY KING, about 56, says his grandfather at least was in battle of Oriskany, Aug. 6, 1777.

(Conversation with Miner Antoine) MINER ANTOINE, ab't 58 years old - no special information of ancient Oneida. - intelligent.

(Conversation with Mrs. Jacob Doxtator) MRS. JACOB DOXTATOR (CATHERINE), daughter of Abram Denny, formerly of Oneida Castle, N.Y. - who went with the first Senecas to Missouri & Kansas, when so many sickened & died there, & discouraged them from removing there - & Denny was among those who died): Mrs. DOXTATOR is 65 years of age.

HON YERRY'S widow died at about 95 years of age in May, 1833 = hence born in about 1738: married at about 18-hence say 1756. Her eldest son Jacob Doxtator born about 1758 - & was 17 when Revolutionary War commenced in 1775.

Hon Yerry's father was a German named Doxtator - hence Hon Yerry's German name - his mother was a Mohawk woman. Hon Yerry was quite a gentleman in his demeanor.

It was HON YERRY'S wife who went [191] & gave GEN. HERKIMER notice of the commencement of the seige of Fort Stanwix.

Jacob Doxtator (Hon Yerry's oldest son) was the father of George Doxtator , the husband of Aunt Polly Doxtator, now living. Cornelius was younger; & in the War of 1812, was killed in battle. His brother Peter Doxtator married a Stockbridge woman - all can tell about him, as he went & lived therafter with the Stockbridges.

An only sister, Dolly, married John Denny, father of Abr'm Denny, who was Mrs. JACOB DOXTATOR'S informant. This JOHN DENNY was of a Mohawk mother & his father, Louis Denny was a French captive, taken in the Mackinaw region, with his brother Martin - & was seperated from the latter at Niagara Falls, who was never heard of after.

The mother of Hon Yerry Doxtator, had a son by a German named Schuyler, who was the grandfather of Moses Schuyler* (*see Simm's Trappers of New York, 59). The latter's father was nick-named Platcoff - meaning Flat Head=a small man, who died about 1822- very aged (Han Yost Schuyler).

Hon Yerry's wife was Sarah Martin - taken prisoner with her sister Katy from the Shawanoes, & remained with the Mohawks - it was after this Katy (who was unmarried) that my informant (MRS. DOXTATOR) was named.

Dolly Doxtator, who married John Denny, died a few months, perhaps 3 months - before her mother.

Jacob Doxtator (son of Han Yerry) was accidentally killed by being jerked off of steps in a scuffle at Oneida Castle, in March, 1831, & had his neck broken. He used at times to over indulge in liquor.

An Oneida woman (I think she said Oneida) who apparently went to Canada in revolution with her husband - or her parents - & had a husband there, used in his cups to charge her with infedelity to him, with Jos. Brant, & beat her: At length she plainly told him he had wronged her; but she w'd hear it no longer - & left him; & finally had a daughter afterward by Brant, & that daughter was the mother of the present Elijah Skenando, near Seymour, Brown Co., Wis - ab't 68 (supposing his mother was 20 when he was born - would make her born about 1789); & [193] some years thereafter her husband persuaded her to return & live with him - which she did, he proving a kind husband ever after. Mrs Doxtator, my informant heard her relate this narrative to an aged Oneida woman at Oneida Castle many years ago - Oct. 30th '77.

(Conversation with Henry Powless) Oct. 30; 77: Henry Powless (his wife says he is 85 - but his sister Mary Hill, says she is only 82, & that Henry is 3 years younger, making him 79) is the oldest & hence head Chief of the Oneidas. His wife is an elder sister of Mrs. Jac'b Doxtator, & dau. Ab'm Denny.

Says HON YERRY DOXTATOR'S father was a Mohawk Dutchman - his mother a Shawanoe prisoner: That Hon Yerry died before informant has any recollection (hence, I think, ab't 1794 or 95, as he is mentioned as living, in Jones' Hist. of Oneida County, in 1793:) Don't know his age - born on the Mohawk somewhere.

