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This is my webpage... It mostly contains shit I wanted to put on here...

Me and my Baby... Love you, Shay!

My NEW Pictures
My OLD Pictures
My Other OLD Pictures
Of The Absence Pics 4/12/2003
My Poems...
Pics of Jakob
Last Update:3/7/2003

Here's The Pics From Shays house... There'll Be More Soon
Party Pics...

Whats up, guys... I finally got a little time online... So I figured I could write some new shit on the front page. Had a good time at Shay's on saturday, hope everyone there did too, If you werent there you missed out, at least on the keg... Sorry you couldn't see any titties, Rawb, but you did your best!I'll be putting some pics up shorty... But between work and Shay, time is limited. Anyways Hope all is well. And I'll see you all soon. Keep ya'lls asses out of trouble so you wont be in the same fuckin boat as me! Fuckin Stoners.

August 2002
**** OZZFEST 2002 ****

God what a kickass time. Shay and I left Friday evening for San Antonio... Overnight a tropical depression moved in and when we woke up it was nearly flooding. But did that stop us from haveing a good time, hell no. We were moshing around in 3" of water nearly the whole day. The second stage was really great, I got to see some of my favorite up and comers and some I'd never heard. One band definitly got my attention. Their name is Chevelle, by now you've probably heard of them. They were really great and are constantly getting played on our CD players. By the time the main stage opened up we were completely wiped out, but you can't go to Ozzfest and not see Ozzy, so we stuck it out. Rob Zombie was really great, and it was cool to see him without all the theatrics he usually uses at his concerts. But the best part of the night was System of a Down. They were everything I'd hoped. My only complaint is that they didn't play Suite-pee. Other than that it was great. And of course Ozzy kicked serious ass, Zakk Wylde is a god, no doubt about it. But after 3 or 4 songs, I needed a bed and a pizza, so we took off back to the hotel. All I can say about it is I am definitly going to Ozzfest every year until the crazy bastard gets too old to play, which I hope is a long way down the road.

**** Kittie Concert****

I went to the Chimaira/Ill Nino/Kittie concert at the Engine Room in Houston, and i have to say that there isnt a more fun concert to go to. I really love all the new Metal coming out now. Chimaira is my favorite new band, so I was really excited to to see them. Ill Nino I didnt know, but after their set, I am a REAL big fan. They are like 5 guys, all with dreads(lucky bastards), and the lead singer has this voice thats just so pissed off. They have some really nice harmonious parts that just drop off into hardcore metal. The pit was awesome... Then Kittie took the stage. I love Morgan Landers, so I was really excited to see them. They played a great show, with a new edition. I didnt get his name, but there was this old rocker dude playing guitar with them. HE was a badass. After the concert Zac, Steven, and I had a conversation with the bassist from Chimiara... Then Tara and Chelsea wanted to leave... But i definitly got my moneys worth. So if you have the chance to see any of these three bands, do it.

AUGUST 14TH, 2000
****Just an Update Because I'm Bored****

OK, so whats up with ya'll??? Well, this past Sunday was the first "This Aint No Country Music Festival" punk rock concert... It was held at Chase McClasky's barn... It was a really great concert... There were four local punk band: Special Edition, Sloppy Seconds, Wholesale Price, and Lou Dog... Then at the last minute, we found out that the guys from Lou Dog had gotten a hold of the band Next To Nothing, who played the side stage at Warped Tour this year... Needless to say, It was a badass show, there is one already in the works for October/November, and seeing how good this show was, it'll only get better... well, I guess thats all for now, when I get more information, I'll let ya'll know... Oh yeah, I got a full roll of pictures from the concert, when I get them developed, I'll post some of them.... Later!

I have nothing to live for, and nothings gonna come my way. -Otis Redding


Ill Nino

Of The Absence- Zac Vanya's band... They kick ass!
OZZFEST 2003 You NEED to go!
Slipknot... New Cd this year!!!
Funky Circus Fleas- They kick ass!!!
Road Runner Records, Lots of good bands on this label...
Shadows Fall, REALLY cool band, AND they're at OZZFEST 2003!
My Boy Rob's website. Got Pics of some recent parties!
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