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Newsmakers in December 2000

Jeff Kovar

Kovar, or Tovar as he's been known recently is much over due for Person of the month. Most recently, and perhaps most importantly, he's played a key role as Jim Day co-founder. For many, this would be the achievement of a lifetime, but for Tovar, this is only the tip. Because we’re limited for space, all of his accomplishments cannot be included here, but a couple of the more impressive feats in the life of Tovar are as follows:

He was born in 1973 as Jeffrey Scott Kovar, and it was soon obvious that he was headed for greatness. Only 10 years later he was on the World Champion 1983 Dodger team that overcame stacked odds against a Yankee team that had it in the bag and then choked only because of the intensity applied by Tovar and the Dodgers. Shame, the Yankees should have won that year, but they didn’t.

Aside from his recent duties with Jim Day, Inc., he continues to put out the hits as a singer-songwriter. Enough said, as I’m sure you all know, but a few songs we all know by heart include, “Cowboys Suck”, “Lionel Ritchie Loca” and the ever popular “Three Legged Monkey.” Last year Tovar co-wrote his first X-mas carol, again walking on unchartered waters as the song was received with dry open arms by the masses, as though the protective force of the sweet umbrella would have it no other way.

Toma "S" Rusk

Toma is relatively new in Jim Day circles. Reasons for inclusion as a December newsmaker are simple, well, quite frankly, she wanted in, which is more than we can say about most, God only knows why.

Toma is a "fuckin' world traveler” (a quote from Mona Lisa Vito, played by Oscar winning actress Marisa Tomei, in the 20th Century Fox movie “My Cousin Vinny”) to the truest extent. She has residence in both Florida (where she works for a division of Disney as a reservations manager and for the Atlanta Braves spring training camp) and Germany, where she does the same thing but for Oktoberfest and a minor league soccer team.

Aside from all her other journeys, she paid a visit to A-town during some down time not too long ago. While efforts were put forth to convince her to stay, her loyalty to family and career took her back to FLA too soon. Currently, she’s busy dodging chad, and more importantly, Toma sent me a birthday card, which will always helps in determining “Newsmakers”.

City of the Month:

Newport News, Virginia

Marvin of the Month:

Marvin "Snoop" Minnis

Marvin is Heisman Trophy winner

Chris Weinke's favorite target.

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