Is quite certain it was not Oneida Castle that was burned by BRANT & the Indians (N.Y. Col. Doc. viii,725); & thinks it was the settlement on Oriskany. That Hon Yerry & other Oneidas - a good many - were in Oriskany battle; & also aided in driving off the British & Indians trying to undermine & blow up Ft. Stanwix. [194]

(Conversation with Aunt Polly Doxtator) From Aunt Polly Doxtator - who was born of Delaware parents at Cape May, New Jersey - & was raised by Rev. Hollingsmith, a Quaker, at Evesham, (N.J.?), eleven miles from Phil'a, where when a girl she saw Gen. Washington on some public occasion mounted on horseback, with his head uncovered, bowing to the public.

POLLY was born March 17th 1785 - Says pleasantly she came mighty near being a St. Patrick's man! When she was 17, in 1802, she went to live with the Oniedas - & married GEORGE DOXTATOR, having several children - JACOB DOXTATOR, & the wife of CORNELIUS DOXTATOR among them. Jacob D. being 72 years of age as both he & his mother state. Jacob D. is an interpreter on public occasions.

AUNT POLLY (who makes her home at the Cadle House, Green Bay, of which she speaks in the highest terms) says that CORNELIUS DOXTATOR, (HON YERRY'S SON & was his successor in the chieftaincy) was killed at the battle of Chippewa*(* see Jones' Oneida, 859. Weekly Messenger of the War, Vol.II, 373. Hist. Onondaga, I, 340. Jones' Hist. Oneida, 859. Weekly Messenger II, 379). Was born about 1758 - hence about 56 years old when killed, in July, 1814.

When JACOB DOXTATOR was born, the [195]oldest of the children, his mother was 40 years old; that Jacob was 77 when killed in March 1832 (that George Doxtator [Jacob's son] was born in Feb. 1833 - Jacob Doxtator was killed in the March preceding - 1832; & in June '33, moved to Green Bay - hence Aunt Polly, their daughter, Mrs. Cornelius Doxtator - are here after date when Jacob D. was killed). He was not a chief - but many years and interpreter. 1832 [-] 77 [=] Hence born in 1755. He was sometimes called Horley Lak [h?]- hill (Horley for Jacob).

ORISKANY BATTLE - Other Oneidas were in Oriskany battle; but can't tell numbers - perhaps a hundred. Hon Yerry was shot through the right wrist, so as to disable him from loading his gun - he on horseback, when his wife repeatedly loaded it for him, & he managed to a (?)im its contents at the enemy: He had [196] a sword hanging by his side, indicative of his rank as a captain or war leader. His wife had a gun also, and used it too in the fight.* (*ill. word) remarkable confirmation of this in Diary of Rev.(?):i,486.) So she related to my informant, & added that there was a good deal of close intermixing between Am'ns & British & Am'ns & British Indians, & she could see the British all around.

Both Jacob & Cornelius Doxtator were in battle of Savoy Creek (see Dawson's Battles, ii,243-4).

During some British & Indian invasion of the Mohawk Valley (1780?) an old German, tinctured with Toryism, and away from home, would as he was anxiously approaching it, enquire of such as he met, & personally knew, if his house was safe? On being assured that his house was all right, his Tory feelings would prompt him unconsciously to exclaim, in the fullness of his heart - "God Bless the King!" But not long after, he learned the dreadful reality that his homestead had indeed been consumed by the British marauders, and his family either killed, captured, or fled for their lives, where his political principles encountered a [197] sudden revolution, as he uttered a bitter and terrible imprecation - "G d d m the King!" & thenceforward repelling the destroyers of his home and comforts.

Skenando- He was with Brant & Indians when the wooden church at the Oneida Castle was burned, & some of the cabins near it; & also the Oriskany settlement. The Oneida warriors were than all away in the American Service; & it was said that it was Skenando who fired the church. So Jacob Doxtator Sr. used to relate it.

Skenando returned to the Oneidas five years after the war, & confessed his error & asked forgiveness.

