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Stupid People Suck

(i.e. people in as we grow and their friends
and people who tell me i'm a poser)

Have you ever said to yourself...God this person is really stupid??? Well, it seems like i've been saying that a lot lately. Like this dude...I don't know let's say he's a friend of this band we'll call As We Grow(dumb name huh?). This dude, we'll call him XDACX. Anyways, XDACX goes to my gb and writes something along the lines of:"yer so psuedo.dude im gonna send you a marker to make a "punks not dead" suck.your girlfriens ugly nice COC shirt you cockmaster". So me being the LORD and all, I'm not gonna let some dude write something that mean and get away with it especially since he thinks my SLAVE does the website and its me so i go to the gb he gave me which is the As We Grow gb and I write:"Yo dudes. ONE of you boneheads by the name of XDACX signed my gb. I just wanted to say that ur really stupid whoever you are. First of all you thought my boyfriend did the website and its me...which if u knew how to read u'd know that and also i'm not a pseudo punk. You can think whatever u want doesn't really matter to me. I just came here to tell u think ur so wrong about me. Also I not ugly". From that everyone is As We Grow and all of their stupid friends signed like 30 entries in my gb telling me how worthless and dumb i am. They said things that made no sense whatsoever and as far as i know their all stupid. I mean it's my webpage and if you don't like it then leave it. You don't have to waste my time by putting me down just so that you can feel better about ur sorry old self.

I also hate people who sign my gb telling me i know nothing about punk when how would they know. I mean, they don't know me so how do they have the right to tell me what i know and what i don't. All stupid people should go to their own little stupid island in the south pole and have fun being what they are...STUPID.

Oh God i freakin hate people. Now this stupid liz girl has signed my gb saying my beautiful site is lame and then she friend signs the gb after vic goes to Liz's site saying that its stupid to go to someone's website saying its lame when u don't want anyone doing it to you. So yeah now all of her friends are giving me dumb intelligence and it's turning into that broc thing and oh yeah they think it's vic's website too. God peeple are so dumb.

I Also HATE racist people. I mean like whether your white, black, hispanic, asian, or whatever. People shouldn't hate other people just b/c they weren't born a certain color. I mean that's just dumb. Besides why can't we all love one another. Racist peeple are the most stupid people of all.

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If you think stupid people suck then sign my gb.