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Click on blue ribbon to go to the Electronic Frontier Foundation Homepage.
Our [American] spirit is watered by three streams of thought, originally distinct, but here mingled: The eighteenth century enlightenment view of progress toward social reason, or what we Americans know as the Jeffersonian ideal; The Romanticist view of man’s diversity, inventiveness and love of risk by which society is forever kept in flux, forever changing; The native tradition of Deafness to Doctrine which permits our Federal system to subsist at the same time as it provides free room for carrying out the behests of our other two beliefs
-- Jacques Barzun in God’s Country and Mine
Vote: The instrument and symbol of a free man's power to make a fool of himself and a wreck of his country.
--Ambrose Bierce
The poor man really has a stake in the country. The rich man hasn't; he can go away to New Guinea in a yacht. The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all. Aristocrats were always anarchists...
-- G. K. Chesterton The Man Who Was Thursday (1908) [Amazon link]
To gain an integrated individuality, each of us needs to cultivate his own garden. But there is no fence about this garden: it is no sharply marked-off enclosure. Our garden is the world, in the angle at which it touches our manner of being. By accepting the corporate and industrial world in which we live, and by thus fulfilling the pre-condition for interaction with it, we, who are also parts of the moving present, create ourselves as we create an unknown future.
--- John Dewey Individualism Old and New

General Information

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Past Teaching Assignments

Brookhaven College

Washtenaw Community College

  • Taught the introductory FORTRAN course for Unisys (Burroughs) A-Series machines

University of Michigan

  • Gave special presentations in Arthur Burks's Computer Architecture course on Unisys (Burroughs) B1700-B1900 architecture. This processor used dynamically loaded micro code and literally changed its architecture depending on the language used to write the application.

Kalamazoo College

  • Taught both the introductory Calculus and Computer Science courses as well as the advanced course on programming languages and data structures.
  • Appointed Senior Teaching Fellow in Mathematics and taught a pre-calculus course as part of the appointment.

Other Presentations

If Object-Oriented is the Answer what was the Question? at Sabre, Inc.

An Algebraic Approach to Modeling in Software Engineering at the Third International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 25 June 1993. Preprint Version

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Work Experience

Microchip Technologies, Inc.

Working on the PIC32 Compiler

TippingPoint Technologies

Wireless Seismic Data Collection

Part of a team of contractors doing initial board bring-up for I/O Systems wireless seismic data colelction system FireFly.

Gift Card Dispenser

Brought up the initial version of Long Range System's Gift Card Kiosk.

Compiler Construction

Senior Compiler Engineer on the XtoolZ Team at ZiLOG's Fort Worth Design Center. Developed and maintained compiler and other development tools based on the PLC SD/ToolSmith development system. The design center was closed in February 2004 and it's function's transferred to the Seattle Design Center and ZIEL in Banglore, India.

Yield Management

Worked at SABRE Airline Solutions as part of the team developing the core application software for AIRMAX O&D yield management system.

Travelocity's Flight Paging

I was team leader and designer for the original Flight Paging service from Travelocity.

Intelligent Agent

I developed some prototype agent applications. Our work was part of the 1996 Dartmouth Workshop on Transportable Agents and a summary may be found here.

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Census Data Browser (Ulysses)

Ulysses a census database browser developed at the Consortium for International Earth Sciences and Information Network (CIESIN) under the direction of C.V. Ravishankar. Ulysses makes a represenative subsample of the U.S. Census Data available on-line to demographers and others. The processing methods for this data were developed as part of dissertation research for Ming-Ling Lo (Spatial Databases) and Wee-Keong Ng (Statistical Databases) The search and retrieval engines were to be the basis for other projects at CIESIN.
I worked on the X/Motif interface to Ulysses using UIM/X and provided the interface between the GUI and the search engine. The GUI was designed to be a user-friendly interface for non-technical users. The GUI featured the usual buttons and an interactive query-builder that highlighted only the valid next tokens. An idea first seen in the legendary Burroughs VM-1 system. (You haven't heard of it because its legendary :-)

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Super Conducting Supercollider

The Superconducting Super Collider Project one of the most amazing projects never built. Ultimately the victim of a cost-cutting Congress wanting a symbolic victory, the SSC would have not only addressed some of the fundamental questions about the constituents of matter, but it would also have provided the opportunity to engineer a system of massive scale and complexity. The tunnels alone were more than twice the length of the Chunnel .