Blatcup (Moses Schuyler's father) was a Pagan Chief, & died several years before the Oneidas removed to Wisconsin-- fully 80 years of age. Don't remember his war services-but he was active in the Revolutionary War.

Aunt Polly knew Hon Yost Schuyler a Mohawk German - very aged - lived at Connestota, & died about 1810 - talked Oneida fluently. Maybe he was BLATCUP'S father. [Ill. words] of Capt. John Onondaga, dom Good Peter. - Oct.30-31 [198]

[page 199 comprises a note to Draper from E.A. Goodnough, Missionary, announcing the death of Mrs. Polly Doxtator on Dec.14, 1882, aged 96 or (Goodnough's belief) 98. Also contains a newspaper obituary of the event.]

[Conversation with Cornelius Doxtator] From Cornelius Doxtator (grandson of Chief Cornelius Doxtator, who was killed at Chippewa in 1814) ab't 55 (I think he said). Educated - reads & writes English - Son-in-law of Aunt Polly Doxtator: Oct. 30 & 31st.

Cornelius Doxtator, Sr. was with Oneidas in battle of Chippewa in 1814 - was shot, when a Chippewa ran up, tomahawked & scalped him; & with others, captured Doxtator's two boys, Daniel and George, respectively 17 & 15, who were near their father; but some [written over: a party of two] Oneidas shot the Chippewa as he was clambering a fence, tomahawked & scalped him, & recovered the prisoner boys. He was about 56 years old - his brother Jacob born say in 1754, Dolly in 1756, & Cornelius in 1758.

Of the Oneidas commissioned by Congress in 1779 - the following definitions are given:

Hon Yerry Doxtator - as designated by Congress: "Hansjurie Te-wah-on-grah-kon." Cor's Doxtator writes it: Th-haw-en-ka-rag-wen, & means " He who takes up the Snow Shoe." Jacob Cornelius writes it himself - "Tho-wen-ga-ra-gwen," & says the definition as given is correct. [200]

Another Oneida Captain, Congress records as "Te-wag-tah-kot-te" - which Cor's Doxtator writes - "Te-wash-ko-te, "The Standing Bridge. Knows nothing of him.

Another Captain, Congress records: "James Wa-ka-ron-tha-rau" - Cornelius Doxtator writes it: James Wa-ka-ron-tah-ron -"The Lodging Tree" or One Tree Lodging against Another." Knows nothing of him.

Another Captain, Congress records: "John O-laa-wig-ton" & once the "l" is a "t": Cornelius Doxtator writes it "O-la-a-wis-ton-e," the Silver Smith. Can say nothing with any certainty about him.

Of the Lieutenants: Cornelius Ka-kek-ta-ton-"Huffs(?) Sticking Up" (See Hist. Onondaga, 1,350)

Han Yost Tha-ho-swa-gwat (so Cornelius Doxtator has it - Congress: Tha-o-sa-gwat - "His Lip Followed Him". [201]

(Of the Lieutenants - Han Yost Tha-o-sa-gwat was killed on SULLIVAN'S CAMPAIGN; John Sago-sa-ra-sie died in 1781; while three other lieutenants - viz; Christian Thonigwengh-so-harie, Joseph Bangh-sa-tir-hon, & Totyaneahani, deserted & exchanged their commissions. Another Lieutenant was Nicholas Kayhnatho- or Cusick, was a Tuscarora: These 4 Capt'ns, & 5 Lieutenants seemed to have all survived the war, & were settled with & paid to Jan. 1, 1782; & Louis Cook as Liet. Colonel. N.Y. Indian Treaties, i, 37,38).

