Here's some of my pictures from the San Antonio concert - sorry, they're not as good as my Tulsa or KRBE ones! I was about as close, but due to the intense heat, and the fact that I was almost dehydrated, I wasn't as focused on taking pictures this time. I had to miss the encore due to a fight between a buncha animals over Taylor's towel - I got pulled into it, and had to get a guard to get me out of the crowd and spray me down with water cuz I was hysterical! But, it was a fun concert anyways! Enjoy the pics. And yes I'm aware there's literally none of Zac and only a few of Isaac - Zac is so far back my little rinky dink camera doesn't take good pictures of him, and I really couldn't see Isaac most of the time. I wasn't trying to play favorites - Taylor was the only one I could take good pictures of. :-) Once again, no trading or selling. Sorry!

Pictures of me and the people I met at Sea World!

Terri, me and Cassi, who we met at the KRBE studios in June

Me and Jenna (twistedangel) from

Me and Terri with Christina and Stephanie

Brianna, me, Chelsea and Brooke (the HHFU officers)

A bunch of Hanson fans at Sea World

Hope you enjoyed my pictures :-)

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