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- There were many emails and entries left in my guestbook that I've gotten over the time 1st Alarm has been open. Recently I lost my guestbook for some strange reason including everything inside of it, but, was able to save these. Most of which are emails, nonetheless, they are emails I enjoy reading over and over.


Thank you for the compliments on my poems! I wrote them some time ago and when my friend, River Oaks Police Chief Terry Fiene, asked me if I could create a memorial for the fallen fire fighters I thought these poems properly described what so many were at a loss for words for at the time. The photos were actually from local papers that Mr. Fiene scanned and sent for me to use. You are more than welcome to put my poems on your site and it would be greatly appreciated if you could put a credit for me linked to

I took the opportunity to visit your 1st alarm web site this evening and was quite impressed with the work you have done and your plans with becoming a fire fighter...Bravo! It is very inspiring to see someone so young and ambitious willing to serve their community in such a hazardous career. Far from being classified as a fire fighter, I too enjoyed a career for several years as Forest Ranger in the Sandilands Provincial Forest in Manitoba, CANADA. Enclosed for your amusement is a little web page I did long ago that include some photos from my days with the Department of Natural Resources.

Good luck with your future endeavors Whitney and take care!

Best Regards,
Vincent Proteau
VAPonline - Innovative Multimedia Solutions

Thanks for the kind words about our website. I looked at yours and I must say thanks for making a place dedicated to firefighters and those who have died in the line of duty. It's a great site and I hope you are able to keep working on it. Thanks again for your dedication to preserving the memories of our lost firefighters.

Brandon Thetford
( Double Oak Fire Department)

Dear Whitney,

Hi, My name is John Randall. I am a firefighter at central station in Lewisville; I read your letter and poem today. I just want to thank you for taking the time to write to us. I think it is really great that you want to be a firefighter/paramedic. It is letters like yours that remind me that what I do touches lives in a small way. It is a tremendous experience. I'm pretty new at it, but I think it is awesome. I also visited your web site. Great job! Thanks for your prayers!!

P.S. I also like Rich Mullins.


Wow! I went to your web site and was pleasantly surprised at all the work you've done there. Way to go! I hope all is well with you and your family. Thank you for posting the poems and sending me the email. Take Care.

Best Regards,
Vincent Proteau
VAPonline - Innovative Multimedia Solutions

I am going to post a link to your site on Firehouse.Com in the forums section. Thousands of firefighters read them everyday and I would like to share with them your website which I fell upon quite by chance while "surfing the net". I am going to direct them to the "heroes" section and especially to the last line from July 27, 2000. It is such a simple comment but yet it is so very important to remember even when we (the US fire service) are at a low coping with the murder of 343 of our brothers to keep our chins up and keep "doing what we do". Keep up the good work.

Thanks for thinking of us...

FF/EMTI Jay Ellingson
Local 1153
Laconia NH FD

Whitney, I enjoyed the work that you've done on the site and I'm honored to know that inspired you for the idea. Keep up the great work and my best with your work toward being a firefighter!

Eric Bush
The Last Alarm

Somebody e-mailed me the URL to your website, I am not sure who but I am glad they did. As the Chief of the River Oaks Fire Department it does me good to see that my fallen comrades that I love dearly are still having an effect. Our worst fear is that our friends Brian, Phillip, and Gary will be forgotten. But your fine words and beautiful website show us that is not likely to happen anytime soon. Thank you for your hard work and good luck to you in the future. As both a career and volunteer firefighter I am completely convinced that I have the best job in the world and would go toe to toe with anyone who disagrees.

Keep up the good work,

Chief Bill Crews
River Oaks Volunteer Fire Department

*If you had an entry featured here and would rather it not be seen, feel free to email and I will respect your wishes.