Henry Powless' father Paul Powless - Ta-ha-swau-ga-lo-lus, the "Saw Mill" was in the Revolutionary War- was a chief, & hence his son succeeded him: Said he was in the siege of Ft. Stanwix - an express - & spy to learn about the British - was very fleet on foot. Some Oneidas were inside the fort; the others outside as pickets & spies: When he was alone, & in the woods some miles in advance of the fort, he [202] discovered the enemy approaching in the distance - & they discovered him at the same time. BRANT hailed him - begged him to stop as he was in the act of retreating, pledging his honor that he sh'd neither be hurt no detained: So Powless raised his gun, & invited BRANT to approach alone for an interview - as they would then be on an equality; but he ordered BRANT as he neared him to halt a few steps off - still presenting his gun, with his finger on the trigger, and bade Brant deliver whatever menssage he had to offer. BRANT insinuatingly offered him a large reward, & a plenty as long as he should live, if he would only join the King's side, & induce other Oneidas to do so , & help the British to take Fort Stanwix. POWLESS firmly rejected any such blandishments, saying he and his brother Oneidas had joined their fortunes with those of the Americans, & should share with them whatever good or ill might come. BRANT portrayed the great & resistless power of the King, and profess[ed] to deplore the ruin of the [203] Oneidas if they should foolishly and recklessly persist in their determination. POWLESS replied that he & the Oneidas would persevere, if need be, till all were annihilated; and that was all he had to say, when each retired his own way.

As POWLESS hastened to the fort, & reached his fellow Oneida pickets, the enemy had run with equal speed, and had commenced firing on the opposite side of the fort, while PAUL & his companions were entering on the other - & had even, in some measure, to fight their way in. The British then began to dig to undermine the fort, to blow it up; & Oneidas used to say, if they had not been there to aid in its defence, the fort might not have been saved. POWLESS spoke of the sortie; but can't remember whether any other Oneidas shared in it.

POWLESS stole out of the fort in the night, & went alone as far as Schenectady for aid - this during the siege. He moved to Wisconsin, & died in July, 1858* (CORNELIUS HILL writes that PAUL POWLESS died July 7, 1848. See Jones' Oneida C, p.73 ab't Powless) - born in 1759 - thinks he died some years earlier - was a member of the Episcopal Church - hence Church records should tell.) [204]

(Conversation with Jacob Doxtator) From Jacob Doxtator - 72 years old. Thinks old Hon Yerry's widow was about 105 - died in May, 1833 - hence born about 1728. (Doxtator's mother, Polly Doxtator, though HON YERRY'S WIDOW was 113, blind, & stooped or bent over very much.)

Says his grandfather, Jacob Doxtator, (Hon Yerry's oldest son), was 17 when the Revolution commenced in 1775; hence about 74 or 75 when killed in 1832. 1775 [-] 17[=] Born 1758 74 when killed in 1832 - Thinks about 300 Oneidas in Canada. has been there. Oct. 31, 1877.

(Conversation with Cornelius Hill) From Cornelius Hill - a young chief. Says DANIEL BREAD told him, that SKENANDO was on the British side; Yet HILL seemed to think there were some mitigating circumstances perhaps as Skenando went somewhere on public business, & was detained & imprisoned by the British. Says he will get any information for me he can - & though he speaks English well, says he cannot write it very well, & will get COR'S DOXTATOR to write out what may be necessary. Oct. 31 [204A]

(Conversation with Katy Hill) From Katy Hill - ab't 90 years old. She says her mother told her the church at Oneida Castle was burned during the Revolution by the British Indians. Has no personal or other knowledge of Hon Yerry or Good Peter.

(Conversation with Mary Hill) From Mary Hill - 82 years old - sister of Henry Powless - says he is 3 years younger than she is - is quite positive on this point. Has no recollection of HON YERRY or GOOD PETER - only vaguely heard of them.

Says her father, Paul Powless died about 1847, aged 89 years. [1847-] 89 [=] Hence born ab't 1758. (Incident of Powless see Jones' Hist. Oneida, p. 752) That he was 16 when in service = if so, was born ab't 1761, & entered service [2 ill. words] in 1777: Hence at 89, died in 1850, which would seem to be about the time. Has no recollection about his meeting BRANT as related by COR'S DOXTATOR. He used, however, to speak of Oriskany Battle; but said he was not in it - hence indirectly confirmatory of his being in Fort Stanwix.