How Much Would it Cost?

Congress spent $3/year for every American on the SSC-- by contrast the Department of Defense spends about $1000 for every American in 1996-1997.

What Happened?

The Supercollider was cancelled because the new Congress, facing deficits as far as the eye could see, decided that it was too expensive. Of the 100 new Congressmen elected in 1992, eighty of them voted against funding the project in 1994.

The cancellation came in October 1993 after spending approximately $2,000,000,000 (two billion dollars). The total cost to the taxpayer will never be known because once the shut-down funds were expended (approximately $640,000,000) anyone with a claim has to sue the U.S. Government. The will be no final accounting that includes these costs.

Besides Congress, the DOE and SSC management share the blame for the SSC's cancellation by making the project appear worse off than it was. Sam Donaldson of ABC's 20/20 gets special mention for his help in burying the project by lumping the SSC in with government projects like Tea Tasting and testing the viscosity of ketchup.

I was a Team Leader in the Controls Department of the Superconducting Super Collider. Our department served as system integrator for the various components of the SSC.

Recycling the Super Collider, an article from the Dallas Morning News, may be found here. An article on the Ellis County Museum's Super Collider memorabilia may be found here .

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National Archives and Records Administration

The Optical Digital Image Storage System (ODISS 1986-1988) was a pilot program at the National Archives and Records Administration. ODISS put 2,000,000 Confederate Civil War Muster Records from Tennessee on-line using 12-inch Optical Disks stored in a refrigerator-sized SONY Jukebox. NARA showed this system to the Spanish National Archives in Madrid which later used the same idea in their Quincentenary Christopher Columbus Archive.

I was responsible for the team developing the various scanners, the design documetation and wrote the disk management routines used in all of the servers. Systems Development Corporation developed and delivered ODISS to NARA under contract.

NARA's report on ODISS in compressed Postscript or WordPerfect format may be found on the NARA gopher here. Other references at Optical Technology and Archives Preservation Resource Review.

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Federal Reserve High-Speed Check Processing

The Federal Reserve uses check sorters to processes the huge volume of checks presented to the bank every day. The check sorters are also huge. Initially, Burrough Corporation provided many of these machines to the Fed. These larger machines were developed at the Tireman Avenue plant outside of Detroit. In 1982, Burrough moved all the sorter development to Plymouth, Michigan and began to aggressively upgrade the equipment to handle bigger check volumes. Previously all of the high-speed large-volume sorters were connected to the Burroughs Medium System (later V-series) mainframes. These mainframes were capable of reading the numbers off of a check and deciding which pocket to send a check to while the checks were flowing at 800 ips through the sorter. The mainframe had approximately 17 milliseconds to make the pocket select decision.

Burroughs developed a system that put Motorola 68000-based single-board computers in the high-speed sorters. The mainframe now only needed to download the sort tables and retrieve the batch totals. These systems were the basis for many of the current check-processing systems from .

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Published Papers

Loegel, Ravishankar "An Algebraic Approach to Modeling in Software Engineering." AMAST 1993

AMAST'93: Advance Programme

Milos, Pleban, Loegel "Direct Implementation of Compiler Specifications or the Pascal P-code Compiler Revisited." POPL 1984

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Certificat d'Etudes Commerciales en Langue Francaise (1997)

The Chamber of Commerce for Paris, France issues this certificate to people who pass the Chamber's written and oral test on the French language. The Certificate indicates that you know enough business French to work in a typical French office.

Kalamazoo College

B.A. with Majors in Mathematics and Physics (1973)

University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)

Erstwhile Ph.D. Committee (EECS Michigan)

C.V. Ravishankar

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N.B. All of the opinions expressed on this page are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employers past or present.