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NETXQRP August 2001 Meeting

Well, the 12th monthly meeting of the NETXQRP is history. There was a very small but dedicated group present. The summer vacation season must be taking it's toll. With the ending of this meeting the Northeast Texas QRP Club was officially 1 year old!

There were only 5 members present.

Here's three-fifths of the August group.

Don-K5DW, Mike-KD5KXF, and Chuck-W5USJ discuss various QRP related subjects.
Bill-K5JHP and George-W5YR are probably scoping out the prize table!

The door loot table was sorta skimpy this month!

Chuck checks out his haul from the prize drawing!

Hope to see everyone on September 15, 2001 for our 1st anniversary meeting!

And that about wraps it up. We'd love to have you visit anytime you're in the area. The front page of our website, always has the latest information on our meetings. Please stop by!