He used to speak of the settlement on Oriskany being burned - [204B] that is was composed of Mohawks & Oneidas - mixed - quite a settlement. No recollection about the burning of the church at the Castle or elsewhere.

Nothing about CAPT. JOHN ONONDAGA nor of BLATCUP. Nov. 1, 1877.

(Conversation with Rachel Parkhurst) From Rachel Parkhurst - 84 years old - great grand-daughter of Skenando. Met some Am'm officer of prominence wished to send a letter on public business to the British in Canada - that SKENANDO was then a chief, & engaged in the American cause. That he could not prevail on any of his warriors to take it, when he saw if they shrunk from the long & dangerous service, he would not - & went accompanied by GOOD PETER. But the British seized & put them in prison; & finally released them on the pledge on SKENANDO'S part, that he would join & help the British, & do what he could to induce the Oneidas to join also - & as he had a thorough knowledge of the country, that he would pilot parties on British war expeditions. To save his life, [205] he accepted these hard terms. He was sore & stiff with the seventies of his wretched confinement, in chains, & thought he could only save his life by compliance with their terms - and (?), as the sequel will show, he made some mental reservations.

Unfit to travel, in his crippled condition, they provided him a horse on which to ride back; & BRANT led an expedition - as, if in part, at least, to hold SKENANDO to his pledge.

When BRANT & party neared Fort Stanwix, a dog met them in the woods which recognized SKENANDO - & the latter discovered that he belonged to his son DANIEL in Fort Stanwix. A brief message was written (Mrs. Parkhurst thinks it must have been by Brant, as he alone of the Indians could write) - saying: " You will find SKENANDO in the woods," describing the spot; & as they had heard nothing since his departure with the letter, his Oneida friends would naturally be anxious to learn the cause of his long absence. This brief message was rolled up & tied around the dogs neck, & he driven off to the [206] fort. The whites did not happen to see the paper; but the Indians did, & managed in some way to learn its contents - & on plea of going out hunting or spying, a few managed to get out & went their way to the place designated by SKENANDO'S note; & he ---probably BRANT the most [?] ---- induced them to join the British : a few others also of the appointment; & they too were over [?] - persuaded to remain - perhaps the three lieutenants commissioned by Congress, if this SKENANDO mission occurred after they were commissioned in the Spring & early Summer of 1779. The Am'ns in fort, as the Oneidas did not return, began to suspect something, & refused to let others go out. So comparatively but few of them were secured to the British interest.

Good Peter returned - & as he was not a warrior, he seems to have been permitted to go as he pleased, & returned to [207] his people & remained there - not joining the British.

Dan'l Skenando was not among those who went to visit his father & BRANT - he remaining true to the Americans.

No knowledge of BRANT & others burning the Oneida Castle church.

In 1777, SKENANDO was on the American side, & gave the Americans notice of the British & Indian approach towards Fort Stanwix.

And when he was with British parties, & they camped near the Oneidas or Americans, he used to stealthily slip away from camp in the night, travel considerable distance, to warn whites & his own people of danger. He always represented, that he was forced into (ill. word) British service, & held [?] till the end of the war; & doubltless his conscientious character had much to do with the fulfillment of the solemn pledge he had made.

When the war was over, BRANT [208] made advance[?] to persuade him to remain in Canada; but he said his case was different from the Mohawk Chiefs, as all his people had fled to Canada, & their lands were confiscated; but the most of the Oneidas remained in their native locality, & he would prefer to go back to his people.

Has no knowledge of any fights SKENANDO was in while with the British.

No [ill. word] about the destruction of an Oneida settlement.

No knowledge when GOOD PETER & CAPT. JOHN died [?]

Elijah Skenando is also a great grand child of old John Skenando


As SKENANDO was a fleet runner, & thus was enabled [ill.word] when held in [ill word] by the British, to give Oneidas, & Americans, notice of danger - hence the Oneidas the more readily received him on his return after the war. Don't know how long he was with the British.

