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Simon LEGUM (son of Mordecai) (originally PARSNER or POSE?) (not directly related to the Yerochak LEGUM families - see Yerochak Legum Families - but took their surname when came over and settled in same area of Va.) (-Aug.22, 1927, age 78, "40 years in America") married Annie C. (Naomi Krona) RESNIK (-Feb.28, 1919, age 62, 23 years in Berkley; see Resnik Families; sis of Jennie Fay, who married Isaac LEGUM, see Isaac Legum Family Tree)

1. Maurice (b.Europe) married (1914, age 30) Miriam Charlotte BRENER (age 20 at marriage) (of Terre Haute, Indiana; daugh. of Jacob and Rose BRENER)

2. Rose Leah married (Mar.2, 1913, age 21) Jacob Robert LEGUM (age 32 at marriage) (son of Abraham and Annie LEGUM, see Abe Legum Family Tree; widow, formerly married to Lena JACOBSON)

3. Mary married (1898) Max STARK (brother of Mrs. Mary (Rudolph) SACKS; son of L. and E. STARK)

- Ollie

- Lew married Esther LESSER

4. Harry (-age 94, Norfolk, Va.) married Alma DAVIDSON

- Charles S. of Norfolk

- Stanley E. of Fairfax, Va.

5. Sam (-Oct.10, 1934) married Ida NOTKIN

- Naomi married David LEWIS

- Libby married Sidney FOX

6. Louis/Lewis married (1918, age 29) Rose WEINSTEIN (age 20 at marriage, of Balto., daugh. of S. and Rebecca WEINSTEIN)