Mrs. Parkhurst's son Henry helped in relating this narrative, which in part was from MOSES SCHUYLER. Nov. 1, 1877 [209]

"As-kan-on-d [?]e-ha, the Deer" - as written by Cornelius Doxtator - & "As-ga-non-ton-ha" as written by Jacob Cornelius, for Skenando's Indian name


(Conversation with Cornelius Wheelock) Cornelius Wheelock, born in Jan. 1802, at Oneida Castle, says that his grandfather Hendrick Smith, served with the Oneidas in the Revolution - & used to say that Hon Yerry was too ole for the service, yet used to go fearlessly into the fights.

(Conversation with Peter Smith) Peter Smith, son of Hendrick Smith* (* was of Oriskany band: Jones' Oneida, 661, 806), can give no particulars of his father's services - only that he served as long as nay of the Oneidas - & died near the close of 1838 (in wh. JACOB CORNELIUS concurs - as it was while he was absent to Washington between Nov. 1838 & his return in June, 1839 - this PEGGY SKENANDO, 81 years of age, & daughter of HENDRICK SMITH says in the fall of the year) at the age of 78 years. 1838[-] 78 [=] Born 1760 - & 17 when entered service. Got no pension. Nov. 1, 1877.

John Su[?]chequett[?] has a his. book ( in Oneida) left by Pete Jos. Powless, ab't housing matters in Oneida settlement - deaths & e[tc?]. [210]

(Conversation with Theresa Swamp) From Theresa Swamp - born in Canada: Don't know her age (generally by REV. Mr. GOODNOUGH & others called 105) her folks & other Oneidas went there (doubtless in 1777, when BRANT, the Mohawks & probably some others went): Her father's name was William - don't know what else; can't tell whether he was in service with BRANT & British; but supposes he was.

Has heard about Oriskany battle - can give no particulars; nor does she know whether her father was there.

No knowledge about SKENANDO with BRANT & the British.

Knew HON YERRY - she was in her teens when he died - about 16: So if he died ab't 1794, that would approximately fix her birth about 1778 - making her about 99 years old. Probably a little less, as she has no recollection of her Canada residence - nor anything about her & her people's return after the war to Oneida Castle. Thinks Hon Yerry was over 70 when he died: Probably a Pagan as there were but few then of the Christian Party. An ordinary sized man [211]

Of GOOD PETER, MRS. SWAMP can give no particular recollections nor of burning of Oneida settlement.

Only remembers seeing BRANT after the war when he visited the Oneida settlement - can tell nothing of his services. Nov.1, 1877.

(Conversation with Jacob Cornelius) From Jacob Cornelius, born near Oneida Castle, ab't Jan. 15, 1802 - a chief of the Oneidas since he was 18: son of W'M CORNELIUS, who died in 1851 aged 92; & his wife who died eleven years later, 1862, aged 93 years.

When 3 years old, W'M. CORNELIUS' mother ( he must from this date have been born about 1759 - hence 3 years old 1762) carried him on her back, & ran away on some alarm from the Oriskany settlement, into an adjoining swamp - with other women & children. Don't remember that there was any cause for the alarm. (Query - was not this some alarm say early in 1764 when the little war was carried on against the Delawares on the Upper Susquehanna - & Mohawks & Oneidas went against them? L.C.D.) [212]

No knowledge or tradition as to whether Oneidas were in Oriskany battle - Nor about any burning of Oneida church or settlement - nor ab't GOOD PETER or CAPT. JOHN.

His grandfather CORNELIUS lived through all the fighting in the Revolution in which the Oneidas took part; but can specify no particulars. His Indian name was Sha-go-yon-tha, or "Drag Him in the House." His father was a Mohawk - his mother an Oneida; & early lived at the mixed settlement on Oriskany.

Two Oriskany chiefs (names not remembered) sold the land at Oriskany, without letting the others know - hence the whole settlement went to Oneida Castle.

Both his grandmothers -- paternal & maternal -- could speak Mohawk - don't know that they were Mohawks. His paternal grandmother was a sister of Blatcop - she speaking Mohawk.

Blatcop's (Moses Schuyler's father) Indian name was Tha-ny-en-ta-ga-yon or Old Legs: died ab't 1819, aged about 80 - a very able warrior - no chief, but a counsellor of the nation* (* Plattcoff see Tracy's Men & Events of Oneida Co- p.7, Schoolcraft's ....) [213]

Cornelius, (Grandfather of informant) served all through the Revolution - can't tell whether he was an officer or not. He was a short, heavy man - thick neck, broad shoulders; went into the war of 1812 - was at Sacketts Harbor, Chippewa & other fights in which the Oneidas participated; lived till about 1832, when he died well nigh a century old.

Hon Yerry's widow was named Ty-o-na-ja-ne-gen, or Two Kettles Together. She died about 1822, fully 80 years, was blind.

There are 600 Oneidas in Canada - Muncy P.O. - settled there in 1857 - 20 years ago - purchased a tract of 5000 acres of land - AUGUST CORNELIUS & MOSES SCHUYLER were among the leaders of this settlement. They retain their tribal relation - the Governor General pledging the delegation that they sh'd not be disturbed in it, so long as they sh'd wish to retain it.

Jacob Cornelius is six feet three inches - weighing over 200 lbs. & finely proportioned. He was Pagan till ELEAZAR [214] WILLIAMS began to labor among the Oneidas - not abusively, but by reason & persuasion; the Oneidas soon dropped their Pagan customs - three days dances & feasts, & e[tc[. This work of Williams commencing in 1817.

Mr. CORNELIUS came with the first Oneida party in 1827, when he was 25, t Wisconsin, but returned, & finally removed in 1834. From 1827, they moved out generally in parties of about 80 successive times. Nov.1, 1877

(Conversation with John Cornelius) From John Cornelius - brother of preceding - born in 1811.

Has a brother REV. THO'S CORNELIUS at Oneida Castle - preacher & chief, aged 64 - His grandfather's full English name was Henry R. Cornelius

Knew WIDOW HON YOST, an Oneida woman, who said she was in Fort Stanwix when besieged, when she was ten or eleven years old.

Henry R. Cornelius & Hon Yerry were in Oriskany battle, & Blatcop particularly distinguished himself [215] there - whent 3 times through the fight, fighting with his tomahawk in a hand-to-hand fight, knocking right and left - a very famous warrior. He died about 1826 - not so early as JACOB CORNELIUS supposes, aged about 80 - quite broad[?] - was a heavy, vigorous common sized man.

Can't say whether CORNELIUS DOXTATOR was at Oriskany.

Much hard hand-to-hand fighting - Indians using spears & tomahawks.

Hon Yerry's wife mounted a horse a straddle, & hastened full [ill. word] down the Mohawk among the Dutch, notifying them of Oriskany battle - & thus a large body collected, & hurried forward. She died ---- long blind ---- about 1832 - perhaps a hundred years old.

SKENANDO was sent with a letter on public business, & made a prisoner - kept in confinement a good while; finally returned after giving the British such information as they wanted [216] about American localities - & they made him pilot a party (probably under BRANT) - & in some way he was retaken by the Americans.

In the first part of the war SKENANDO fought for the Am'ns - & it w'd rather seem as (if so) he must have fought at Oriskany on the Am'n side - & afterwards fought against them.

After the war he returned to Oneida - some of the Oniedas bitterly reproached him, & one even knocked him over the head, felling him, with his tomahawk, & came near killing him. Nov. 2, 1877. [217]

[Excerpt from Conversation with Elijah Skenando] Platcoff was in a fight (Oriskany), & tomahawked & wounded a British Indian there, breaking his arm, when some friend of PLATCOFF came up & helped him dispatch him. He was a great soldier. Informant thinks he was about 16 or 17 when PLATCOFF died - hence ab't 1828.

Of COL. HON YERRY (DOXTATOR), no knowledge of his services. His widow Te-na-ge-na, or Two Kettles Together, took part [243] in the battle of Oriskany, riding her horse a-straddle, & was brave. She died very aged. [244]